Trump Allies Plot Candidate Intervention After Disastrous 48 Hours
Trump Allies Plot Candidate Intervention After Disastrous 48 Hours
Not only said but the fucking motion he does when saying itI believe my breakdown started when trump said "I love the poorly educated."
Jonathan Swan ‏@jonathanvswan 50m50 minutes ago
"I would break his f---ing thumbs if I could" - top Trump donor/fundraiser to me just now.
It's funny because these donors are probably backing Trump hoping he'll do XYZ with regards to taxes, but not like you can really trust Trump at all with regards to anything
Unless the GOP can somehow force Trump out, I don't see why people are getting excited about these Trump exit rumors. The man's ego want allow him to drop out, and I imagine any forced out would be really, really nasty.
Will Jordan @williamjordann
New poll Americans with $150,000+ household income prefer Clinton over Trump by 44-35.
Will Jordan @williamjordann
Romney won households over $100k by 54-44 in 2012.
Not only said but the fucking motion he does when saying it
They're doing it now cause Trump said he won't endorse Ryan, McCain, McDonnell and Ayote (and any other Republican who distances themselves from him).
and chase:
and chase:
But the hand motion.. ughhhhhNo way, I just watched it again and I just noticed his son starts cracking up and then goes back to a serious face.
and chase:
Those Boomer and Mature numbers are a death sentence for a GOP candidate.
Its not like he's going to listen to them. And why should he? He still has the support of the 35% - 40% of the electorate.yes, but
It's coming.
yes, but
It's coming.
the trump campaign damage control on cnn right now
wtf lol
"we want more balanced coverage"
sooooooooooooooooo you want them to cover hillary more? biased media!
But the hand motion.. ughhhhh
Also I'm a millenial now, so that makes me feel good. (36)
As pigeon said, the Republicans have no leverage over him. Why would he listen to any of them? What could Reince Priebus do that Trump could plausibly find threatening, as long as he has a millions-strong base of supporters who he can reach through social media?
This is a guy who somehow built a name for himself as a New York real estate developer while simultaneously alienating the entire New York financial industry. If he thinks he's right and he can keep going, he doesn't need anyone on his side, including Newt or Giuliani.
As pigeon said, the Republicans have no leverage over him. Why would he listen to any of them? What could Reince Priebus do that Trump could plausibly find threatening, as long as he has a millions-strong base of supporters who he can reach through social media?
Trump Allies Plot Candidate Intervention After Disastrous 48 Hours
and chase:
Yup, Rush Limbaugh has been flipping the narrative with this - that Trump is the "everyman" candidate and Hillary is the elitist. sigh.
I read that and laaaaaaughed. That's one level away from him posting a dangling kitten with the "hang in there" caption.Even Tim Kaine's Tweets are Dad Tweets. I love this guy.
Senator Tim Kaine ‏@timkaine 2m2 minutes ago
You could have a different point of view, but you dont have to hate the other person. You can work together.
I thought 35 was the cut off
Even Tim Kaine's Tweets are Dad Tweets. I love this guy.
Senator Tim Kaine ‏@timkaine 2m2 minutes ago
You could have a different point of view, but you dont have to hate the other person. You can work together.
Bruh, we got retirees in this bitch.Who are these old people on my GAF? I'm 20. You guys are old enough to be my dad, or daddy.
Limbaugh and Hannity have been hilarious recently.
I might even tune in to hear Michael Savage today, he has to be going nuts.
Anyone been listening to Levin? I know he hates Trump.
Hillary for Virginia just tweeted an article with this image:Ugh fine dad.
Bruh, we got retirees in this bitch.
Who are these old people on my GAF? I'm 20. You guys are old enough to be my dad, or daddy.
Ugh fine dad.
As pigeon said, the Republicans have no leverage over him. Why would he listen to any of them? What could Reince Priebus do that Trump could plausibly find threatening, as long as he has a millions-strong base of supporters who he can reach through social media?
This is a guy who somehow built a name for himself as a New York real estate developer while simultaneously alienating the entire New York financial industry. If he thinks he's right and he can keep going, he doesn't need anyone on his side, including Newt or Giuliani.
I think you're underestimating Trump's reliance (subconsciously or otherwise) on implicit GOP support. If everyone steps away from him at once they have a lot of power.
Reince Priebus @Reince
At time when US is newly concerned about terrorist attacks, we can't afford such unprincipled & out-of-touch leadership on world stage
10:23am · 3 Aug 2016 · TweetDeck
Because then you will think you're old and not some hip young personMy bf is in his early 30s. And I no longer think "Wow, that's kind of old." I'm 29.
Get off my lawn.
So GAF, how realistic is this map? Looking for a path to >400 for Hillary because jesus fuck.