R= I need recommendations for a good breakfast place in Fresno.
Every year my fiancé and I drive from Boise to her family's cabin on the edge of Sequoia National Park. We leave in the evening and drive straight through the night so that we can make the most of our week off.
The plan is always to stop in Fresno, hit up the Trader Joe's for groceries and then drive up the mountain to her cabin. This year we got into Fresno an hour before Trader Joe's opened, so I googled 'best breakfast in Fresno' and the Fresno Breakfast House came up. It sounded like a reasonable place to go...
It is the ugliest, tackiest, worst restaurant I've ever been to. American flags on the dirty plates. Jesus stuff all over the walls. Shit coffee and cold food.
Rant is over. If you can recommend a good alternative, I'd greatly appreciate it. There's nothing worse than driving 14 hours straight and paying good money for a bad breakfast.