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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Also, there's nothing to keep Trump for continuously running in GOP primaries. His "audience" (for lack of a better term) almost seems like their crazy enough to go along for the ride of him making more multiple runs even after losing a GE.
Holy shit.
Guess who said the same thing, but in October 2015?

Why don't several of you have jobs writing about this shit.. It's actually shocking how far ahead you were.

PoliGAF as a whole is like 6 months ahead of Nate this cycle when it comes to Trump. It's just sad.

Shit, Tom's post with Columbo highlighting why Trump would win was insightful and what helped to sell me. I was impressed. You all really do excellent and insight posts here in this thread for the record.

No, Nate's saying they should pull a stunt.

How damaging would this stunt be if they blow off Trump. Does everyone come back home after the tiff or would they be split for a loooong time?

You are head of the GOP and it's convention time and you punted Donald out. What's your first move?
Nate is saying that Rubio, Cruz, Walker etc, should condemn Trump when he becomes the nominee and not let his faction gain legitimacy in the Republican Party.

To which I say, fat fucking chance that matters.

They're better off giving Trump the keys to the bus on fire and starting their own party.

Who is really going to vote for a conservative, non-nationalist party? No one cares about the GOP's non-Trump platform other than the super religious and conservative academics/journalists.

It would basically be:

Neocons+Super religious+libertarians+Donors

And the super religious dominate the neocons and libertarians and donors in numbers so it would basically just be a Christian party that wouldn't have much relevance. I care a huge amount about free markets and non-nationalist policies, but no voter in America actually does.
The idea is to actively distance yourself from Trump. Denounce him in the general, possibly run a third party. Then run a "real" Republican in 2020 after Trump loses. That's what Nate's saying.
Setting a house on fire while people are still in it, then dousing the fire and asking those same people to trust you in 2020. Perfect plan.


Holy shit, I love the idea of Trump running after losing the general. Hey, it worked for that one guy.



Who is really going to vote for a conservative, non-nationalist party? No one cares about the GOP's non-Trump platform other than the super religious and conservative academics/journalists.

It would basically be:

Neocons+Super religious+libertarians

And the super religious dominate the neocons and libertarians in numbers so it would basically just be a Christian party that wouldn't have much relevance.

Oh that would be great. Doubt it would happen though.


No Scrubs
I feel you, but I still think Cruz wins it because he has an Army that's been working Texas hard to get that vote. The polls showing Cruz with a nice lead are just the cherry on top.

He used a similar approach in Iowa to excellent results.

That's why I am iffy. I know Cruz has all those volunteers and how much it'll benefit him, but his momentum is going the wrong way and Trump is a goddamned missile. If there was another week, I'd be confident enough to put the money down.
Meh, I just feel like most establishment types will hold their nose and mildly get behind Trump while putting their focus on down ballot races
You could probably fit all the neocons that exist in America into one room and that is one of the areas where Rubio is actually different from Trump. A lot of Rubio's platform is just baggage that the GOP intellectuals threw into the party to make it seem less racist and sexist.
Meh, I just feel like most establishment types will hold their nose and mildly get behind Trump while putting their focus on down ballot races
Establishment has never held their nose to vote for a candidate. Ever. This will be their first time and my gut says they will cut their nose to spite the face.


Nate is saying that Rubio, Cruz, Walker etc, should condemn Trump when he becomes the nominee and not let his faction gain legitimacy in the Republican Party.

To which I say, fat fucking chance that matters.

Who is really going to vote for a conservative, non-nationalist party? No one cares about the GOP's non-Trump platform other than the super religious and conservative academics/journalists.

It would basically be:

Neocons+Super religious+libertarians+Donors

And the super religious dominate the neocons and libertarians and donors in numbers so it would basically just be a Christian party that wouldn't have much relevance. I care a huge amount about free markets and non-nationalist policies, but no voter in America actually does.

Lots of people actually. Why do they think so many conservatives are freaking out and bemoaning the death of their party right now? These are principled people and they'll never vote for Trump. But what sort of party will they be left with after Trump's done with it? They're pretty much getting hijacked out of their own party as it is.
Meh, I just feel like most establishment types will hold their nose and mildly get behind Trump while putting their focus on down ballot races

This what is likely to happen. The party will be terrified of the risks of openly opposing Trump so they will hold their noses and give him enough rope to hang himself and then blame him for everything as they rebuild. Running a 3rd party candidate would be something so likely to backfire that I can't see them pulling the trigger on it.
Lots of people actually. Why do they think so many conservatives are freaking out and bemoaning the death of their party right now?

It's mostly the super religious and academics/journalists that are saying this though and the academics/journalists are super loud.

I don't see what platforms Rubio supports that Trump doesn't that are popular other than Rubio's religious fanaticism.


Meh, I just feel like most establishment types will hold their nose and mildly get behind Trump while putting their focus on down ballot races
I don't think so. This is one of those basic honor/dignity things for them - having him as a representative of the country/their party disgusts them. They also know an incumbent Hillary is likely to have a rough time w/ re-election and would be willing to roll the dice on a better option.



SCOTT SIMON: I mean, did you ever back in the ’60s, between when — I believe you were a Goldwater girl —
HILLARY CLINTON: That’s right.
SCOTT SIMON: — and whenever you became politically –
HILLARY CLINTON: That’s right. And I feel like my political beliefs are rooted in the conservatism that I was raised with. I don’t recognize this new brand of Republicanism that is afoot now, which I consider to be very reactionary, not conservative in many respects. I am very proud that I was a Goldwater girl.
This what is likely to happen. The party will be terrified of the risks of openly opposing Trump so they will hold their noses and give him enough rope to hang himself and then blame him for everything as they rebuild.
Wait and see. I highly doubt this will happen. One after another, they will start endorsing Hillary. Starting with David Brooks, ending with George Will.
Wait and see. I highly doubt this will happen. One after another, they will start endorsing Hillary. Starting with David Brooks, ending with George Will.

Oh, if you're talking about the media and academic wing I'll agree, though there will be some people rationalizing Trump support even there. I was thinking of actual party members and officials.


I don't see what platforms Rubio supports that Trump doesn't that are popular other than Rubio's religious fanaticism.

One that stuck out to me in the debate last night:

- Rubio is for Israel to dominate and not give an inch to Palestine, while Trump seeks a deal between the two (lol won't happen but he's aiming high)

I don't know what Rubio's stance regarding Syria is, but Trump stated he's open to negotiate with Russia about it. I assume Rubio is not for that either.
Eh. The establishment can just offer faint praise. Some can probably get away with offering no praise or even backing Clinton.
Behind the curtain of the voting booth many would probably hold their nose and vote for Clinton.

Trump losing in a landslide would probably offer a stern rebuke to the forces that have captured the party and offer a chance to recalibrate.

They couldn't really do that with a Mittens loss.

I guess it's like reverse-accelerationism or something.
I don't think so. This is one of those basic honor/dignity things for them - having him as a representative of the country/their party disgusts them. They also know an incumbent Hillary is likely to have a rough time w/ re-election and would be willing to roll the dice on a better option.

Wait and see. I highly doubt this will happen. One after another, they will start endorsing Hillary. Starting with David Brooks, ending with George Will.

Yeah I suspect the establishment recognizes that if Trump is the nominee the party is basically screwed either way. Unlike Christie, they may refuse to sell their souls in favor of facing their reckoning head on.
I do always feel sympathy for neoconservatives that actually do become neocons because of human rights. It's always tempting to want to kill fuckers like Saddam. But there's just no good strategy for bringing about good regime change right now...


Also to consider: in 2020, Hillary Clinton would be 72, gunning for her party's 4th straight term, possibly quite unpopular. Tough re-elect.

Based on History, Hillary will be a one term President.

Here's hoping she bucks that trend.

2024 is almost assuredly a Republican administration, though.


They're better off giving Trump the keys to the bus on fire and starting their own party. They're stuck. Hijacking the process during a convention is gonna lead to a revolt anyway. And once he becomes the nominee the GOP/Republican name is mud. It's better to just start over and let Trump have it and lead it to oblivion.

Fully agree. A party split seems possible.


Eh. The establishment can just offer faint praise. Some can probably get away with offering no praise or even backing Clinton.
Behind the curtain of the voting booth many would probably hold their nose and vote for Clinton.

Trump losing in a landslide would probably offer a stern rebuke to the forces that have captured the party and offer a chance to recalibrate.

They couldn't really do that with a Mittens loss.

I guess it's like reverse-accelerationism or something.

Or, looking at it from another point of view, it may lead to a reduction in the social conservative influence for future candidates, since the guy that's the least religious, iffy on abortion, and ok with gay marriage is leading the filed by a lot and will likely be the nominee.

I just want the socio-conservatives to become inconsequential.
Fully agree. A party split seems possible.

Party transitions in American politics are hell and can take many many years to realign, I cannot imagine a party in control of both houses of congress and the majority of state governments is going to take such a risk. It'd be more destructive than Trump.

Eh. The establishment can just offer faint praise. Some can probably get away with offering no praise or even backing Clinton.
Behind the curtain of the voting booth many would probably hold their nose and vote for Clinton.

Trump losing in a landslide would probably offer a stern rebuke to the forces that have captured the party and offer a chance to recalibrate.

They couldn't really do that with a Mittens loss.

I guess it's like reverse-accelerationism or something.
This is really the most sensible way for things to play out.


Or, looking at it from another point of view, it may lead to a reduction in the social conservative influence for future candidates, since the guy that's the least religious, iffy on abortion, and ok with gay marriage is leading the filed by a lot and will likely be the nominee.

I just want the socio-conservatives to become inconsequential.
We're in the midst of a massive change in the electorate, and until the GOP adjusts to that, they're going to keep getting whalloped.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Based on History, Hillary will be a one term President.

Here's hoping she bucks that trend.

2024 is almost assuredly a Republican administration, though.

If the party realigns, maybe.
Most observers and pundits thought they would realign after the failure of Mittens.


No Scrubs
Or, looking at it from another point of view, it may lead to a reduction in the social conservative influence for future candidates, since the guy that's the least religious, iffy on abortion, and ok with gay marriage is leading the filed by a lot and will likely be the nominee.

I just want the socio-conservatives to become inconsequential.

I'd love that. If both sides could get on the same, correct, side on social issues it would be great.


Yeah, I doubt they'll actually break away since they have a hold on the Senate/House. But there is gonna be some vicious infighting to come, that's for sure. I guess they'll have to just sit this one out and fight again in 2020.

Maybe by then we'll have a realignment that goes beyond simple left/right politics? Maybe we'll see those Bernie/Trump type-supporters team up and those establishment types on both sides come together?

It's harder to figure when things have been largely two party and you have to fit such big coalitions under these big tents. But that's where things seem to be going.
Or, looking at it from another point of view, it may lead to a reduction in the social conservative influence for future candidates, since the guy that's the least religious, iffy on abortion, and ok with gay marriage is leading the filed by a lot and will likely be the nominee.

I just want the socio-conservatives to become inconsequential.

Trump's entire thing is social conservativism though. Trump dominates with voters that search for the n-word, think women complain too much about workplace harassment, think Muslims should be banned from the United States, think black people deserve to get shot by cops, think Islam should be banned, think that 11 million Americans should be deported.

It's just not religious social conservativism.


like the conservatives who constantly argue they are losing because the nominee wasn't conservative enough the establishment will just write off this election as a lesson for why people should vote for establishment candidates

What will be interesting though is to see if the establishment recognizes that Trump has exposed the religious right as a paper tiger that isn't worth the headache of allying with and pandering to (trump panders to them but nobody believes him)
Based on History, Hillary will be a one term President.

Here's hoping she bucks that trend.

2024 is almost assuredly a Republican administration, though.
A lot of 2020 and 2024 depends on how RNC acts. If they try to backstab Trump, the party will tear itself. If they let Trump ride it out, they will have a chance. However, the delegate math still keeps getting worse for them, especially if Hillary wins and enacts immigration reform. They need to bake comprehensive immigration reform with full path to citizenship in their platform. Otherwise they will keep starting with severe handicap. But on the other hand, who knows how the democratic party will look like? Will Hillary get Ted Kennedy'ed in 2020? Will the Democratic party also get tired of "Establishment"? The seeds Bernie is sowing are powerful, but also dangerous.
I don't really think there will be a realignment. Trump will lose, the Republicans will retake the Senate in 2018, and then successfully push out an establishment candidate in 2020, who will have a chance at winning.

User 406

Tbh, Klonoa IS pretty dope.

That ending, though... ;;;__;;;

Trump losing in a landslide would probably offer a stern rebuke to the forces that have captured the party and offer a chance to recalibrate.

I'm just trying to figure out what such a calibration would look like. Trump's base will still be there. If they decide to abandon the Southern Strategy, what can they offer to voters closer to the middle on the Democratic side, and how will they keep Dixiecrats when new policies adopted to that end inevitably end up helping out women and minorities? The problem with the pro-wealth/business side of the GOP is that their policies end up promoting inequality, which hurts minorities more, which is a much better fit with the xenophobia of the Dixiecrats, which is why the Southern Strategy worked so well. I'm not sure how they can shed the bigots and still end up competitive with the Democratic party. Ideally both parties would end up shifting to the left for a new equilibrium, but I really have trouble envisioning a path for it to happen. It's just too big a bloc of votes to be left on the table.

I doubt any such realignment would happen quickly.


Maybe you'll have a realignment that goes beyond simple left/right politics? Maybe we'll see those Bernie/Trump type-supporters team up and those establishment types on both sides come together?

It's harder to figure when things have been largely two party and you have to fit such big coalitions under these big tents. But that's where things seem to be going.
The "weird" realignment I've thought about is authoritarian vs libertarian. Democrats eschew the Bernie left and absorb the libertarian/business right. Republicans become the autocrat party.
I don't really think there will be a realignment. Trump will lose, the Republicans will retake the Senate in 2018, and then successfully push out an establishment candidate in 2020, who might have a chance at winning.

Hmm, we'll see. Trump is hated by a lot of Republicans for being completely unlikable, but if Jeff Sessions could put on a show of being a nice person for 9 months (like Kasich does), then he would dominate 2020.

Trump's nationalism and racism is what attracts people and you could do that without being as fucking weird and petty as he is and while being actually pro-labor.

Basically, people that want to run in 2020 for the GOP should be studying Nixon for the next few years.
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