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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Haha Jeff Sessions now says:

Wolf: You don't believe an election can be rigged?

Sessions: Well look at how Florida turned out....

(Sorry, very paraphrased and stuff left out but that's the gist)

Politico has a story about Carly Fiorina possibly being the next RNC chairmman. That's about as politically savvy as them picking Michael Steele as soon as Obama got elected.

I.. uh... what. So the mess will only get bigger. She does not seem like the right person to pick for chairperson.
Why recruitment is hard: 6 months ago, no one would've bet that Katie McGinty and Deborah Ross would be better candidates than Ted Strickland or Patrick Murphy.
The spin just isn't believable. Maybe if he said something like "I chose my words poorly, what I meant was..." he could minimize the damage from this, but of course the only reaction to anything like this his ego will allow is to double down.
Hey guys.. What's..

*sees Trump Comments*


Ok.. That's it.. We've reached bottom of how low he can go.

This ain't the bottom, friend. There is no floor. It will go lower,
Why recruitment is hard: 6 months ago, no one would've bet that Katie McGinty and Deborah Ross would be better candidates than Ted Strickland or Patrick Murphy.

Man, Strickland was such a bad call. We just don't have a deep bench in Florida...well, except for St. Nina Turner, of course. He was always going to be a bad candidate, but I didn't think he would be this bad. His campaign is no where. We asked for materials and stuff three weeks ago (again) and we've gotten the run around. No one's seen any regional directors/contacts. I live in a red district, but he still needs our votes.


Yeah the GOP is going to circle the wagons on this one. At this point it's not about the Presidency anymore, they are trying to save their entire legitimacy as a political party.


will gain confidence one day
Susan Collins dumps Trump a day ago and then decides she needs to spin this one?

It's probably better to downplay the violent reading of his statements if you're already 2A friendly. A 2A "ally" who can pressure 2A supporters into re-integrating into reasonable society might do less harm then her isolating them or this statement as a threat.
Politico has a story about Carly Fiorina possibly being the next RNC chairmman. That's about as politically savvy as them picking Michael Steele as soon as Obama got elected.

Called it.

Get ready for an onslaught of concerned conservative women opposed to President Hillary fighting for equal pay/pre-k access/etc because "women are not one issue voters."


Holy shit at that comment by Trump. It's been a couple of days and he can't even stay on message for this pivot. Guy is the gift that keeps on given. Hilary is so damn lucky.
Agreed. This map scares me.

I mean, it's cool to be nervous, but he's not leading in a single one of those states. We've gotten two polls today showing +4-5 in Ohio. The most recent NH polls showed a decent Hillary lead. We just gotta keep working, but a 269/269 tie seems really unlikely.
Joe Lieberman May Endorse Trump

Former Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, the first Jew to appear on a national presidential ticket, told Fox News he's thinking of supporting Republican Donald Trump.

He's still undecided in this year's race between Trump and Hillary Clinton, he said, adding, there are "a lot of us, I think, who can't feel quite comfortable either way yet."

“I’ve been spending a lot of time with a group called ‘No Labels,’” he said. “Jon Huntsman and I, former Republican governor of Utah, [are] really trying to do something that may seem naive or idealistic, but to sort of build the groundwork of people in both, parties who after the war is over—the war [which] is this campaign— will be prepared to try to build a peace that will enable our government to get something done for the American people."

Of course
he is.
if you believe Pa, Va, and Co are no longer swing states this election cycle, then Hillary just has to win any other swing state to win the election.

Getting close to time to start focusing on other races.


Gary Johnson on MSNBC "if you want to waste your vote on Clinton or Trump"

I think he's smoking some really good weed again


Politico has a story about Carly Fiorina possibly being the next RNC chairmman. That's about as politically savvy as them picking Michael Steele as soon as Obama got elected.

Even if I often don't agree with him, I at least kind of like Steele. I can respect him. Fiorina is a turd - nothing she's said that isn't shitting on Trump has been genuine or displayed political savvy. They way she went all in on the lying PP video was super gross. Does anyone like her? I'm sure Priebus is envious of DWS right now :p


1) There is no scenario in which trump picks up the ground to win CO, VA, PA, or NH. Trump can't get more than 265 EV, but won't get anywhere close to that. The election will continue to swing towards Hillary.

2) The atmosphere in the GOP will only get uglier and more volatile. After today, it is impossible for them to avoid open civil war. The fissure between the college educated and the Trumpists is permanently wide open and irreconcilable.

3) Despite the above I am deeply depressed by today's comments. They are horrible and unacceptable and extremely dangerous. Trump is a powerless child being sent to his room, and screaming to make life hard for his parents because it is the only way he can feel real agency. The normalization of violence is so grotesque that any Republicans who fails to denounce Trump for this should lose their seat.

4) I don't know how to deal with how upset this makes me, so I guess I will just donate to Hillary, go for a run, and take solace in the likely consequence that the GOP, which is a broken, fucked, degenerate organization, continues to fall apart.

5) PA, IN, IL, NH and WI all likely sen pickups at this point. OH looking weak enough that a push there + strong GOTV could still pick it up. I think we win NV. AZ and FL still on the table. I doubt there are any other pickups but you never know. So I am expecting 51-54 seats. Grassley is fucking invincible.

6) Very happy to see the party moving on GA and AZ. Those are worthy long term investments and now is the right time to be making them.

7) The silver lining to the last ten years is that stonewalling a new Clinton administration with a popular mandate is just not a fucking option. No one will have patience for that shit anymore.
Holy shit.

There's a new Priorities Action USA ad. Just saw it for the first time. It has a Gold Star mom talking about the day the military knocked on her door and told her her son was dead. And then she tears into Trump. Saying he will never, ever be able to understand that main. Jesus. It's a powerful ad.


Looks like PA is effectively out of Trump's reach, and possibly VA too (we need a bit more polling there).

Nevada, Iowa and Ohio look close like always, but Hillary might be able to pull it off by winning NC, which is looking stronger for her than it was for Obama in 2012.
It's one thing to talk about a candidate's narrow path to 270, but when you're at the point where you have to stretch the definition of a swing state to come up with 269 (which, granted, is probably as good as 270 for Trump), you know you're talking about a narrow path to victory.
It's one thing to talk about a candidate's narrow path to 270, but when you're at the point where you have to stretch the definition of a swing state to come up with 269 (which, granted, is probably as good as 270 for Trump), you know you're talking about a narrow path to victory.

No one has a path to victory when they are down 8+ points nationally. Swing states are only relevant when it's a close race.
It's one thing to talk about a candidate's narrow path to 270, but when you're at the point where you have to stretch the definition of a swing state to come up with 269 (which, granted, is probably as good as 270 for Trump), you know you're talking about a narrow path to victory.

I kind of feel like these conversations are moot now.

There will be no slow settling back towards a closer race. It's truly over for Trump, by every possible political metric. There's no way away from these comments. They will be everywhere by the morning, the first debate question will be to directly challenge him on it.

It's done.
Cortez Masto going in.


Las Vegas, NV – Former Nevada Attorney General and candidate for United States Senate Catherine Cortez Masto released the following statement on Donald Trump’s comments today:

“Enough. Donald Trump has attacked veterans, immigrants, Muslims, the disabled, women, workers, and is now inciting violence against a candidate for President. How many outrageous things must Donald Trump say before Republicans like Congressman Heck retract their support for him? Nevadans need leaders who will stand up to Donald Trump, not a politician like Congressman Heck who has ‘high hopes’ for a Trump presidency.”


I kind of feel like these conversations are moot now.

There will be no slow settling back towards a closer race. It's truly over for Trump, by every possible political metric. There's no way away from these comments. They will be everywhere by the morning, the first debate question will be to directly challenge him on it.

It's done.

There's still a month and a half until the first debate, plenty of time for even worse things to be asked about as the first question.
There's still a month and a half until the first debate, plenty of time for even worse things to be asked about as the first question.

But there's no reversing the polling trends. He has no path to victory today, so he'll have even less of a path to victory tomorrow.
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