Macho Madness
Monmouth Poll
Trump 44
Cruz 28
Kasich 23
Trump 44
Cruz 28
Kasich 23
It's the biggest problem with a heavily social media focused campaign. It makes the crazy supporters a lot more visible.
What is the GOP going to use on Hillary that hasn't been beaten to death over the last 20 years?
And it makes that point by comparing them to a woman who had sex for money because under the patriarchy that is the ultimate sellout. I don't know if you're kidding yourself here or what but get the net, it's obviously sexist.
What is the GOP going to use on Hillary that hasn't been beaten to death over the last 20 years?
Daily News is the pro clinton paper right? Which one was the anti clinton paper?
Has the NY times editorial board made a recommendation? or the other papers/magazines?
The term "whore" isn't necessarily sexist, as it describes a person who has wholly sold out. It fits in this context but I would have never said it, definitely agreed that you don't go there with prominent female figures.
The only potential thing, outside the crazy fictitious email stuff, is the Bill Clinton affairs rumours that were everywhere in 2007 and 2008. There's so much of it around, and so many specific references in various books, that there is the potential for the republicans to drag it out in October. Obviously may be nothing at all, but we know that was a major fear of democrats in 2008 (and one reason the establishment wanted someone to properly challenge her).
Thank you. Where there's large numbers of the passionate, you're going to find the mad ones with the loudest voice in the room. They don't represent everyone else and shouldn't be considered such.
There's good reason to condemn Trump for his supporters actions, for example. We see that he repeatedly endorses the behavior either directly or through his rhetoric.
These people are no more indicative of the Bernie Sanders' campaign than the pieces of shit on twitter (who support Clinton) who were body-shaming Jane.
Bernie has come out and condemned this. There's no reason this should blow up as a means to attack him. Nothing he has said has encouraged sexist attacks.
Browns fans, are you okay?
wtf is this shit I am waking up to
Nothing, but there's still a lot of meat on that bone for the GE. It'll take a thick skin to get through it, even compared to 2008 and 2012, I'm betting. This kind of comment is child's play.
I already agreed, it wasn't the right word for this context, and it's part of a pattern with Bernie supporters, which makes it worse. The word itself is acceptable when referring to politicians. I would have zero problem with someone calling, say, Scott Walker a corporate whore (he is).
I posted the link, and the Trump statement was a joke about how many times we went back and forth about debates affecting Trump's poll numbers back in the day.
The only potential thing, outside the crazy fictitious email stuff, is the Bill Clinton affairs rumours that were everywhere in 2007 and 2008. There's so much of it around, and so many specific references in various books, that there is the potential for the republicans to drag it out in October. Obviously may be nothing at all, but we know that was a major fear of democrats in 2008 (and one reason the establishment wanted someone to properly challenge her).
wait was is the democratic whore stuff?
Actually, Bernie's campaign have made several statements and moves that sorta did come off as less than sensitive when it comes to gender. .
wait was is the democratic whore stuff?
Not going to fight this here, but the email stuff is far from fictitious. I don't think it'll be a huge issue in the GE, as I think a lot of people don't understand why it's such a big deal, but it is. Hillary should escape indictment here, though, by the virtue of unclear/poorly written policy. It's worrisome when you're talking about putting someone in charge of national security with that kind of judgment.
Ahh ok. I remember someone mentioning that one paper leans clinton, the other leans conservative.
It's kind of reminding me of when McCain really flamed out in 08 after Palin was brought in. The rhetoric was built up too much and it got out of his hands to where people were calling Obama unAmerican and a Muslim.dude this campaign is flailing around as it dies. I mean all movements do but still. Disappointing that our side is doing this
I would have issue with someone calling Scott Walker a corporate whore. Those types of words do not help your cause, no matter what it is. They're too charged. They're too weighted. You don't need to go there. If a campaign does, they get to defend every single connotation. It's even worse when it's levied at a female opponent.
Bernie, eventually, did the right thing. His wife should have had her talking points before she went on the teevee. If his supporters want to keep making this a thing, the media will happily hold onto it. They need to learn to let shit die and not freaking try and die on every single hill they come across.
Nothing, but there's still a lot of meat on that bone for the GE. It'll take a thick skin to get through it, even compared to 2008 and 2012, I'm betting. This kind of comment is child's play.
I highly doubt that.
Perhaps you're encountering misogyny from some Bernie supporters because their opponent-Candidate is a women and not because of their own campaign's rhetoric? Do you think there was less gendered hatred from the "Obama-boys"? Have you not encountered extreme misogyny in Clinton-criticism long before Bernie was even on the national stage?
Have you never encountered anti-semitism or ageism in online Bernie-criticism? I have. I don't think it's because of anything Clinton has said.
The simple reality is that very many people in the United States hate Hillary Clinton. Very many people in the United States are also very sexist. The unfortunate reality is that there is an intersection of these two, large groups.
It's a powerful indictment of someone who has surrendered any principles.
Not going to fight this here, but the email stuff is far from fictitious. I don't think it'll be a huge issue in the GE, as I think a lot of people don't understand why it's such a big deal, but it is. Hillary should escape indictment here, though, by the virtue of unclear/poorly written policy. It's worrisome when you're talking about putting someone in charge of national security with that kind of judgment.
Bernie's campaign was just hit hard over calling Hillary unqualified. A lot of people saw some sexist undertones in that. When Bernie told Hillary not to "yell" about gun violence, a lot of people, like my fairly intelligent mother immediately heard that as a phrase with sexist undertones. Bernie's demeanor and his "Excuse me, I'm talking" shit was, optically, terrible. If he wagged that finger in my face, I'd tell him where he could go put it, to be frank. Some of the comments Killer Mike made were incredibly tone deaf. This comment, again, incredibly tone deaf.
So, no. I don't think Bernie is sexist, but I think he's surrounded himself with people who are just fucking stupid as hell. Tone and optics are important, and his campaign continually manages to step both feet firmly in it.
People might see a sexist undertone in a lot of places. That doesn't mean that what was said was necessarily sexist. The 'qualifications' comment and "excuse me I'm talking" are striking me right now as highly, highly questionable things for someone to consider sexists in any way given the context in which they were said. I respectfully disagree, Adam.
I really hope Supers come up tonight in a question for Bernie and Hillary points out that Bernie is a Super Delegate.
I admire your consistency, but other politicians have been at the receiving end of that word by opponents and pundits in the past. Personally I wouldn't use it towards a female politician (too loaded in that context!) but the word itself doesn't bother me. It's a powerful indictment of someone who has surrendered any principles. Sometimes we need strong language to make these kind of indictments.
Bernie did walk it back, which was the right move here.
I don't really understand why you think anybody should give a shit about whether you personally are okay with the word "whore." This is not a social club, we're talking about the actual effects vocabulary choices have on reifying the patriarchy.
The word "whore" is as closely tied up with a patriarchal, power-focused understanding of sexuality as any other word in the entire English language. You can't use it as a derogatory without implicitly buying into that structure and using it as a weapon, which necessarily empowers it and makes you part of it.
If you think that it's okay to call women (or any people) whores if you just feel strongly enough about the choices they've made then you think that the patriarchy is awesome and sexism is great inasmuch as they give you powerful weapons to use to attack your opponents. That doesn't make you sexist, necessarily, but it makes you a product of your upbringing.
*sips tea that I stole from melkr*I mean, I'm 100% unsurprised that as soon as the conversation is about whether it's okay to call a woman a whore all the pro-misogyny tactics came out to play and the thread suddenly turned into a Gaming-side thread.* That's just how the patriarchy works.