I used to stan so hard for her. Ugh, Uglee.
Come July you gonna be a bigger Hillary stan than Adam.
I used to stan so hard for her. Ugh, Uglee.
I used to stan so hard for her. Ugh, Uglee.
Hillary and Bernie have agreed to debate on the 14the of April.
Wasn't there someone in an OT thread saying they want the GOP to abandon Trump and focus on winning the "Supreme Court elections" lol
I want that to be the new "We'll call the Supreme Court!" No one understands how any of this goddamn fucking shit works.
OT but does anyone have any good literature of the failures of the Dems in the 70s, and specifically the Carter administration's ineffectiveness? I don't know too much about it, although I've heard a big issue was him clashing with the Dems in Congress over ideology.
Do you have Netflix? If so, look up the CNN Seventies series, and watch the episode called "The State of the Union Is Not Good". It tells you just about everything you need to know about why Carter's presidency turned out to be such a dumpster fire.
I used to stan so hard for her. Ugh, Uglee.
Winner Take All Politics covers the transition of the Carter era into the inequal society we have today.OT but does anyone have any good literature of the failures of the Dems in the 70s, and specifically the Carter administration's ineffectiveness? I don't know too much about it, although I've heard a big issue was him clashing with the Dems in Congress over ideology.
I do thanks! Always up for a good documentary, I really enjoyed the Lee Atwater documentary
Nah, you misunderstood. He didn't caller her uglee. Just her support for Clinton.So we've devolved to where you call a woman that has politics you disagree with - and only on how left you want to be, not left vs right - ugly
Udit on Jeopardy is kinda hot.
How was last night's race to the white house? I didn't watch it yet.
Nah, you misunderstood. He didn't caller her uglee. Just her support for Clinton.
So we've devolved to where you call a woman that has politics you disagree with - and only on how left you want to be, not left vs right - ugly
It was a Popgaf joke, Teiresias. Why are you always trying to come for me? 🌚
"Fortunately, we were able to move a major New York City rally scheduled for April 14 to the night before. We hope the debate will be with the inconvenience for thousands of New Yorkers who were planning to attend our rally on Thursday but will have to change their schedules to accommodate Secretary Clinton's jam-packed, high-dollar, coast-to-coast schedule of fundraisers all over the country."
New Yorker's Ryan Lizza retweeted this and I don't know how to embed a Twitter picture without it breaking, but is this really the Sanders campaign's response to the debate finally being set?
Hillary and Bernie have agreed to debate on the 14th of April. Will be broadcast on CNN from Brooklyn.
Hillary and Bernie have agreed to debate on the 14th of April. Will be broadcast on CNN from Brooklyn.
Winner Take All Politics covers the transition of the Carter era into the inequal society we have today.
I think Hillary will hit him with not being a Democrat, the abortion thing and a few other things. She'll go a bit on the offensive against him.
I probably won't watch. I've gotten to the point I turn the channel every time I see Sanders.
I don't think she will hit him unless he hits her. There's really no reason to go negative IMO.
Is there any way to try and get tix to that Brooklyn debate?
Doubt it but would love to go
I don't think she will hit him unless he hits her. There's really no reason to go negative IMO.
Well, he's going to hit her. There's no question in my mind. That's pretty much all he's been doing on all of his interviews lately. I don't think she'll let the artful smears go unchecked.
Because this isn't Popgaf and some of those shorthands translate really poorly.
Melkr trying to shade someone for supporting Clinton and being called out on it
Thanks for the explanation.Quick summary.
1. Hits harder for ratios in terms of companies taking advantage of the rules set in I.R.C. Section 7874 / other Treasury Regulations.
2. Hits "earning stripping" (which is basically reducing taxability by manipulating interest deductions.)
There this inherent sarcasm to popgafism that is not that hard to pick up, I think.
You obviously thought wrong!
In other news, I'm still pissed no one from the left decided to primary Dan Lipinski, but I guess we're worried about trying to primary Debbie Wasserman Schultz because.
Webbie Sasserman Dchultz
In the Soviet Bernistan, Dark Souls will be fist deep in you!I'll be fist-deep into Dark Souls 3 by then.
NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Bernie should have thought about this and asked to reschedule.