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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Cher ‏@cher 36m36 minutes ago
Merely an observation.Seems when mr sanders felt he had no chance 2b PRES,he could afford 2b a mensch.Eyes on the Prize/Pres=Vitriol

Cher ‏@cher 3h3 hours ago
Sending LOVE & Energy 2
Hillary💋I know What It's Like 2 Do World Press Campaigns& IT'S KIDDY'S PLAY COMPARED 2WHAT PRES CLINTON IS DOING

The GOAT Diva. Yasssss! Fuck! Queen!
Is Hillary Clinton Qualified to be President?

Sanders, did not back down from his assertion that Clinton's Wall Street ties, among other things, disqualify her for the office.

“She has attacked me for being unqualified, and if I am going to be attacked for being unqualified, I will respond in kind,” Sanders told reporters. "I'm not going to get lied about."

He added: “If Secretary Clinton thinks that I just come from the small state of Vermont, that we’re not used to this, well, we’ll get used to it fast. I’m not going to get beaten up; I’m not going to get lied about. We will fight back.”
Huh? This may have already been posted but I thought he was slowly walking this back?

WH comment.
White House Spokesman Eric Schultz told reporters President Obama “has said that Secretary Clinton comes to this race with more experience than any non-vice president” in recent memory


So this protest about making NY an open primary (2 weeks prior the actual election). Why are they making it in NYC and not in Albany? It's bad optics that they don't know that the NYC Hall has nothing to do with the state election rules. They are protesting in the wrong place, and honestly I'm not sure they know that. Am I missing something?
So this protest about making NY an open primary (2 weeks prior the actual election). Why are they making it in NYC and not in Albany? It's bad optics that they don't know that the NYC Hall has nothing to do with the state election rules. They are protesting in the wrong place, and honestly I'm not sure they know that. Am I missing something?

To be fair, some of these same people have an issue with how math works. So, I wouldn't expect them to get nuance like the world not revolving around NYC.


So this protest about making NY an open primary (2 weeks prior the actual election). Why are they making it in NYC and not in Albany? It's bad optics that they don't know that the NYC Hall has nothing to do with the state election rules. They are protesting in the wrong place, and honestly I'm not sure they know that. Am I missing something?
These are the same people who thought #OccupyCNN was a good idea.


No Scrubs
So this protest about making NY an open primary (2 weeks prior the actual election). Why are they making it in NYC and not in Albany? It's bad optics that they don't know that the NYC Hall has nothing to do with the state election rules. They are protesting in the wrong place, and honestly I'm not sure they know that. Am I missing something?

I'm rolling my eyes at this protest. Even if independents could vote in the NY primary it would change nothing.

While I think open primaries are fine, I think changing the rules this late in the game is unfair.

The only reason this protest is happening is because their guy is losing. If the shoe were on the other foot they'd be on the other side of this.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I'm rolling my eyes at this protest. Even if independents could vote in the NY primary it would change nothing.

Yep, only might change the margin a bit, Sanders needs a win and making it an open primary is not going to make that happen, especially with all the coverage his "not qualified" remarks made today.
See...I have an issue with open primaries. You want a say in who the party nominates, join the party. It's not like it costs money. It's not like you have to do anything to be a member. Primaries are party events not elections. I don't have an issue with restricting access to members of the party. That's just me, though.
I'm rolling my eyes at this protest. Even if independents could vote in the NY primary it would change nothing.

The only reason this protest is happening is because their guy is losing. If the shoe were on the other foot they'd be on the other side of this.

If they're so concerned with voter suppression, they'd have been protesting caucuses.


Huh? This may have already been posted but I thought he was slowly walking this back?

WH comment.

Is he the small guy from Vermont or the hardened brooklinite playing in his own turf.. Make up your mind Bernie! you can't play the outsider and home advantage card in the same state campaign. I have nothing about him claiming either or both but the small/big angle is contradictory.


Bernie be trying to throw shade cos he going dowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn

Just give up with dignity man, queen is too hot for you to handle

Bernie gonna berrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn up

Queen gonna slay

Why is he still going with this even after its been clarified that she did not say that?

Bernie needs this: https://youtu.be/Y0WxhpoJdLQ

Bernie's run an entire campaign on saying absolutely nothing of substance, so the fact that he can feign outrage over something that never happened shouldn't be entirely surprising. I can't believe how upset he got over a tiny bit of bad press over a bad interview. It's impressive, really.
Today has solidified for me that Bernie has really poor surrogates. Tulsi Gabbard refused to say she would support Hillary is she was the Dem nominee

Well she may not get voted out in her district but she sure isn't going to have any more say in the Democratic party for a couple years if she follows through.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Bernie's run an entire campaign on saying absolutely nothing of substance, so the fact that he can feign outrage over something that never happened shouldn't be entirely surprising. I can't believe how upset he got over a tiny bit of bad press over a bad interview. It's impressive, really.

He is showing himself to be more like Trump, characteristically, every day. Aside from the racism.


Bernie's run an entire campaign on saying absolutely nothing of substance, so the fact that he can feign outrage over something that never happened shouldn't be entirely surprising. I can't believe how upset he got over a tiny bit of bad press over a bad interview. It's impressive, really.

To be fair, if he didn't take entirely imaginary things seriously, he wouldn't have a very long policy list.
Maybe if Bernie calls every one of the super delegates and says they aren't qualified they'll see it as a sign of strength and vote for him instead
He softened it up some, that the W people!

To be fair, that's a bell he can't unring. He can't admit he got it wrong, because that would make him look cray-cray. At this point, they have to own it and pray something comes along to cover it up. The media, though, seems to love it, and I don't think that's going away.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
He's had no ability to combat Bernie this campaign and really done nothing but undermine Hillary and cause controversy in the process

He should have stayed out of it till the convention.

Yeah, he must want to get out there. It's not like he is needed at this point.



This one could be fun

Trump and Cruz form an alliance against the chicanery and evil of an establishment bent on choosing someone else.

So imagine that Trump ends up with 1,100 delegates in June, and Cruz follows with 900—meaning the two of them have between them 2,000 of the 2,473 delegates, or 80 percent. And further imagine that in the convention rules committee meeting before Cleveland, party leaders stack the deck and propose a set of rules that allow other candidates to be put in nomination and that make it more difficult for either of the leading candidates to win the nomination, so that they can pave the way for Paul Ryan or John Kasich or another figure more palatable to the congressional, state, and party leaders. Despite the growing poison between the two men, one can imagine them joining forces to stick it to an establishment they both despise, one that would be perfectly happy going to a candidate who did not run in a single primary or bloody himself on any of the battlefields. A Trump/Cruz alliance, including possible a Trump/Cruz ticket, would easily prevail. Sounds crazy, no? What has not been crazy this year?


See...I have an issue with open primaries. You want a say in who the party nominates, join the party. It's not like it costs money. It's not like you have to do anything to be a member. Primaries are party events not elections. I don't have an issue with restricting access to members of the party. That's just me, though.

I don't really like the "political parties have no responsibilities as important institutions of democracy" idea that sometimes gets expressed re: this kind of thing. Yeah, sure, in some technical sense the political parties aren't really part of the government. But let's be real. Presidents are going to come from one of the two major parties, by going through the primary process of one of those parties. Third party candidates not only have almost no shot at being elected but also have very little ability to even get their message out. That's why Sanders is a Democrat now!

So it matters enormously that the parties' processes be democratically legitimate. They can't be thought of just like private clubs that can set their own rules without regard for non-members. They're non-government institutions that still have responsibilities pertaining to our process in something like the way that major media outlets have certain responsibilities.

Now, I don't think that therefore we've got to have open primaries. I think that it's probably sufficient that, as you say, anybody can sign up for a party for free without going too far out of their way. Probably it makes some sense to reward people who are actually doing the work of organizing political movements with an outsized say in who the nominee is. But an open primary advocate could counter that the whole point of organizing is to get votes and so organization is its own reward. Ultimately most arguments against open primaries are going to look a lot like arguments for something like a poll tax or a test for voting in general elections.

But regardless you can go obviously too far with this. The whole Ron Paul (and now Ted Cruz) thing where you take over state party conventions and hijack delegates despite losing primaries seems to me to be clearly inappropriate even if technically within party rules.
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