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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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How can Trump turn Rubio winning puerto rico into dog whistle? That will be what I watch for this week.

"Look, little Rubio won in Puerto Rico. Ok, I get it. He was always going to do well there. You hang around the Gulf of Mexico and you're gonna find some Rubio voters. But let me tell you something folks, when I'm president that wall is going up and they're not coming in folks. And Mexico is paying for the wall, believe me."

Cue a day of coverage about Trump lumping Puerto Rico in with Latin American countries.


Look. I love them. They're good people. Puerto Ricans. I hired them, okay? I hire them. They're beautiful. But, we all know why Little Marco won in Puerto Rico, okay? We all know. And that's fine. But you're not going to make America Great Again with people like that. That's all I'm saying. It's like Maine, too close to Canada. Puerto Rico? It's close to Cuba. And it won't be protected by the wall. But, it's not a yuge deal. Little Marco got a win.


this is almost too real


Hillary certainly can hit a home run. Lmao!

Hillary when trying to write something on Reddit:

Some guy bet me $100 that Clinton would be indicted before the election. Occasionally he tags me in FB posts and links with comments like, "The hammer is falling!" It's somewhat amusing.

Today, he provided a link to a site called Truth and Action, which you know has to be legit just from the name, and it was a January 26th story in which Tom Delay claimed the FBI was threatening Lorreta Lynch, telling her she better indict Hillary (with the obvious implication that they found the smoking gun.) Tom Delay attributes the info to anonymous sources in the FBI.

Of course, there has been no mention of this story since then and no corroboration from anyone.

And not sure why he posted it when its from end of January.

How can Trump turn Rubio winning puerto rico into dog whistle? That will be what I watch for this week.

Since when does Trump use dog whistles?


Look. I love them. They're good people. Puerto Ricans. I hired them, okay? I hire them. They're beautiful. But, we all know why Little Marco won in Puerto Rico, okay? We all know. And that's fine. But you're not going to make America Great Again with people like that. That's all I'm saying. It's like Maine, too close to Canada. Puerto Rico? It's close to Cuba. And it won't be protected by the wall. But, it's not a yuge deal. Little Marco got a win.

Reminds me off this post I read on FB yesterday.

I've decided to start answering all questions in the way of Donald Trump.
"Sarah, what are your plans for the weekend?"

Well let me just start by saying that I have enormous respect for you. You're a great person and we always get along beautifully. I WILL do something this weekend and it's going to be huge. It's going to be great. It's going to be way better than anything you're going to do. In fact, it'll be the best thing anyone has ever done. I've looked at some polls and they all agree with me. I'm winning in every category. Everybody loves me.

"But didn't you say the other day that you were just going to paint your nails and watch
Battlestar Galactica?"
I did not say that. You are the biggest liar I've ever met. A really dirty liar. I've actually heard people call you some truly terrible names but I won't do that because that would be rude. But you're a basket case. Although, I am the best at painting nails. Way better than anyone else. And I'm going to cut the best deal on nail polish you've ever seen in your life. Ulta is going to lose. I'm going to beat them. And I am very pro Battlestar Galactica. More so than anyone else ever. Nobody knows Battlestar Galactica like I do. Commander Adama has personally endorsed me. I've been a big contributor to that show and I've won many, many awards. If you look at the polls you will see that I have done very well with every category, even the Cylons. The Cylons love me. I'm actually going to negotiate a deal between the Twelve Colonies and the Cylons. I am the best.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I would imagine Tom Delay would have sources in the FBI. You know. From when he went to prison.
Some guy bet me $100 that Clinton would be indicted before the election. Occasionally he tags me in FB posts and links with comments like, "The hammer is falling!" It's somewhat amusing.

Today, he provided a link to a site called Truth and Action, which you know has to be legit just from the name, and it was a January 26th story in which Tom Delay claimed the FBI was threatening Lorreta Lynch, telling her she better indict Hillary (with the obvious implication that they found the smoking gun.) Tom Delay attributes the info to anonymous sources in the FBI.

Of course, there has been no mention of this story since then and no corroboration from anyone.

And not sure why he posted it when its from end of January.
Judging by the latest WaPo article out today, it's getting pretty bleak:



The Flint WaterWorks initiative is set to provide jobs for 100 teenagers and young adults in the community during the city's water crisis.

The program is a partnership between Flint Mayor Karen Weaver and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The initiative received a $500,000 contribution from J.B. and M.K. Pritzker to the Community Foundation of Greater Flint. One of the goals is to find employment or provide a springboard toward higher education for 16- to 24-year-olds in the city.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
You mean tax cuts for the rich actually hurt the economy? I'm shocked. SHOCKED.

Democrats should be putting situations like this and Kansas on TV year-round. I can't believe how bad the DNC is at messaging.

Why are they so bad at messaging? So many freebies.
Why are they so bad at messaging? So many freebies.

This isn't a "messaging" issue. Its a not having endless piles of money to throw at framing ads issue. Don't expect something like that until George Soros decides to pony up a couple hundred million dollars for a SuperPac.

User 406

Of course, but that doesn't mean you should disregard it's importance simply because of that. Some people certainly do. I think it naturally happens when your party holds the whitehouse. Does it suck those Republican governors are blocking Medicaid expansion? Of course, but hey, states have the right to fuck over their constituents. It's not a perfect system and in the end the people are responsible for fixing the system. That's what I'm taking about, fixing the broken Electoral College.

Fuck states' rights. The bulk of what our meth labs of democracy do is find ways to screw people over by undercutting federal standards as much as possible. Local budgets being tied purely to local tax bases only serves to deepen wealth inequality and allow corporations to engage in interstate colonialism by demanding ridiculous tax subsidies and legislatively entrenched monopolies from communities desperate for jobs. And then governors have the power to refuse federal funds over idealogical power games? Not worth the rare moments when a state does something nice. Fucked up public schools, lead in the fucking water supply, voting rights suppressed, women's health clinics forced to close, civil asset forfeiture, regionally depressed wages, regulatory races to the bottom, all because we let areas of the country pretend they're sovereign entities.

Federalism is a waste. A big fat mess.

lol okay it was a stealth brag. Sunday is the best day to go! Not much to brag about anyway, I'm not a beefcake.

Some guy bet me $100 that Clinton would be indicted before the election. Occasionally he tags me in FB posts and links with comments like, "The hammer is falling!" It's somewhat amusing.

Today, he provided a link to a site called Truth and Action, which you know has to be legit just from the name, and it was a January 26th story in which Tom Delay claimed the FBI was threatening Lorreta Lynch, telling her she better indict Hillary (with the obvious implication that they found the smoking gun.) Tom Delay attributes the info to anonymous sources in the FBI.

Of course, there has been no mention of this story since then and no corroboration from anyone.

And not sure why he posted it when its from end of January.

Since when does Trump use dog whistles?

funny how these whistleblowers go to former republican congressmen and not, yknow, actual journalists
Fuck states' rights. The bulk of what our meth labs of democracy do is find ways to screw people over by undercutting federal standards as much as possible. Local budgets being tied purely to local tax bases only serves to deepen wealth inequality and allow corporations to engage in interstate colonialism by demanding ridiculous tax subsidies and legislatively entrenched monopolies from communities desperate for jobs. And then governors have the power to refuse federal funds over idealogical power games? Not worth the rare moments when a state does something nice. Fucked up public schools, lead in the fucking water supply, voting rights suppressed, women's health clinics forced to close, civil asset forfeiture, regionally depressed wages, regulatory races to the bottom, all because we let areas of the country pretend they're sovereign entities.

Federalism is a waste. A big fat mess.

Why is state rights bullshittery called federalism? Shouldnt it be anti federalist?

User 406

Why is state rights bullshittery called federalism? Shouldnt it be anti federalist?

Wikipedia said:
Federalism is a political concept describing the practice whereby a group of members are bound together by agreement or covenant (Latin: foedus, covenant) with a governing representative head. It refers to a system of government in which sovereignty is constitutionally shared between a central governing authority and constituent political units (such as states or provinces).[1] Leading examples of such a political system, or federation, include Switzerland, Germany, the United States, Canada, Australia and India. Federalism is a system based upon democratic rules and institutions in which the power to govern is shared between national and provincial/state governments.

Admittedly, there are nations with federal systems out there that seem to be not stepping on their dicks, but clearly with our history we aren't capable of handling it because our states just seem to want to engage in fuck you got mine asshattery. The Civil War is the strongest argument for why our states have no business being anything more than administrative provinces, and everything they've done since then has underscored that.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Why couldn't Debbie ban caucuses? Like that's one thing you would think she would want to do. Looking back, it's kind of amazing Hillary did well in Iowa at all; she should have been blown out.
Why couldn't Debbie ban caucuses? Like that's one thing you would think she would want to do. Looking back, it's kind of amazing Hillary did well in Iowa at all; she should have been blown out.

It's up to the state. The party doesn't really get a say in it. States prefer caucuses because they're run by the party. Primaries are run by the states and paid for by the states as well .


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Wow I had no idea how much Cruz looks like McCarthy. Creepy.
Bernie and Cruz are right about the Export-Import Bank, but it's not particularly important and not nearly as important as their psycho ideas otherwise with regards to trade.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Bernie and Cruz are right about the Export-Import Bank, but it's not particularly important and not nearly as important as their psycho ideas otherwise with regards to trade.

I think calling Exim corporate welfare is probably a fair characterization, but needlessly negative. The government provides credit support that allows American businesses to compete internationally. I think it's a great idea and I wish we had more public/private partnerships like that.

I don't think we have to mark Exim down as some corrupt baby born from money in politics. I don't see why its continued existence means we can't also take care of our people. Boeing ran an Exim-backed supply chain finance program to support their small and diversity suppliers.

People targeting Exim should take hike IMO.
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