Snowman Prophet of Doom
I don't really see why it's confusing that people assume there's something wrong with an economic and political philosophy that was used to justify the biggest non-fascistic atrocities and disasters in human history.
The height will be the FBI ruling, no matter what their report says. After that, it'll mostly die down.I think this is the height of it. They have a new shinny thing (The IG Report) to talk about. Nothing really knew and the fundamentals haven't changed.
This is like blaming your fire alarm for the fire.
The rest... eh. He's not right about interest rates. I mean, I don't think the Fed's mandate is either, we should be looking at NGDP targeting or price path targeting and not inflation targeting, but Sanders is more wrong.He's right about banks keeping money out of the economy, but his policy solution is inane - if you charge banks money on their desposits, they'll just try and hold physical deposits and you end up with the normal shoestring problems. He's very much right about Fed transparency and how more direct Fed assistance helps, although I suspect for the wrong reasons.
Either way, I think the second part is the much less important part. The Budget Committee doesn't run the Fed. If you have good people in the relevant places, then Sanders' mutterings are kind of irrelevant. The most important part is getting those good people, and that, I think, is something Sanders would push for much more effectively than almost anyone else I can think of.
Or whoever it may be.
Or whoever it may be.
Or whoever it may be.
More like Farton school.Dumb Donald Trump didn't learn proper English, the language of business, during his failing stint at Wharton School. Lame!
Or whoever it may be.
Nate Cohn
55 minutes ago
I guess the only question now is whether Trump will compete in DC, Hawaii or Maryland
Great! This should put an end to the new burst of smugness from (some) Bernie supporters, hopefully.
95% of the white working class vote needed to win New York? Please proceed, Trump.
Sanders must be feeling mighty dumb right now when Donald Fucking Trump has shown more respect for the primary process than Sanders and his campaign.
Weaver will hand wave it away saying Trump is scared.
Sanders must be feeling mighty dumb right now when Donald Fucking Trump has shown more respect for the primary process than Sanders and his campaign.
Doesn't that vindicate Sanders a ton now that Trump backed out?
Democrats acted like Sanders was gifting Trump the presidency by agreeing to the debate, but Trump wouldn't be backing out if that were the case.
Or whoever it may be.
I've just realized; this is his general election pivot. Trying to grab everybody who voted for Bernie.
Or whoever it may be.
Hillary SUXXXX0rs worse than wii u
Isn't that the tackiest thing EVER. OMG. I love it.
It doesn't vindicate Sanders but it does make a bunch of people look dumb for worrying about this, since, as people said since literally the beginning of Debateghazi, it was never going to happen.
Yeah, that's like his entire GE pivot. Meanwhile, he is pivoting in the other direction on most other issues, or 360 pivoting on others.
I don't even think it wouldve hurt Hillary. Every time Trump would try to attack her, Bernie would go in on him.Why wouldn't it happen if it was only going to serve to hurt Hillary for the general election like so many people say it would?
Why wouldn't it happen if it was only going to serve to hurt Hillary for the general election like so many people say it would?
as a side note, does would anyone be interested in an EconGAF thread? I'm getting quite tired of some of the more poorly informed posts and was thinking about putting something together. I was thinking I'd start at a proper technical level, but try doing it with a fairly easy-going approach - start with utility curves, set up the First Fundamental Theorem and proof for GCEs, and then all the reasons the assumptions might not hold and why the pricing mechanism doesn't always deliver Pareto efficient outcomes. I think that's the important stuff because if you understand that, most of the rest of economics follows pretty naturally. Could also do the IS-PC-MR model with the QQ extension for a look at how modern monetary policy works, and when you want to use fiscal policy. Maybe a little bit on consumption and inequality.
It doesn't vindicate Sanders but it does make a bunch of people look dumb for worrying about this, since, as people said since literally the beginning of Debateghazi, it was never going to happen.
Doesn't that vindicate Sanders a ton now that Trump backed out?
Democrats acted like Sanders was gifting Trump the presidency by agreeing to the debate, but Trump wouldn't be backing out if that were the case.
My god, you guys will spin everything to be anti sanders. It's downright ridiculous at this point.
Attorneys representing a group of Bernie Sanders supporters informed San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera Thursday night that they plan to file an "emergency request" with U.S. District Court Judge William Alsup in the city today "for a preliminary injunction" in California's June 7 presidential primary," Herrera's office said.
"I think it's unfortunate -- and selfish, frankly -- that these plaintiffs would inject confusion and uncertainty into an election that has been underway for weeks," Herrera said in a statement Thursday night. "San Francisco's Department of Elections and its employees have been doing an exemplary job, and I'm equally confident that our co-defendants are also meeting or exceeding their legal duties. This lawsuit is without merit, and there is no basis for an emergency injunction. I intend to fight it aggressively."
"The activists are seeking sweeping injunctive relief in their suit, including provisions to force 58 counties to segregate ballots already cast by unaffiliated voters; to allow "re-votes" by those voters for presidential primary candidates; and to extend the state's voter registration deadline -- which passed on May 23 for eligibility to vote in the June 7 primary -- until election day itself."
So, the attempt by a group of Sanders supporters to get a court to change the rules for California's primary didn't go their way (the suit won't be heard until August), so now they're filing for an emergency injunction:
Wait, Sanders planted a question on Jimmy Kimmel?
Wait, Sanders planted a question on Jimmy Kimmel?
Isn't that the tackiest thing EVER. OMG. I love it.
The question about the debate.Wait, Sanders planted a question on Jimmy Kimmel?
Or whoever it may be.
So, the attempt by a group of Sanders supporters to get a court to change the rules for California's primary didn't go their way (the suit won't be heard until August), so now they're filing for an emergency injunction:
Wait, Sanders planted a question on Jimmy Kimmel?
This is incoherent nonsense!
Also he is thirsty for those Bernie votes.
NEW -Bernie Sanders responds to Trump's statement re: debate: 'I hope that he changes his mind. ... Mr. Trump is known to change his mind.'