Seriously.. I was thinking the same thing. You already said it was terrible. Why?Bill already apologized for the crime bill.
Edit-just watched the video. Now it makes sense.
Seriously.. I was thinking the same thing. You already said it was terrible. Why?Bill already apologized for the crime bill.
Seriously just say the VAWA was good but the rest had unintended consequences and that you wish you hadn't signed it
Nah, stupid as it was, it won't be a huge deal. The "unqualified" thing came straight from the candidates mouth. It's new. It's shiny. The media loves it. Protesters interrupting a candidate is old hat. Not sexy. Not interesting, especially when the candidate herself wasn't involved.
Doesn't make his comments less stupid, though.
Even in context it's still stupid and he shouldn't be saying it
He did!
Well then why are we still talking about it then?
So, assuming Hillary wins (and, of course, Bill stays alive and married to her and she gets reelected, obviously) would that make Bill the record holder for time spent living in the White House? I mean, even assuming both sons had lived with their fathers when they were President, Bush Sr. were Adams Sr. were one termers. And FDR died in office in his twelfth year. Could be an interesting bit of trivia in a couple decades.
I don't think Bill hates black people I just don't think he understands the political environment he's in.
Hell, I'm not even sure Hillary understands it.
Ignoring the fact that Weaver would contest (lolol) how is this mathematically possible? With only 2 candidates, one has to get over the threshold...
I am sure it will be on the front pages of r/politics, antimedia.org, and UsUncut
Ignoring the fact that Weaver would contest (lolol) how is this mathematically possible? With only 2 candidates, one has to get over the threshold...
We're in a primary. Everything has a microscope on it. It's why you have to watch what you say. Shit like this will be overblown at the drop of a hat.Bill shouldn't be defending his old bill, but people are overblowing this.
Yep. I expect it to blowup on Facebook, too.
Ignoring the fact that Weaver would contest (lolol) how is this mathematically possible? With only 2 candidates, one has to get over the threshold...
So, assuming Hillary wins (and, of course, Bill stays alive and married to her and she gets reelected, obviously) would that make Bill the record holder for time spent living in the White House? I mean, even assuming both sons had lived with their fathers when they were President, Bush Sr. were Adams Sr. were one termers. And FDR died in office in his twelfth year. Could be an interesting bit of trivia in a couple decades.
Man, this video just reminded me of how long winded Bill isThere's a lot of fucking context in his statement
where he appologizes.
he seems to to respond to a specific claim at around 3:30
I can't wait until Obama hits the campaign trail so we can retire Bill. It's not the 90s anymore.
if hillary gets elected it would also be the first time two presidents have banged eachother
if hillary gets elected it would also be the first time two presidents have banged eachother
Ignoring the fact that Weaver would contest (lolol) how is this mathematically possible? With only 2 candidates, one has to get over the threshold...
if hillary gets elected it would also be the first time two presidents have banged eachother
Honestly that's a good takeaway here. Clintons re-litigating the past, again. I defended Bill in the thread, I don't believe he was saying "BLM defends murderers." And the context of the 90s crime rate is essential when discussing the Crime bill; not to mention the support it had in black communities, with black politicians, etc (which is a stark difference between it and the welfare reforms). But having said all that, whenever the Clintons get dragged into 90s issues they get bogged down. Best to simply move on.
My Buchanan/Lincoln short stories say otherwise
Edit: FUCK
That we know of.
Why is everyone into Buchanan? Van Buren is where it's at with the racy fanfic.
That we know of.
Why is everyone into Buchanan? Van Buren is where it's at with the racy fanfic.
Only if you don't count superdelegates, but that's silly.
This isn't like the Republicans, where if you don't win on the first ballot all the delegates are freed and all bets are off. Even if Hillary doesn't reach the magic number with pledged delegates, enough supers have started their support to give her the nom if Bernie can't give them a reason to switch.
Yep. He should have just said mistakes were made and we tried to do our best and listen to community leaders and moved right along. He needs to stop getting so defensive and start thinking politically about his responses.Honestly that's a good takeaway here. Clintons re-litigating the past, again. I defended Bill in the thread, I don't believe he was saying "BLM defends murderers." And the context of the 90s crime rate is essential when discussing the Crime bill; not to mention the support it had in black communities, with black politicians, etc (which is a stark difference between it and the welfare reforms). But having said all that, whenever the Clintons get dragged into 90s issues they get bogged down. Best to simply move on.
That sounds O.K. to me!
(I'll be here all week, tip your waitresses!)
fucking scrubI bet Buchanan never used a private email server.
It's very likely she will need them yesIf Clinton doesn't get over the line without super delegates, what a headache that's going to be.
It's very likely she will need them yes
Ugh, well then prepare for the worst.
Why? If she wins the states she is polling well right now in the supers will follow. She will have a large delegate lead, and a very large vote lead.
It's not that she wouldn't get the votes, it would be the whining from the Sanders camp.
It's not that she wouldn't get the votes, it would be the whining from the Sanders camp.
That's going to happen anyway.