In case anybody didn't see, this Jacobin article is a really interesting look at the Democrat's inability to appeal to many working class whites.
I'm confused because the site I'm using shows bernie in the lead again.
Serious question, why do people want Hillary?
She's been flip flopping on issues for years. She can't seem to make up her mind on what she's for.
Her policies are well laid out, workable, and appear to be the best path forwards for the country, given the limitations in our government. She knows how the system works and knows how to use it. She's the most qualified person from either parties to be president as well.
She's changed stances over the years, but ultimately she's trying to be a third term Obama. Would you rather have that or Trump?
Bernie on the other hand is just sprouting off about impossible goals and how he won't compromise and middle ground isn't enough. You don't accomplish anything with this attitude. Also he's had an insurmountable delegate lead to overcome since March, so he's wasting everyone's time.
Compare this:
To the current percentages in the top counties. Hillary is WAY overperforming. It's going to be yuge. About to dump all my money into a blowout.
Personally?Serious question, why do people want Hillary?
She's been flip flopping on issues for years. She can't seem to make up her mind on what she's for.
Benchmark Politics ‏@benchmarkpol 31s31 seconds ago
Clinton up 10k votes now in Jefferson - Get ready for the news networks to pick it up.
In case anybody didn't see, this Jacobin article is a really interesting look at the Democrat's inability to appeal to many working class whites.
I agree that they're workable.
Trump being a bad candidate doesn't make Hillary a good one.
I agree slot of Sanders stuff is out there but so was Obamacare.
Kris was rightThat just came up on Benchmark Politics Twitter feed.
I agree slot of Sanders stuff is out there but so was Obamacare.
That just came up on Benchmark Politics Twitter feed.
I think she won't rock the boat from this middling stability we have today, and she's like the only viable option I see in the next ten to fifteen years of a woman that has more than a small shot at the presidency. And I really think we need to get over this social hurdle.
Just like Barack Obama's presidency didn't fix our racist culture, Hillary's won't fix the sexism inherent in the culture. But both are steps in the right direction.
And for the most part... I don't shy away from political mobility. I mean Barack went from for gay marriage as a state senator to only open to civil unions as a presidential candidate.
Political expediency. Flowing with the direction of the populace to get elected, is smarter than trying to show the public how they're wrong. Better to get elected and show them through action.
And it's not like she's pure politician in this regard. She will fight a hard battle when she feels the chance and motivation. See her tenure as first lady and SoS.
I can't believe I only had 62 posts in the last thread. It felt like I was there for hundreds. I guess sometimes I say stuff in my head and think I posted them
Bernie has the perfect way to exit.
I'm not bothered by him staying in. I'd like to think this primary might lead to reforms in how it's done. As for unifying the party, I think Hillary needs to work at it just as much as Bernie does. Just expecting them to shut up and fall in I think will be a mistake. I don't think many would jump to Trump, but it might just discourage them enough to stay home.
I'm just really worried Hillary and the DNC are going to screw this up somehow and lead us to President Trump.
Trump being a bad candidate doesn't make Hillary a good one.
I agree slot of Sanders stuff is out there but so was Obamacare.
I'm more worried about Bernie screwing it up at this point. The man can't even condemn violence properly.
I think she won't rock the boat from this middling stability we have today, and she's like the only viable option I see in the next ten to fifteen years of a woman that has more than a small shot at the presidency. And I really think we need to get over this social hurdle.
Just like Barack Obama's presidency didn't fix our racist culture, Hillary's won't fix the sexism inherent in the culture. But both are steps in the right direction.
And for the most part... I don't shy away from political mobility. I mean Barack went from for gay marriage as a state senator to only open to civil unions as a presidential candidate.
Political expediency. Flowing with the direction of the populace to get elected, is smarter than trying to show the public how they're wrong. Better to get elected and show them through action.
And it's not like she's pure politician in this regard. She will fight a hard battle when she feels the chance and motivation. See her tenure as first lady and SoS.
Obamacare was a very hard fought battle, but it was never unachievable. Let's not forget it took a super democratic majority to get that piece of legislation passed. Sanders is talking about going even farther much faster with at best slight majorities in both the house and senate.
Obamacare was a Heritage Foundation idea. It's a conservative solution to health care. It isn't so out there at all. Not like bread lines or dictatorships or any other crazy stuff Bernie was legit into at some point.
Regardless of how you feel, you have to be realistic about the 2 party system and it does make sense to look at how bad Trump would make things
Obamacare had to compromise a lot. Sanders' plan would try to get rid of Obamacare and basically eliminate health insurerers nationwide. That doesn't sound remotely plausible
Hillary's current stance on social issues is actually really damn good. Good progress for women, LGBT, and minorities. She will put a progressive on the Supreme Court.
Ddhq is showing like 3.5k votes.50% reporting and the margin is about 600 votes. This might be the closest primary so far.
@jbouie went in on this on twitter.Failure to recognize how much racism plays into our daily lives and decision making will ensure continued failure.
Ddhq is showing like 3.5k votes.
No matter what happens, Sanders didn't come close to the target so what difference does it make?
It was so out there they are still trying to overturn that law.
Ddhq is showing like 3.5k votes.
No matter what happens, Sanders didn't come close to the target so what difference does it make?
CNN is showing Bernie up by 1k right now and Ddhq is showing Hillary up by 1k. I need a drink.
I bet you their will only be 5 delegate or less difference between Bernie and Hilary in Kentucky if none of them pull away soon.
It's a combination of establishment media bias and fraud.The main sites aren't including the biggest counties results yet for whatever reason, which are heavily Clinton.
I bet you their will only be 5 delegate or less difference between Bernie and Hilary in Kentucky if none of them pull away soon.
it's gonna be 3 delegates or less depending on the final margin
If Trump called Hillary a cunt during one of the debates, would Jim Gray have a shot of beating Rand Paul?
Going to be 2-4 points in the end, Clinton, going by current voting trends.