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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Does PoliGAF hate Politico? I can't remember. I have read a number of fairly good articles on there. Maybe a few poorly written or sensationalist ones is indicative of a lack of editorial cohesion, not poor site-wide quality.

Mostly crap, but they have the occasional decent article here and there.


I'm watching CNN right now because I am in a waiting room.

The Trump surrogate on right now talking about how terrible the establishment is is just listed as "Trump supporter." Trump has no surrogates that have actual political jobs.


Cross posting but that tweet just reminded me of this
Except, 100x worse
I just realized Eastwood's speech to an empty chair might be a better written speech than whatever Trump delivers when he accepts the nomination.


Does PoliGAF hate Politico? I can't remember. I have read a number of fairly good articles on there. Maybe a few poorly written or sensationalist ones is indicative of a lack of editorial cohesion, not poor site-wide quality.

Politico is the official unofficial mouthpiece for GOP leaks in the same way that Ezra Klein was the official unofficial White House spokesperson when he was at the Washington Post. (I don't feel like he has quite that level of access at Vox.)

So, like, you have to consider the source a lot, because generally GOP officials don't leak stuff that will look bad for them.


Politico is the official unofficial mouthpiece for GOP leaks in the same way that Ezra Klein was the official unofficial White House spokesperson when he was at the Washington Post. (I don't feel like he has quite that level of access at Vox.)

So, like, you have to consider the source a lot, because generally GOP officials don't leak stuff that will look bad for them.

Huh. Interesting.

What about other sources, like TheHill and The Atlantic? Are there any other notable news places that have some kinda known reputations for insider access?
Politico is the official unofficial mouthpiece for GOP leaks in the same way that Ezra Klein was the official unofficial White House spokesperson when he was at the Washington Post. (I don't feel like he has quite that level of access at Vox.)

So, like, you have to consider the source a lot, because generally GOP officials don't leak stuff that will look bad for them.
That's interesting that you would write that. I asked this because the article I was just reading was, to my surprise, what I wrote about last night, but written 8 months ago: that the GOP base doesn't care about conservatism and has wanted populism for a while, now, thus explaining the trump phenomenon. Implicitly puts a lot of blame on Republican leaders while simultaneously deriding conservatism. But I believe you about the pro-GOP leaks.
Huh. Interesting.

What about other sources, like TheHill and The Atlantic? Are there any other notable news places that have some kinda known reputations for insider access?
Atlantic is full of centrist pro-Dem shills that almost certainly have the scoop for administration related news and interviews. (I read it religiously although the bias nauseates at times).


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Just for light relief I've tried to find an alternative presidential candidate.

How about King Phillippe of the Belgians? Yes, really.

He is a natural-born citizen by his descent from the Marquis de Lafayette (by grant of the Maryland General Assembly in 1784 to him and his male heirs "forever").

He owes no allegiance to any foreign power on account of being a King (people owe allegiance to him, not the other way round).

Might have to do something about the residence requirement like retrospectively annexing Belgium though.


Here it comes...


(CNN)Some of Hillary Clinton's closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven't found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

In recent weeks, multiple aides have been interviewed -- some more than once, the officials said. A date for an FBI interview of Clinton has not been set, these officials said, but is expected in the coming weeks. Abedin has cooperated with the probe, the officials said. Lawyers for Abedin declined to comment. The officials say the interviews of Clinton and her aides would be a routine part of an investigation like this.

Look, it's nothing.


Look, it's nothing.

The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven't found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.


We all know that even if the investigation ended right now, the attacks would continue anyway.
#somehashtagaboutFBIpaidoff #$hillary #bernieorbongs
He only lost by 3% in a state Romney won by 10%. It's winnable.
That he came so close in 2012 was surprising.

I remember being mocked relentlessly in these threads for pegging the Senate race as Lean R and the governor's race as Likely R after Mourdock knocked off Lugar. Also for having the audacity to suggest Tammy Baldwin could win in Wisconsin. I wear those calls as badges of honor.

wish I was closer to the mark in 2014


Jesus Christ with the damn emails...

Months upon months of nothing. I mean, at this point aren't there now interesting things to fake outrage over?

Her hair this week has been awful!! Establishment coif! Grrrrr!!!!
don't we all

(but especially the two of us, because anything above 49-51 going into this election probably gets the dems a supermajority the way things are going)
I'm hoping Dems' Senate gains puts them at or above 55.

If they land at 55 they can lose all five Romney state Democrats and still hold onto a 50-50 tie.

That would still require holding onto 5 potentially tough swing state seats (VA, FL, OH, PA, WI) and barring any other nasty surprises (did anyone really VA to be that close last election?) but it should be doable. I would just rather not have to count on Manchin, Tester, Heitkamp, McCaskill or Donnelly holding on.

That's what sunk us in 2014, having to piss away money on Pryor and Landrieu that should have gone towards saving Braley and Udall. Begich and Hagan came very close so I give them props.
Politico is the official unofficial mouthpiece for GOP leaks in the same way that Ezra Klein was the official unofficial White House spokesperson when he was at the Washington Post. (I don't feel like he has quite that level of access at Vox.)

So, like, you have to consider the source a lot, because generally GOP officials don't leak stuff that will look bad for them.
It's also just... poorly written meaningless shit most of the time.
That he came so close in 2012 was surprising.

I remember being mocked relentlessly in these threads for pegging the Senate race as Lean R and the governor's race as Likely R after Mourdock knocked off Lugar. Also for having the audacity to suggest Tammy Baldwin could win in Wisconsin. I wear those calls as badges of honor.

wish I was closer to the mark in 2014

I was living in Wisconsin in 2012. Even though Baldwin had been leading in the polls since September or so, people just could not believe she'd be able to take down Thompson. I remember watching the local election coverage that night, which had both a Democratic and Republican strategist to talk about the results, and you could just tell the Republican couldn't believe what was happening.
Tammy Baldwin was only a surprise to people who hadn't followed any polls. Which was a huge folly for anyone covering the race.

I would've thought a strategist would know better, but maybe he was only looking at unskewed polls of the race. It really came across as genuine shock.

Assuming Feingold can take down Johnson, Wisconsin should have one of the best pairs of Senators after this cycle.
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