Captain Pants
Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
You guys are basically seeing how annoying the Clinton campaign was in 08
For sure. In a lot of ways I'd say Hillary was worse in 08 than anything we're seeing here.
You guys are basically seeing how annoying the Clinton campaign was in 08
Also there is no way the super delegates would switch from her to support Sanders. He can talk about that as much as he wants but it's not going to happen. It's tossing out a false hope to Sanders supporters that are going to be very angry when it doesn't happen.
Trump leads Clinton in Mississippi in the General Election by only 3 points
Dude you got to explain what your posting. Blind links suck
Andrea Mitchell is talking about Trump campaign infighting.
For sure. In a lot of ways I'd say Hillary was worse in 08 than anything we're seeing here.
[If] Bernie Sanders is the nominee, he will get the over, over, overwhelming support of Democrats in this race. The question is who can capture and mobilize young people and independents in this race to bring them out and to have them vote in the general election so that we can elect not just Bernie Sanders but Democrats up and down the ballot, Weaver said. Hillary Clinton is not gonna do that. All these young people who are coming out for Bernie Sanders, are they gonna come out for Hillary Clinton? Im not so confident about that given how many times shes dissed them recently.
Not even close. Some of her supporters were disgusting to be sure but the actual campaign was focused on policy and both candidates had a firm footing in reality, sticking to the core of the party platform. Sanders is gradually running more and more negative while running away from key party platform issues that will result in long term residual damage to the national discourse of politics in this country.
He literally makes people stupid. They listen to him and really think Dodd-Frank does nothing, that issues with campaign finance stem from Wall Street, that employers would turn the savings realized from federal healthcare over to employees (while paying an additional tax themselves), that all issues are economic issues, etc. etc.. He is creating a segment within the youth of America with strong conviction but depressingly little understanding. The end result is the cultivation of extremist low information ideology exemplified by the current groundswell taking over the GOP.
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We're headed to Philly to take it from her.
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We're headed to Philly to take it from her.
You guys are basically seeing how annoying the Clinton campaign was in 08
Drumpf leads Clinton in Mississippi in the General Election by only 3 points
It's 46-43 Drumpf-Clinton. Seriously doubt Clinton would target Mississippi but it being in low single digits, and Missouri being a small Clinton win like that other poll suggested would be a big shift.
NBC News SurveyMonkey National
Clinton 51 (+2)
Sanders 42 (-1)
Trump 45 (-3)
Cruz 28 (+1)
Kasich 18
If Sanders loses NY and CA and still insists on going to the convention I'm going to be a little irritated.The Sanders campaign talking about electing Democrats up and down the ballot when he's done basically nothing for downballot Democrats in his entire career while Clinton has consistently put in time, effort, and money throughout her career is just astounding.
I'd also love to see a Sanders path to a pledged delegate majority that doesn't involve winning New York.
For some reason I thought her campaign was actually running with the Jeremiah Wright stuff at one point. Maybe it was just Bill, and maybe I'm just completely and totally misremembering it, which is likely considering I barely remember last week, let alone 8 years ago.
Not even close. Some of her supporters were disgusting to be sure but the actual campaign was focused on policy and both candidates had a firm footing in reality, sticking to the core of the party platform. Sanders is gradually running more and more negative while running away from key party platform issues that will result in long term residual damage to the national discourse of politics in this country.
He literally makes people stupid. They listen to him and really think Dodd-Frank does nothing, that issues with campaign finance stem from Wall Street, that employers would turn the savings realized from federal healthcare over to employees (while paying an additional tax themselves), that all issues are economic issues, etc. etc.. He is creating a segment within the youth of America with strong conviction but depressingly little understanding. The end result is the cultivation of extremist low information ideology exemplified by the current groundswell taking over the GOP.
I'd argue Sanders' campaign hasn't done anything as disrespectful or ugly as some of the Clinton camp's spring 08 antics. So it's somewhat entertaining to watch Clinton supporters hand wring over a non-factor. I'm baffled why they are even responding to his campaign at this point. It's over.
I'm telling y'all, MS has the highest percentage of AAs in the country. It's a rough state for Dems only because of the overwhelming white vote (like 90-10 GOP). Someone like Trump, who depresses turnout on their side because of his immoral campaign, and he's toast. All it takes is a good sexist comment from him, and women in MS will stay home for sure. Angry white men won't, but just a little depressed turnout is all it takes.
MS has a low ceiling for Dems, but a huge floor.
We passed universal care. SCOTUS took it away and it's not the same as single payerClinton ran for universal healthcare in 2008, which has now magically become "unrealistic", I guess?. Sanders is sticking to the core of the Democratic Party, the core they lost after getting scared of Reagan.
Clinton ran for universal healthcare in 2008, which has now magically become "unrealistic", I guess?.
UHC is much broader than single payer.Clinton ran for universal healthcare in 2008, which has now magically become "unrealistic", I guess?. Sanders is sticking to the core of the Democratic Party, the core they lost after getting scared of Reagan.
You probably werent engaged enough during 2008. There wont be PUMAs this time around, at least. Or Democrats for Trump.
Its quite the charming spectacle, really.
MS has a low ceiling for Dems, but a huge floor.
Also that same poll has Cruz up by 11 over Clinton, which was Obama's margin in MS in 2012.
There's a concept called elasticity whose purpose is to measure this. In 2012, Nate Silver calculated that Mississippi was least elastic state in the entire country, i.e., state whose vote is hardest to swing.
We passed universal care. SCOTUS took it away and it's not the same as single payer
Some of the defending responsesresponses to the interview seem to run through Sanders resorting to the economic experts to figure out this stuff.
You know, the same people he dismissed as "establishment" a few months ago.
UHC is much broader than single payer.
I feel like Cruz would be - at best - a repeat of Rommey 2012, with NC now a Dem state. Loses by 5-7 points or so.Also that same poll has Cruz up by 11 over Clinton, which was Obama's margin in MS in 2012.
Expected when they're also deciding a Supreme Court slotHigh turnout in WI?
She wasnt cold for single payer at some point during late 2007. She later retracted (shocking), though.
Economics is a broad field with different, antagonistic theories. You can totally call out as "establishment" those who are running the current consensus.
Hopefully Dem turnout will match GOP turnout it would be nice to win this pExpected when they're also deciding a Supreme Court slot
Trump's floor is definitely lower than Cruz's.Also that same poll has Cruz up by 11 over Clinton, which was Obama's margin in MS in 2012.
Nate_Cohn: SurveyUSA has Trump ahead in California 40-32 over Cruz, a margin that would make it hard to keep him below 1237
Every primary so far people have said massive turnout and it's usually down. Lol.