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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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He is going on an all out Nuclear offense against Trump.
A complete 180, which is rare in Politics.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS weaken everybody! There must be something that Rubio can do to dump the Trump that also takes down Rubio in the process. I want both of them completely destroyed come the GE.

Also take Cruz and Kasich with you. Carson will just talk about fruit salad so i'm not concerned about him anymore.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I do kind of wonder whether some Rubio supporters might switch to Kasich. I see some logic in attacking Trump to try and provoke him, but the last couple days have felt more like Rubio stooping down to Trump's level. If you're trying to position yourself as the anti-Trump candidate, I don't see that as a strong strategy. The people who like that are mostly voting Trump anyway and Trump's more of a natural at it anyway. I can certainly see it turning off some voters who saw Rubio as a more serious (lol) candidate though. At the very least it's risky. Though I suppose when you're behind you need to start taking some risks.

What else does he do? Nothing works. Its a last ditch effort. But its probably going to burn any viability he has after this election
The attacks have come from such a childish level in many cases. The pants wetting comment is so juvenile for example. Which is also why it comes across as incredibly desperate.

Exactly. It's one thing to go on the offensive against Trump. It's another to basically try to (really awkwardly) turn into Trump-Lite.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS weaken everybody! There must be something that Rubio can do to dump the Trump that also takes down Rubio in the process. I want both of them completely destroyed come the GE.

It's certainly generated an attack ad on how Rubio is not mature enough to be President.

What else does he do? Nothing works. Its a last ditch effort. But its probably going to burn any viability he has after this election

The unasked question is will it also tank his viability in the GE?
The attacks have come from such a childish level in many cases. The pants wetting comment is so juvenile for example. Which is also why it comes across as incredibly desperate.

Eh, in terms of showing up Trump by showing how easy his "schtick" actually is, it's fine. I don't think it'll win him TOO many voters, but it might win him just enough of the non-Trump vote due to people getting behind him being the only guy taking on The Donald directly that he might be able to push everybody else out of the race.


The Democratic bench in Florida is so bad he probably has a significant chance at winning anyway.

in a general maybe, but he has to get past the republicans who have waited in line for the post and I don't see how being a failed senator and failed candidate helps w/ that


You're definitely right but he has to get past the primaries first. No reason why Bondi or Atwater or any other hopeful will clear the field for him.

Yeah, I wasn't thinking about the primary. I think the nomination is Bondi's if she wants it. I don't see Atwater or a damaged Rubio beating her.
Now we just need to keep Rubio under 20% in Texas so he doesn't get any delegates.

nah, give me a brokered convention for maximum chaos (and also damage to the GOP)

Well didn't she vote for the bill that caused the Wall Street crash?

she wasn't in the senate for the CFMA, which is the closest thing i can think of to "a bill that caused the Wall Street crash"

bernie was in the house, and voted for it


Yikes, this is MUCH worse than I expected for Bernie

Yeah, Hillary is performing better than my wildest expectations at this point. That share of the African American vote is amazing and a death knell for Sanders if she gets even close to it on Super Tuesday.

I kind've want to peak over on Reddit to see how /r/sandersforpresident is handling this.


Aren't those under 30 numbers for Bernie actually better than most polls have indicated.

I guess that's one good thing for him to look at?


Well didn't she vote for the bill that caused the Wall Street crash?

Assuming you are referring to the repeal of Glass–Steagall, no. She wasn't even a Senator then. Same for CFMA.

Not to mention that Glass–Steagall wouldn't have done much to prevent what happened.
I'm sorry Sanders can't lead the party if he can't win african American voters.

She won the trust vote too I believe

I don't mean she won that demographic (she won basically everything here, that's what happens in a blowout), she did better among lower income voters relative to higher income voters.

In New Hampshire this was the opposite, although I'd like to see that stat separated by race because that's almost certainly a confounding factor (like with college grads, Clinton did better with non-college grads on the surface but separate by race and the difference disappears).
Aren't those under 30 numbers for Bernie actually better than most polls have indicated.

I guess that's one good thing for him to look at?

Yeah, there was a poll constantly paraded in here that had him at 30% or something. 43% is actually damn good and further proof that Sanders has the young vote, while Clinton has the older vote. Boomers are Satan´s spawn, etc


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Under 30 black voters:

Hillary 56%
Sanders 43%

I guess this totally confirms the voting pattern is about age. If only younger people voted in proportion with their demographics. Ugh.

And that's what many of us have been yelling about since the first primary. How can you have a political revolution if you can't get the voters out to the polls?

To get anything done he needs unprecedented turnout in the GE AND the next Midterm. To beat Trump or Rubio (lol) once the attack machine and media spotlight focus on Sanders he would need unprecedented turnout. That is simply not happening.


TYT went completely delusional with their support for Bernie. At least Cenk used to be pretty good at objectively predicting what would happen when it comes to politics (although on policy matters he very often lived in a fantasy world), but now he given up reason completely in his Bernie stanning.


Cenk is fucking delusional. Trying to say a Hilary vs Rubio would have the lowest voter turnout ever. Dude is salty as fuck. For all the bullshit they spewed early about trying to be different from the other news outlets they have essentially become MSNBC/FOX/CNN etc. Thought I heard them earlier try to argue that the reason the black voters didn't vote Bernie is because they didn't really know him because the media didn't do a good enough job pushing Clinton. Then, as soon as the sentence is uttered they tried to qualify it saying it's not because black voters aren't educated. It's the media guys! No Bernie did a piss poor job in a place he knew was an uphill climb. He essentially gave up on SC. Really starting to hate this bullshit around Sanders being this messiah. Why are people predicting Sanders will automatically crush any GOP nominee?
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