He's also a way to buffer against Joe Donnelly possibly losing his seat in a midterm election, when Democrat turnout goes way down. Gotta keep at least one D Senator in Indiana.Bayh up 58-32 according to leaked Democrat internal polling.
He's just terrible, but still a +1 vote for many bills.
Oh my goodness I had no idea how bad Fox News was nowadays. It's basically Drudge. Every single story is pro-Trump or anti-Hillary.
Net worth usually includes assets, no?
According to the news above by studyguy, Sanders just bought a 600k vacation home (article was dated just yesterday), there's no way his net worth is lower than the money he put down on that.
2nd Amendment trending on twitter right now.
Please, let this be the thing that makes him shut the fuck up.
That's a new development?
We dont want him to shut the fuck up
Trump is such a fucking idiot. I don't know why every strategist still working for the RNC hasn't assaulted him with expletives in private. Let's recap, GAF:
His last economic policy was going to increase the debt by $10 trillion dollars, slash spending, and was essentially blended nonsense. He just now walked that back with a well rehearsed speech written word for word by conservative strategists into a vanilla Republican economic plan. Better yet, he completely behaved himself despite twelve protests during the speech. TWELVE. It was a reset, folks, a much needed reset after two weeks of being grilled for insulting a gold star family several times. It was a legitimate reset.
And now he just blew it by suggesting people should shoot the supreme court nominee. Wow. It just keeps happening.
Benjy Sarlin
The campaign that's spent the last week shouting Clinton accidentally said "are" instead of "aren't" one time is now pleading for context.
3:27pm · 9 Aug 2016 · TweetDeck
Michael Crowley
Govt has investigated two Trump associateshis butler and a campaign advisorfor HRC threats. Roger Stone has also called for her execution
3:29pm · 9 Aug 2016 · TweetDeck
Press complains that Hillary is stiff and scripted. Maybe because saying any damn thing that crosses your mind is dangerous. #Trump
3:25pm · 9 Aug 2016 · Tweetbot for iΟS
Kevin Collier
Just called @SecretService re: "2nd Amendment people":
"We're familiar with the comment," not yet prepared to make statement.
3:23pm · 9 Aug 2016 · Twitter Web Client
We should trust a crowd who thinks fake firing Flavor Flav is qualification to be president to see the subtleties of an armed rebellion joke
3:24pm · 9 Aug 2016 · TweetDeck
David Frum
Hinting broadly at gun violence is a good way to distract attention from your morning comment that the stock market was overvalued
3:18pm · 9 Aug 2016 · TweetDeck
Benjy Sarlin
Let's apply Occam's razor. Which sounds more like Trump? A) Casually invokes violence B) Organizes single-issue activist pressure campaigns
3:15pm · 9 Aug 2016 · TweetDeck
Chris Murphy
Don't treat this as a political misstep. It's an assassination threat, seriously upping the possibility of a national tragedy & crisis.
3:14pm · 9 Aug 2016 · Twitter for iPhone
2nd Amendment trending on twitter right now.
Please, let this be the thing that makes him shut the fuck up.
Only if he bought it outright? If he put $200,000 towards it and the rest is in a $400,000 mortgage, it would only count for $200,000 - $600,000 is a positive asset from the house, $400,000 is negative debt from the mortgage. Unless he's lying and has excluded half his wealth from his disclosure, I'm pretty certain Sanders isn't a millionaire. I mean, it's kind of irrelevant to that meme now because he won't become president anyway, but facts are facts.
I do, actually. I want him to shut up because he is going to end up getting someone very badly hurt or killed.
There's gotta be more scandalous stuff in store for us. If things go like "normal" for too long, he gets restless and BAM! Another limit breached.
Trump's basically only going to get his base to vote for him at this point. The exit polls re going to be ridiculous. As badly as he's doing right now, these comments are going to hurt him further.
Zeddonymous ‏@ZeddRebel 1h1 hour ago
Trump voter: "I like Trump because he says exactly what he means."
Trump: 'Somebody shoot my opponent'
Trump voter: 'He didn't mean that'
To answer your earlier question, I found my information from a bogus article that erroneously counted all of his homes as payed for. But there's more to this.Only if he bought it outright? If he put $200,000 towards it and the rest is in a $400,000 mortgage, it would only count for $200,000 - $600,000 is a positive asset from the house, $400,000 is negative debt from the mortgage. Unless he's lying and has excluded half his wealth from his disclosure, I'm pretty certain Sanders isn't a millionaire. I mean, it's kind of irrelevant to that meme now because he won't become president anyway, but facts are facts.
Deadline decided to chime in with the worst cartoon possible.
Does the secret service investigate someone who's under secret service protection? How would this work.
To answer your earlier question, I found my information from a bogus article that erroneously counted all of his homes as payed for. But there's more to this.
First, the number you found is actually the average of the range he disclosed, which went from about 200k to about 800k, which is where the 500+ number comes from. We have no idea where he falls in that range. Further, personal financial disclosure forms don't have to reveal properties at all. And they also don't have to reveal any information about mortgages. As of this writing, Bernie Sanders owns three homes: one in a DC neighborhood where the median home price is about 700k, one in Burlington, and now a 600k summer home. Further, it is common to take a couple's net worth, divide it in half, and then disclose that as your individual net worth.
So the truth is that not only do we have no idea how much Bernie Sanders' net worth actually is, it is in fact highly likely that he has enough equity in those 3 homes to put him over 1 million.
Ex-CIA director saying Trump could be arrested for 2nd amendment comments lmao holy shit
This is insane
Any chance Ryan drops Trump after winning the primary tonight?
@NRA RealDonaldTrump is right. If @HillaryClinton gets to pick her anti-#2A #SCOTUS judges, there’s nothing we can do. #NeverHillary
“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people––maybe there is, I dunno…”
Anyone else sick of "Maybe its a joke!" nonsense?
Annie Karni ‏@anniekarni 3h3 hours ago
Meg Whitman just the tip of the GOP for HRC business spear -- am told she's going to announce big, biz community group for Hillary
Jim Sciutto ‏@jimsciutto 15m15 minutes ago
Just in: “The US Secret Service is aware of Mr. Trump’s comments” - USSS Comms Director Cathy Milhoan to #CNN
huh? how so?
also: please be true
Anyone else sick of "Maybe its a joke!" nonsense?
That's just further proof that the rich are truly coddled in my country compared to the UK.Fair, that's interesting. In the UK, the disclosure forms do have to list property (because MPs get a housing allowance which they can't claim if they have a relevant property).