Colorado has two republican members of congress vulnerable and Virginia has one. They also both have republican controlled state legislatures that they might need help flipping.
We were talking about how running ads in states that are normally safe for Republicans spreads them thin; not only do they have to worry about swing states, but because of Trump they have to worry about places like Missouri (which is what started the conversation) and Georgia.
The subject of flipping red states over to blue comes up all the damn time, but it never seems to happen because during the all-important presidential election years the Democrats tend to focus on the swing states and ignore the ones they think they can't win. Trump presents a unique opportunity in two ways; first, he's doing so badly that Hillary doesn't really have to fight in all the usual places, freeing up money to pour into other areas. Second, he's an albatross, and just getting ads out there that can paint the Republicans in that sickly Cheeto Orange shade could theoretically do some damage.
Besides, it's not like she's
abandoning the state, she's just pulling ads. Pretty sure she has an event in Denver next week, actually.
What down ballot races are we talking about flipping in Indiana and Texas?
Just threw those two out as examples of states she probably won't win but people are always talking about (Texas because it would be delicious, Indiana because of 2008).