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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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You do understand how math works right?
In order for a margin to narrow, he has to actually win in states with a large number of voters, like New York or California.

The nature of the difference between the Open and Closed Primaries and Caucuses has been incredibly difficult to pin down. SOMETHING is going on, but what is it?

He is getting closer to 45%, trust me. Reddit has done the math. ;)

I cant believe I am arguing over semantics or that you guys are minimizing 42% of the democratic electorate. What a mess.


I'm pretty sure, and I'm saying this unironically, that this thread has done more for downticket races than Bernie's Victory Fund

Trust me, the Ivy Victory Fund is going to be a #1 hit thread that's going to deliver all of the money in the facebank of actual liberals who can win.




I'm a mess



He is getting closer to 45%, trust me. Reddit has done the math. ;)

I cant believe I am arguing over semantics or that you guys are minimizing 42% of the democratic electorate. What a mess.
Let me guess, they have Clinton winning New York by 10%. Mess.
Am I missing some gigantic aspect of this, or is this actually over Clinton's preferred $12 federal minimum wage vs a state passing a bill for $15 when she supports states setting things higher if they wish? Because that'd be some pretty petty bullshit.

Oh, and the debate is completely a trap. Clinton hasn't fought back at all in any of the previous despite openings to do so and Sanders getting negative. Don't piss off a Clinton. Seriously. Only someone who has never seen a Clinton while angry would ever deliberately try to provoke one. She has the nomination (to say nothing of the NY state win) on lock regardless of what happens on that debate stage, so she might be set loose for some revenge. There's nothing for her to gain by doing another other than to set up his burial, and the Clinton campaign is one wise enough to never do something for zero possible gain.


No Scrubs
Am I missing some gigantic aspect of this, or is this actually over Clinton's preferred $12 federal minimum wage vs a state passing a bill for $15 when she supports states setting things higher if they wish? Because that'd be some pretty petty bullshit.

Oh, and the debate is completely a trap. Clinton hasn't fought back at all in any of the previous despite openings to do so and Sanders getting negative. Don't piss off a Clinton. Seriously. Only someone who has never seen a Clinton while angry would ever deliberately try to provoke one. She has the nomination (to say nothing of the NY state win) on lock regardless of what happens on that debate stage, so she might be set loose for some revenge. There's nothing for her to gain by doing another other than to set up his burial, and the Clinton campaign is one wise enough to never do something for zero possible gain.

They still need to bring those voters back into the fold, but if Bernie's supporters all think Hillary's already gone negative and has been attacking him hard I see no reason not to take advantage of the situation. She may as well be doing what they've been accusing her of doing.


Honestly, Hillary has got the election on lock even if she does end up pissing off and losing the weird part of Bernie's base. So she should just crush him.
Also none of this should surprise if you're already aware that his bill to Break Up The Banks (tm) is only 4 pages, wide margins, double spaced.


That interview is legit terrifying. Bernie wants to be President so he can launch huge scale banking and financial reform, and that's how aware of the details? Combine that with his apparent disdain for anyone who isn't as ideologically "pure" as he is, and I don't think it's exaggerating to say that a Sanders presidency would be a complete shambles. How dare he, how dare he think that when your campaign is running on a platform of arguably the biggest financial and regulatory reform of the last 60 years or so, it is acceptable to have such a poorly thought out, destructive, and useless plan.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I find it interesting that the defense I see most on Bernie's ignorances and lack of implementation strategies for his policies is the creation of a strawman liberal that only accepts plans that are 100% pragmatic. It's fabricating some weird bizarro purity test based on cynical political viability. The problem with Bernie having no clue by what authority or mechanism he might break up large banks has nothing to do with the pragmatism factor. It's that it's not even a plan at all. It's an idle daydream.

Bernie has managed to get me from "this guy's okay" to actively pissed off in about six months. That's impressive
*nods head*

A few months ago I thought he was a fine voice to have around, but not suitable for the presidency. Now I want him to shut up, forever.

Like many Americans, Bernie Sanders has some stock investments, probably retirement funds. Which should be no big deal. But since he's Bernie Sanders, it's amusing that Mr. Break Up The Millionaires and Billionaires on Wall Street has money invested in JP Morgan Chase & Co (Big Banking) and Pfizer (Big Pharma) and Diamondback Energy (oil and natural gas company that does fracking).




Like many Americans, Bernie Sanders has some stock investments, probably retirement funds. Which should be no big deal. But since he's Bernie Sanders, it's amusing that Mr. Break Up The Millionaires and Billionaires on Wall Street has money invested in JP Morgan Chase & Co (Big Banking) and Pfizer (Big Pharma) and Diamondback Energy (oil and natural gas company that does fracking).


Sad, Bernie is a mess, etc etc :p

Like many Americans, Bernie Sanders has some stock investments, probably retirement funds. Which should be no big deal. But since he's Bernie Sanders, it's amusing that Mr. Break Up The Millionaires and Billionaires on Wall Street has money invested in JP Morgan Chase & Co (Big Banking) and Pfizer (Big Pharma) and Diamondback Energy (oil and natural gas company that does fracking).


That doesn't count because reasons.
I don't really care how it would be if it was HRC. It's still trivial as shit.
I don't really see why there's any need to muckrake over the stupidest things. It's not like there isn't very real critique to make.
I get incredibly upset at OT threads that involve Syria. People who saying doing something to stop that civil war and the worst refugee crisis since WW2 is nothing more than George W Bush policy is maddening. The situations are not even remotely comparable.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think it's virtually impossible to have a fund account holding and not own JPM somewhere. But I also don't think most people want to break up the banks so fuck Bernie.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
That's a horribly inmature and petty thing to say. How are you even surprised people are offended by that comment?

Wanted to share a Samders interview with the entire Journal Sentinel editorial board, as it's less of the standard consumer media and not necessarily biases like more independent left wing channels in case anybody is interested.


Millions were outraged at all the functionaries of the Bush administration. The trust in that government was on a embarrasing levels and the disapproval rating was just as abysmal. Of course this has the be brought up on a specific context, there's a difference on corruption charges being brought up on people who are already very unfavorably seen and Hillary who's had a relatively good reputation for the Democratic Party, people are gonna be more upset a big scandal pops out. As for how bad is it? It's pretty much standard politics for me in terms of hidden communication, but a liability for her in terms of the security protocols she used. Do I care it came into light that she lied about Benghazi? Not really, but it's easy to understand how it affects her public image.

What I find petty is that not only you're trying to deligitimize their positions, but that you're scapegoating it to sexist charges of motivation for doing it.

Also, Bernie Bros is such a condescending way of treating the opposition and I'm surprised it's openly supported on his forum.

I missed this yesterday and would like you to answer for it, Boney. I saw more bad posts about free trade agreements helping raise standards of living in a "non existent way" so I think this is really little more than bomb throwing.

Please explain your position on where Hillary lied about Benghazi.
And this on Israel is something. He wants to sound left on this and pro-peace but he sounds like someone who can't take a stand is is just spewing workds

He criticieze the settlements and gaza war but then says "israel will do what it wants"
This is embarrassing. I think Im gonna have to start questioning Bernie's intellegence or authentic desire to be knowledgeable.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
This guy is such an ass.
“Brooklyn. April 14. It's on.” Clinton national press secretary Brian Fallon tweeted tonight.

The Sanders campaign —- which moved a rally they had scheduled for that night -— confirmed the debate too, but not without taking a not so subtle shot at Clinton.

"Fortunately, we were able to move a major New York City rally scheduled for April 14 to the night before,” Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs said. "We hope the debate will be worth the inconvenience for thousands of New Yorkers who were planning to attend our rally on Thursday but will have to change their schedules to accommodate Secretary Clinton’s jam-packed, high-dollar, coast-to-coast schedule of fundraisers all over the country.

We need a journalist to call him out on this bs. Ask him directly if he will accept funds she's raised if he becomes the nominee.


We need a journalist to call him out on this bs.
The thing is his campaign didn't announce any rally for that date prior to this debate shenanigans. No date, time or place. So I don't know how thousands of New Yorker had already rsvp a 'secret' rally. I think both sides have made some unusual mistakes in this NY battle. You can feel the angst of HRC side to finish this primary once for all and you start to see a little desperation of the Sanders side. I think exchanging Gaffe for Gaffe benefits more the front runner but it's still not a good look.
This is an old article about some of the stuff the GOP could pull to use against Bernie.

My favorite? He praised bread lines.

When asked about the food shortages provoked by the Sandinistas’ voodoo economic policy, Sanders claimed that bread lines were a sign of a healthy economy, suggesting an equitable distribution of wealth: “It’s funny, sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a country is, that people are lining up for food. That is a good thing! In other countries people don’t line up for food: the rich get the food and the poor starve to death.”

Say'n🙏🏻 4Hillary Tonight.ONLY SHE Has Committed 2Raise💰4 OTHER DEMS,Running On Ticket.Bern's KINDA RENTING DEMOCRATIC PARTY,2GRAB PRESIDENCY
I find so weird how there's this need to undermine and minimize Sanders when he is getting almost half the votes in this primary. Is this how old democrats reacted when Hart almost defeated Mondale?

Cuz just like Hart's message, Bernie's ain't going away anytime soon.

For me personally, it's a reaction to his (and his followers') full-out assault on Hillary, who I like and I also presume will be the nominee. I want him to go away before he does any more damage and divides the party further.

Before I started reading "Hillary is the establishment/Hillary is a republican/Hillary is corrupt" every single day in my feed, I was much more positively disposed. Now I see it as an absolutism that's harmful to the odds of getting HRC *or* Bernie into office.

I've said for a while that Bernie ought to drop out and then go on a national evangelism tour pushing his message and pushing congresspeople to accept it. He could start enrolling the more liberal candidates in his cause and make it a real mandate for next year. Instead, he's pissing on every other potential ally he has and making himself look bad in the process.
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