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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Time to add a lawsuit to the festivities: Two Benghazi Parents Sue Hillary Clinton for Wrongful Death, Defamation

This will ultimately get tossed out, but this lawsuit basically exists to do one thing: Generate extra negative headlines for HRC (as if there weren't enough over the past several years alone related to Benghazi and e-mails) as a means to slow down her momentum if not reverse it. If this will be successful remains to be seen, but it's fucking infuriating that their parents are doing this.
Chambers was a big proponent of the theory that Romney getting zero votes in a bunch of urban precincts was proof of fraud. I always thought that would be a dumb way to commit fraud because all you'd have to do to prove the fraud is find the Republican voters.


In fact, using the Board of Elections website for my county, I can find the exact names and addresses of which voters cast ballots at each precinct in 2012. I could easily contact each and every one of them for a given precinct if I wanted to track down fraud.

I actually have their whole 530,000 line spreadsheet in my Google cloud.
Chambers was a big proponent of the theory that Romney getting zero votes in a bunch of urban precincts was proof of fraud. I always thought that would be a dumb way to commit fraud because all you'd have to do to prove the fraud is find the Republican voters.

Considering the same is probably true in some areas of the south, I wonder why the attention wasn't directed there...oh that's right, never mind.


In fact, using the Board of Elections website for my county, I can find the exact names and addresses of which voters cast ballots at each precinct in 2012. I could easily contact each and every one of them for a given precinct if I wanted to track down fraud.

I actually have their whole 530,000 line spreadsheet in my Google cloud.

Yes, but many of those names could be fake or illegal because reasons.

I just find it funny that a terrible candidate cannot poll badly, because this is too logical. He must be winning!


Kills Photobucket
Mike Pence's daughter is a vampire


So is the kid in red a reverse Vampire?


Unconfirmed Member
Hillary pulling ads from CO and VA is looking smarter every single time we get numbers from "safe" red states. Moving into deep red territory like SC and TX probably won't flip them, but it might help down ticket races. With 270 almost a guarantee at this point, it seems like trying to do as much damage to the senate and house is a smart move.

I'd rather have Hillary lose places like Indiana and Texas (places she doesn't need and probably wasn't going to win anyway) while taking as much territory in the legislative branch as possible, than see her just run up the score against a chump. Swooning over a landslide victory map isn't going to be as satisfying as pushing through a democratic agenda and nominees after 6+ years of being stonewalled.

Colorado has two republican members of congress vulnerable and Virginia has one. They also both have republican controlled state legislatures that they might need help flipping.

What down ballot races are we talking about flipping in Indiana and Texas?
Guys we've been talking about this type of shit for so long when Trump was just starting out as the nominee and nearing the edge of winning the primary.

The fables of Trump destroying the party, altering the course of political history and giving progressives a blank check to get so much shit done.

Is it happening? Like, is this actually happening? You don't have these red states go to battle ground territory, this type of shit isn't just an aberration, this is a pattern in heavily red states on multiple polls.

I don't want to be jumping the gun, but it feels like it's happening.
Colorado has two republican members of congress vulnerable and Virginia has one. They also both have republican controlled state legislatures that they might need help flipping.

What down ballot races are we talking about flipping in Indiana and Texas?

There is talk of Indiana's 9th district being in play.

Edit: this district covers both Bloomington, where IU is, and the Louisville suburbs, among other places.


The lawyer responsible for this, Larry Klayman, is the same guy who tried to get Obama deported in 2014:

He also loves to write articles supporting Trump:
As of today, so-called Republican candidate for president Donald J. Trump is toast. He has effectively been “assassinated” not just by vile, leftist Democrats, who, like the Bolsheviks in the former Soviet Union, will tell any lie and commit any crime to justify their socialist if not communist (in the case of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren) quest, but also by establishment Republicans who want Trump defeated lest he upset and turn the spigot off of their Washington, D.C., money and power gravy train.

Not that the Donald is perfect. He sometimes does not phrase his thoughts in a “thoughtful way,” but he is not the devil like Obama; nor is he a racist as he has been painted not just by the Democrats but the establishment in his own party, most notably Ryan – who, with the hairy point at the top of his forehead, is a bizarre-looking childlike creature who appears and acts more like “Eddie Munster” than a serious leader of his party.


I wonder how many more days of bad polling before Trump tells his advisors to fuck off goes totally off the rails again.
Nah, Trump is going to use his steely message discipline and talk about tax cuts for the rich for the next three months.


Does anyone know if we can still count on these senate democrats to vote for TPP when the time comes and/or if Tim Kaine's replacement will be for it?

It kills me that Boxer isn't supporting it, especially since it's a bill which you couldn't argue hurts California and is very likely to greatly help it.

Tim Kaine is a no


This will ultimately get tossed out, but this lawsuit basically exists to do one thing: Generate extra negative headlines for HRC (as if there weren't enough over the past several years alone related to Benghazi and e-mails) as a means to slow down her momentum if not reverse it. If this will be successful remains to be seen, but it's fucking infuriating that their parents are doing this.

It exists to egg a mean response from Clinton toward the parents to make Dems look like a hypocrite re: Khan.


Susan Collins (R-ME) will not vote for Donald Trump.


wapo said:
When the primary season started, it soon became apparent that, much like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Mr. Trump was connecting with many Americans who felt that their voices were not being heard in Washington and who were tired of political correctness. But rejecting the conventions of political correctness is different from showing complete disregard for common decency. Mr. Trump did not stop with shedding the stilted campaign dialogue that often frustrates voters. Instead, he opted for a constant stream of denigrating comments, including demeaning Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) heroic military service and repeatedly insulting Fox News host Megyn Kelly....

The first was his mocking of a reporter with disabilities, a shocking display that did not receive the scrutiny it deserved. I kept expecting Mr. Trump to apologize, at least privately, but he did not, instead denying that he had done what seemed undeniable to anyone who watched the video. At the time, I hoped that this was a terrible lapse, not a pattern of abuse.

The second was Mr. Trump’s repeated insistence that Gonzalo Curiel, a federal judge born and raised in Indiana, could not rule fairly in a case involving Trump University because of his Mexican heritage. For Mr. Trump to insist that Judge Curiel would be biased because of his ethnicity demonstrated a profound lack of respect not only for the judge but also for our constitutional separation of powers, the very foundation of our form of government. Again, I waited in vain for Mr. Trump to retract his words.

Third was Donald Trump’s criticism of the grieving parents of Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq. It is inconceivable that anyone, much less a presidential candidate, would attack two Gold Star parents. Rather than honoring their sacrifice and recognizing their pain, Mr. Trump disparaged the religion of the family of an American hero. And once again, he proved incapable of apologizing, of saying he was wrong....

Some will say that as a Republican I have an obligation to support my party’s nominee. I have thought long and hard about that, for being a Republican is part of what defines me as a person. I revere the history of my party, most particularly the value it has always placed on the worth and dignity of the individual, and I will continue to work across the country for Republican candidates. It is because of Mr. Trump’s inability and unwillingness to honor that legacy that I am unable to support his candidacy.
SC back to blue on the Nowcast.

Collins' non-endorsement of Trump already doing work, clearly.

Man I hope Clinton wins like 40 states or something. That would be neat.


SC back to blue on the Nowcast.

Collins' non-endorsement of Trump already doing work, clearly.

Man I hope Clinton wins like 40 states or something. That would be neat.
All of this news seems too good to be true.

It's still August... don't want to get TOO comfortable.





At this rate, most of the bounce is going to stick. Hillary just needs to go home to Chappuqua and spend the next 92 days sippin' tea.


SC back to blue on the Nowcast.

Collins' non-endorsement of Trump already doing work, clearly.

Man I hope Clinton wins like 40 states or something. That would be neat.

She is not going to win 40 states. The max she's winning is between 32-35 states.
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