Bugbear. Why? To what level? Means tested?
Why not free trade schools instead? Or early childhood education? Why not just more affordable college? Why not use that money to encourage entrepreneurial activity?
EDIT: Apologies for being sideways :lol
Neither University or Vocational Education should be entirely free.
To be honest, if students aren't responsible for at least some portion of their course upfront then they'll enroll in all sorts of useless degrees.
Plus, unless you restrict the number of providers/courses then basically universities/colleges will just enroll everyone they can.
You say that like you aren't already postal in some fashionPeople need to post their tweet texts or I'm going to go postal
I'm sorry, but that "Democratic Whores" thing is disgusting.
Bernie's people need to freaking apologize for that like stat.
I'm wondering.. has anyone from the GOP side of the bracket incorporated the "whore" angle of attack against Hillary yet? If not, part of me is surprised that Bernie's surrogates beat them to the punch.
I mean, Trump has the most raucous of rallies, but I'm struggling to remember if the "whore" term has been dropped by any of his surrogates.
The thing that frustrates me is the our spending for education is completely the wrong way round. WE spend the least on early child care provision, and the most on university education - and yet we also know you get the most value from early years spending and the least value from university spending. It's completely how we fund and prioritise education and children's care / services in all western countries, and completely contradictory to what the evidence tells us.
Good early years provision (and I'm talking from birth upwards here) has such a massive effect on a person's lifetime opportunities. Yet we spend so little on it it's criminal.
Bernie Sanders ‏@BernieSanders 16m16 minutes ago
Dr. Song's comment was inappropriate and insensitive. There's no room for language like that in our political discourse.
He's walking it back.
He's walking it back.
Good, this was the right way to handle it. Near perfect statement as well.
Should have made it on stage at the event.
http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-...s/2016/04/hillary-clinton-whore-remark-221931What was the comment?
"corporate Democratic whores"
I would agree. ECE is an amazing investment.
Although IIRC there's a few caveats to early childhood education's usefulness including:
- ECE isn't very effective from birth 0 to 2 (inclusive).
- Quality matters, and merely providing childcare instead of education may result in no benefit
- the long-term effects of ECE are less (and possibly non-existent) for children from richer families (not that this is necessarily a bad thing).
That's correct. He apologized, Bernie apologized. Next!eh the guy seems sorry. This needn't be a thing.
A debate question I hope gets asked is "Should the pledged delegate leader be the nominee after everyone has voted?"
A debate question I hope gets asked is "Should the pledged delegate leader be the nominee after everyone has voted?"
There's a huge amount of value with 0 to 2 services, but agree it's not in actual education. Huge amount of research is showing the values of early parenting training, family support etc. One of the things I'm involved with at the moment is the LEAP project in Lambeth which is based in 4 wards with high levels of deprivation and poverty, and exclusively focussed on interventions and support for families with children in the 0-2 age range, and that seems to be showing positive results already.
And absolutely agree on the need for quality provision. It's much more than just generic childcare.
CBS News National
Trump 42 (-4)
Cruz 29 (+3)
Kasich 18 (-2)
Based on the thread title edits in OT Hillary has a strong lead in pledged NeoGAF moderators.
Oh crap I forgot, the debate is tonight!
Where's kingkitty
I doubt this is the Tea Party Left
- First and foremost, the Tea Party got results and proved they were a large enough block of voters that you have to listen to them. Bernie is 200+ delegates down and the gap will likely widen before he drops out. His voters are unreliable, and thus, not really going to command attention
- The Tea Party had the support of the GOP. It was a creation of the GOP to bring down Obama via racism and fear. It ended up spiraling out of control, but for awhile, the GOP fully backed the Tea Party.
- The Tea Party had a bunch of innate human biases that it played off of. Racism. Fear of the Government. Religion. They leveraged those deep rooted human biases to launch of political platform.
- Their platform was convenient for corporations to adopt because while the people argued bitterly about small government and minorities and religion, corporations could grab that furor and run with it, allowing their own agenda to be passed as long as it rode on the crazy train.
- They had major donors and lots of money. They had role models who fully supported them, like Sarah Palin. Bernie likely won't support a radical third party uprising, so they'll need to find new leaders.
- They had an entire "news" propaganda machine to push out their message. The media isn't going to give that sort of attention to far left policies.
- They made it to the general election. Hate to say it, but once the primaries are over, Bernie won't be mentioned at all for a year or two, if ever, because 100% of the focus will be on the general. The Tea Party was the focus in the general, because they were connected with Palin.
The current defense tactic is that when they said "whores" they didn't mean it as sexism, so how dare you associate a derogatory sexist term with sexism, you sexist! Apparently using the term "corporate whore" against a woman candidate isn't sexist at all, because they didn't mean it to be sexist, and hey, they didn't even directly mention Hillary!
It's almost like a classic racist defense mechanism.
I touched a serious nerve on reddit by blasting Bernie for this. It's almost amazing to watch the twists and turns their brains make to try and justify how "whore" isn't at all sexist and Bernie is really the victim here.
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 13h13 hours ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted guttoe
On the area most salient to Sanders, economics, black voters are collectively the most liberal group in America.
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 13h13 hours ago
And given most blacks live in the South, that strongly suggests that southern blacks are, on the economy, more liberal than most whites.
Yes, in the formative years of Bill's presidency she was accused multiple times of having an affair with Vince Foster, who she killed to cover up said bigamy.I'm wondering.. has anyone from the GOP side of the bracket incorporated the "whore" angle of attack against Hillary yet? If not, part of me is surprised that Bernie's surrogates beat them to the punch.
Based on the thread title edits in OT Hillary has a strong lead in pledged NeoGAF moderators.
CBS News National
Trump 42 (-4)
Cruz 29 (+3)
Kasich 18 (-2)
I have an uncle who still jokes about her dumping the body in the park.Yes, in the formative years of Bill's presidency she was accused multiple times of having an affair with Vince Foster, who she killed to cover up said bigamy.