I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Tyler +40 OK
I don't know why he still tries, lol.
Tyler +40 OK
Someone check and see if Tyler can add more variables to his model
I feel out of the loop![]()
Literally every time he talks he wanks on about how his average donation is $27
So Bernie is not using a super PAC if he becomes the nominee?
I'm guessing he didn't account for the constant fluctuations in Bernie's average donation.
53/47 in Oregon isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
Literally every time he talks he wanks on about how his average donation is $27
So Bernie is not using a super PAC if he becomes the nominee?
I seriously don't get his tactics if his goal is to shape the party platform. Antagonizing the entire party and the national frontrunner and expecting them offer you or acquiesce to anything is naïve. Barry-O's team in 2008 almost didn't even help out with Clinton's campaign debt because of the lingering acrimony. I don't see Clinton giving in to most if any of his demands at this point.
What's Bernie going to need in CA after tonight? 80 point win?
I seriously don't get his tactics if his goal is to shape the party platform. Antagonizing the entire party and the national frontrunner and expecting them offer you or acquiesce to anything is naïve. Barry-O's team in 2008 almost didn't even help out with Clinton's campaign debt because of the lingering acrimony. I don't see Clinton giving in to most if any of his demands at this point.
It's not for him, it's for the over 40% of democratic primary voters that want his platform.
Did you read the explanation? The biggest variables were donations and facebook likes.Someone check and see if Tyler can add more variables to his model
Barack Obama and Bill Clinton both led generally successful presidencies without being experts. Obama's campaign goals in 2008 ended up being quite different from his agenda as president, even before the GOP takeover of our legislature, because his political background didn't prepare him for the nuances of Washington politics. Nobody's can.
Even if Bernie Sanders is less qualified than his opposition, I'm of the opinion that his ideological bent overrides that. It's fine if you disagree.
Benchmark Politics ‏@benchmarkpol 31s32 seconds ago
If Sanders cannot win in a landslide in Oregon, he will not win California.
Did you read the explanation? The biggest variables were donations and facebook likes.
Yeah, boo all of those superdelegates you're trying to woo. Smart move.
I don't think "Pro-Life" is going to win the Idaho Senate Primary for the Constitution Party.
I have doubts about his odds in California, but if I recall CA is semi-open whereas Oregon is closed.
If only he really had 40%.
He has something like 20 to 30% and the rest are Not-Clinton or Not Obama voters.
I have doubts about his odds in California, but if I recall CA is semi-open whereas Oregon is closed.
Would you advocate that only persons with foreign policy experience become president? It's great that Hillary's been in this position, but most candidates don't have that luxury.
Elon Musk is a smart dude, but he works for his own success. He isn't overly concerned with the well-being of his workers, and his pursuit of science often isn't that scientific. Just look at his pie-in-the-sky pursuit of asteroid mining, which will make him very wealthy but not efficiently enrich our understanding of space. Somebody like Elon Musk can lead a company without using it as a framework to exploit those beneath him.
Why should so much power be held by people we didn't elect, and who don't care about our general well-being?
I largely agree. We tend to focus on the 30% or so of Sanders supporters who have a heavy presence online, will never vote for Hillary, and are largely a bunch of idiots. I'd expect most Sanders voters to vote for Hillary.
In terms of Sanders' legacy, I'd turn the question around and ask what is Ron Paul's legacy? How has Paul shaped the GOP? The answer is very little. There has been a liberal insurgent candidate in nearly every decade of democrat primaries. I see no reason to believe Sanders will have much of any impact on the party's future, or that his voters will sustain his "movement." Like Paul, they will largely sway between a variety of candidates whose only resemblance to Paul/Sanders is their anti establishment tone.
You've got to be a complete idiot with no ideological center to support both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, or even Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders. Those people have always existed, but not in large numbers so I don't focus on them. In terms of the democrat party's future? Barrack Obama.
I'm all for progressive taxation, social safety nets and service provision, effectively regulated industries and workplaces, and so on and so forth.
But you're really not going to convince me that if I establish an enterprise based on personal entrepreneurial effort, you should get to turn it into a hippy commune.
Barack Obama and Bill Clinton both led generally successful presidencies without being experts. Obama's campaign goals in 2008 ended up being quite different from his agenda as president, even before the GOP takeover of our legislature, because his political background didn't prepare him for the nuances of Washington politics. Nobody's can.
Bernie's attitude is a larger problem to me than his inexperience honestly. Others have described him as "incurious" which I agree with, and which is bad in any sense and definitely bad when compounded with inexperience.
There's a candidate named pro-life running for a senate primary in Idaho. What?
I seriously don't get his tactics if his goal is to shape the party platform. Antagonizing the entire party and the national frontrunner and expecting them offer you or acquiesce to anything is naïve. Barry-O's team in 2008 almost didn't even help out with Clinton's campaign debt because of the lingering acrimony. I don't see Clinton giving in to most if any of his demands at this point.
This is awful, this is the left tea party come to life