You quoted my reasons.
And it's only a dramatic change if you think Sanders and Clinton are diametrical opposites
But in depth it was this:
Data theft, his team did wrong, and he played victim and attacked the DNC, instead of accepting responsibility
My first indication that A) He had incompetent Staff and B) He is unable to take responsibility and may in fact lack integrity
That was a huge moment for me because it was the first time I got an indication of who Bernie Sanders the candidate was, prior to that I had thought of him solely as a set of ideas if that makes sense.
So the shift began, I still agreed with ideas but started to think that he might not be the right person to put them into action.
Then he completely lost me with the Planned Parenthood fiasco. Where he called them the Establishment, doubled down, tripled down and then finally said oh wait I meant the leaders are, not the organization itself, which in itself was a back track and a quadruple down.
There was absolutely no reason to go after Planned Parenthood, they endorsed Clinton because of her track record in the Senate and her proactive nature on the issues important to them. They were polite and quite positive towards Sanders and yet Sanders turned around and flipped out on them tossing them into the Establishment he was fighting.
That was it for me, I have no time to support a guy who attacks arguably one of the most persecuted organizations in the country just because they endorsed his opponent, while complimenting the hell out of him. The thread I made about it here didn't help either as pro Sandesr people absolutely joined in on attacking PP as part of the establishment and questioning their integrity, and mine, including a few calling to have me banned over it.
The rest is history, he's proven to me since that I was absolutely correct to get off that band wagon.
I mean it's a laundry list:
1) His reaction post South-Carolina, where he simulatenously dismissed the south as "conservative", didn't thank his supporters in those states or really acknowledge what those losses meant.He went to Super White Minnesota I believe that night and called them too smart not to vote for him, which is a terrible thing to say post a major loss in a state where the black vote was a huge factor in his loss.
2) He also managed to claim that had he tired harder he'd have won, which basically implies he didn't consider the South worth his time, and that he lost because they (which includes a lot of minorities) just didn't know about him. It's also a lie, he out spent Clinton in South Carolina.
3) His surrogates have been horrendous and he's never really held them accountable. I mean his response to Killer Mike's Uterus comment was to say "I'd never say vote for me because I'm a man". Then there's the Establishment Whores moment, the Rosario Dawson shit, the Cornel West stuff
4) The John Lewis incident
5) Blaming the DNC for the Arizona issues, and claiming somehow that it only hurt him, never mind that in many of those places it likely hurt Clinton more
6) Demanding debates and then complaining because he didn't get his desired dates, or that he'd have to change a date of one of his million and a half stump speech rallies
7) the fact that all he seemed to do is host rallies, whereas I saw Clinton going into communities and meeting with people in much more intimate ways
8) His refusal to do fuck all for the downticket
9) His attack on Emily's List when he finally sort of kinda did a tiny thing for the downticket
10) His camp's insistence that he didn't need to really help monetary wise wtith the downticket because just being on the same ticket as Bernie fucking Sanders is enough. No cult of personality for me please.
11)That disastrous NYDN interview where he was frankly exposed as not having much of a plan of action, just a lot of core ideas.
12) His ridiculous policies on free trade and his inclination to give anti-GMO zealots any credibility.
13) Everything to do with his fucking Clinton speeches bullshit. Especially given that when asked to pinpoint even one time Clinton was "bought and paid for" he couldn't. Not to mention he sure as shit managed to only release a tiny fraction of his tax return
14) How he fucked up the Castro and Ortega question in the Florida Debate
15) How we went to the fucking Vatican on his campaign's dime in the middle of a fucking primary
16) How he came back and immediately criticized Clinton for the Clooney predominately downticket fundraiser, eventually calling it and other fundraisers like it money laundering.
17) His repeated claims that he represents the will of the people, despite being currently decimated in the popular vote.
18) His disinterest in foreign policy, beyond I was against Iraq. He hired advisers way too late, by then he'd already propose that the solution to fighting ISIS was for Saudi Arabia and Iran to create a coalition... which is fucking asinine. That and it's clear that he has never been all the interested in foreign policy. In a Senate briefing about Libya, Sanders took the floor and talked about Democratic messaging on the economy.
19) How almost every loss is somehow because the election was stolen from him and not because people sincerely voted against him
20) His obsession with yelling fraud at everything
21) His constant attack on the Democratic Party and the DNC which in the end turned out to be the only actual target for his "revolution" to the point where his supporters booed the Democratic Party at his latest stump rally. Shouldn't have been a surprise in retrospect, since he's the guy that wanted someone to primary Obama in 2012
22) Which is exactly why what happened in Nevada as his response to it is no surprise. It was a culmination of so much of what I've listed above. He has whipped a lot of people into a detached from reality frenzy, his "everything is fraud and theft" behaviour has convinced a subset of his followers that an election is literally being stolen from him. I mean again look at his press release, after walking away from the question like a fucking coward, he releases a statement that basically blames Roberta Lange for her own harassment, I'd argue in fact that in focusing the bulk of the release on making false accusations that she was corrupt and committing fraud and stealing a win from Sanders that he in fact was essentially just giving more ammo for people to either harass her more or feel justified in their harassment, and frankly that seems evident when you read the interviews of some of those people who harassed her
23) Oh and now he's actually called Clinton the lesser of two evils, while trying to pretend he didn't like a fucking weasel.
24) He's run his campaign as a litmus test for getting to call oneself a progressive.
25 ) He pretends to not be a politician but absolutely is one.
26) His inability to ever truly admit fault, it's always someone else's.
27) Everything to do with Super Delegates, first hating them despite hiring the guy who helped create them, and then going oh wait they should be allocated by the outcome of the primaries, oh wait by that I mean the states that I won, the ones in states that Clinton won should vote for me because meaningless GE polls. He's essentially claiming to be the will of the people while arguing to over turn the will of the people
He's proven to me that he's not fit to be President.
That said if he somehow was the nominee I'd cheer for him in an instant, but I'm glad he's not the nominee.