Eh, the guy started on DailyKos, so I doubt if he's a libertarian, he's a hardcore one. He's just a hardcore stats guy who had his model and Trump is wrecking it.
Did I miss exit polls?
I think I read somewhere that he's a libertarian, so I could see both points working.
Fuck I'm leaving in a few. I'm on the F so not longIt's gonna be a bloodbath. Also I am there and the beer is quite good.
Fuck I'm leaving in a few. I'm on the F so not long
That was fast.
Time to browse kos and redditCNN called it for Hillary.
hillary 65
crash and bern 35
Holy shizzle that's Obama level of support. If it's really 85% I expect Bernie to be clobbered senselessly. Like under 25% vs Hillary's 71% or somethingIf she really won 85% of the black vote, that is u n b e l i e v a b l e
84% to 16% among AA voters in SC for Hilldawg
MSNBC now talking about emails.
Nate stop with the polls-plus bullshit.