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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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I know these threads can get pretty anti-Sanders, and I am sorry to contribute to it further. But one of the moments that really made me sour on Sanders was when he called Planned Parenthood part of the "establishment" because they endorsed Hillary Clinton.

It just irritated me. Clinton has always been a strong supporter of women's access to safe, legal abortions, a supporter of women's health issues, female empowerment, and an icon in her own right. Planned Parenthood is anything but "the establishment." As an organization it is always fighting for funding, fighting against political smears, and routinely dealing with all sorts of sexist protests and threats. Some people who work for PP deal with the most unfair bs simply because they are trying to provide health services to women (and men).

When Bernie threw all of that under the bus, he lost me big time.

That was my, and pardon my choice of words, watershed moment too.

I still remember the intensity of the thread I made about it too. Had people calling for me to be banned for saying that what he said was bullshit and unhelpful.


Do you want to re-litigate the West Virginia polls?

Now you're trying to use a deep red state's poll to try and debunk a national poll? And not only that, you're citing the poll where 39% of Sanders voters would vote Trump over Sanders? WV is fucked up and is not representative of the country at large.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Any remaining chance for Sanders is dead tonight.


Ok Cerium I get your frustrated but you gotta turn it down with the "hamitude". You're going a bit off the rails.

See, here we disagree. Experience means little if it won't be properly applied, and the nature of the presidency means that a lack of exact policy solutions is inconsequential. Bernie Sanders obviously cannot pass legislation, and on matters of executive policy he would defer to advisers. But because a Sanders presidency won't happen, this doesn't need to be discussed.

Why is the crowd booing a closed primary. It's democratic party primary you guys. If you want to vote for independents, run your own damn candidate!


lol I clicked expecting a new poll with more up to date information and instead all you give me is a reporter's hot take. Seriously?

And again

2016 Bernie supporters are already more supportive of Clinton than 2008 Clinton supporters were of Obama.

I heard from reliable sources on the internet that all Bernie supporters will be voting for Trump.


Corporations are absolutely a problem, because why should our livelihood be placed in the hands of unelected profit-seekers? A much better system would be cooperative businesses which are owned and operated by the workers, rather than a handful of lucky individuals. There's no reason why an effective estate tax needs to exist to the exclusion of regulations to limit the exploitative power of capitalists within their lifetimes.

I will be the one to say this is all totally true and right on, fuck the rentiers.

However, the solution to this isn't to get rid of corporations, it's to create a basic income to protect worker negotiation power so that they can accumulate capital and start co-ops or businesses of their own.


Ok Cerium I get your frustrated

I would be frustrated if Hillary were losing. She's not. She's going to be just fine.

I'm disgusted by the political equivalent of GamerGate. It's no longer enough that Bernie loses; his legacy needs to be put in the trash where it belongs.


Nate silver said this recently about the democratic and republican primary.

He's saying that their is a decent chance that the democrats primary turnout will end up higher than the republicans primary turnout eventually. I think the democrats can easily get another 5+ million votes out of the remaining primaries



So in essence trump's bragging point about him driving republican primary turnout higher than the democrats is probably going to be destroyed soon.


That was my, and pardon my choice of words, watershed moment too.

I still remember the intensity of the thread I made about it too. Had people calling for me to be banned for saying that what he said was bullshit and unhelpful.

I think I had more of an issue with Hillary Clinton saying she couldn't be part of the establishment because she was a woman. I don't even know what the establishment is exactly but I'm pretty sure she's part of it.


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Ok Cerium I get your frustrated but you gotta turn it down with the "hamitude". You're going a bit off the rails.


Barack Obama and Bill Clinton both led generally successful presidencies without being experts. Obama's campaign goals in 2008 ended up being quite different from his agenda as president, even before the GOP takeover of our legislature, because his political background didn't prepare him for the nuances of Washington politics. Nobody's can.

Even if Bernie Sanders is less qualified than his opposition, I'm of the opinion that his ideological bent overrides that. It's fine if you disagree.

I will be the one to say this is all totally true and right on, fuck the rentiers.

However, the solution to this isn't to get rid of corporations, it's to create a basic income to protect worker negotiation power so that they can accumulate capital and start co-ops or businesses of their own.

Right, I don't believe all companies should be abolished, just made more democratic. This can be achieved without expropriation.


A) Well I think that's terrible. Our political system is specifically designed to be slow to change and encourage compromise. We are also a very populous country with very diverse interests that all need to be accommodated to at least some degree. That's going to make things tricky and is part of the reason the Tea Party has been so bad for any sort of progress in the country. The system wasn't designed for one party to just straight up take their ball and go home.

There's some truth in both sides. I think the argument for idealism is that the President should set forth a vision for the country. That doesn't mean that they're allergic to compromise, or that they don't work out the details of their proposals, but there's value in not baking the compromises into your campaign platform.

You can be good at vision and still have an attention to detail/ability to compromise. Ted Kennedy was. We just have two candidates who, at least now, veer towards one side or the other.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Jesus fuck, he just called out the entire democratic party, everybody.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Barack Obama and Bill Clinton both led generally successful presidencies without being experts. Obama's campaign goals in 2008 ended up being quite different from his agenda as president, even before the GOP takeover of our legislature, because his political background didn't prepare him for the nuances of Washington politics. Nobody's can.

Even if Bernie Sanders is less qualified than his opposition, I'm of the opinion that his ideological bent overrides that. It's fine if you disagree.

Bernie's attitude is a larger problem to me than his inexperience honestly. Others have described him as "incurious" which I agree with, and which is bad in any sense and definitely bad when compounded with inexperience.


Still waiting on him to talk about anything but the process itself.

It's weird, just looks like a shell game now he's playing.

Eh...."winning" campaign might be stretching it.


Barack Obama and Bill Clinton both led generally successful presidencies without being experts. Obama's campaign goals in 2008 ended up being quite different from his agenda as president, even before the GOP takeover of our legislature, because his political background didn't prepare him for the nuances of Washington politics. Nobody's can.

Even if Bernie Sanders is less qualified than his opposition, I'm of the opinion that his ideological bent overrides that. It's fine if you disagree.

Again, Bernie is dismissing said experts as the establishment.

I have zero trust that he would get the right advisors.


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He says he is taking the fight to the convention ^______^

That's regrettable. As a politician, Bernie's made his share of missteps. The guy absolutely is not perfect, and as much as I like him, I'd love a more seasoned candidate with his ideological bent.
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