Unless NBC is reporting their own poll wrong, I'm not. I just rewound the NBC Nightly News and there it is.
it's survey monkey, stop peddling hopium in the threadUnless NBC is reporting their own poll wrong, I'm not. I just rewound the NBC Nightly News and there it is.
Another big change is a comparison to the last presidential election. In 2012, Mitt Romney enjoyed a 22 point lead at this time four years ago.
Its been cut in half, down to a single digit lead for Trump in Kansas, very surprising considering how strong Mitt Romney was in this state four years ago, said Jarman.
Regarding that Kansas article.
22 points ÷ 2 = 5
Regarding that Kansas article.
22 points ÷ 2 = 5
Thanks for the replies guys. The outlets that are pushing the health angle all seem to be non mainstream and conspiracy ridden, but just wanted to see Gafs opinion.
Give him a break our schools are in the shitter right now.
it's survey monkey, stop peddling hopium in the thread
99% of white men without college degrees are voting for Trump, period, and nothing will ever change that.
Hey guys, I haven't followed the thread in about three hours, what's going o-
(sees IA/PA/OH/KS (!?!?!) polls)
Don't listen to the health nonsense. The woman is 68 years old so it's a given that she's no spring chicken but most of the smoke is being kicked up by the same type of people who are saying Trump donated to NAMBLA.
I figured it out, it was not a math error but a journalism fail. He meant Trump's lead was cut in half since their last poll, in which he was up by 11.
Trump up 5 points!
(In Kansas)
Trump up 5 points!
(In Kansas)
Agreed. This map scares me.
Forma going in.
Elizabeth WarrenVerified account
.@realDonaldTrump makes death threats because he's a pathetic coward who cant handle the fact that hes losing to a girl.
Legit worried for Hillary's safety.
Kansas is not even 3rd tier battleground state!
Yeah the 2nd amendment comments... Eugggggh. As a purely cynical focused-on-numbers person I'm glad Trump keeps digging his hole deeper but it does frighten me. He's practically dousing the country in gasoline at this point.Read on, it gets way better (and scary!)
In the @FiveThirtyEight polls-only model, Clinton has a better chance of winning Kansas than Trump has of winning the presidency
"They said my wife Melania might have come in illegally," Trump says -- bringing this up unprovoked. Promises a press conference soon.
Legit worried for Hillary's safety.
Don't listen to the health nonsense. The woman is 68 years old so it's a given that she's no spring chicken but most of the smoke is being kicked up by the same type of people who are saying Trump donated to NAMBLA.
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 1m1 minute ago Washington, DC
In the @FiveThirtyEight polls-only model, Clinton has a better chance of winning Kansas than Trump has of winning the presidency
PoligafWho is still talking about this?
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 1m1 minute ago Washington, DC
In the @FiveThirtyEight polls-only model, Clinton has a better chance of winning Kansas than Trump has of winning the presidency
So, I have the feeling the "Second Amendment People" is going to be a solid meme for Democrats looking for a new catch-all for "White idiots." And hey, we won't be racist since a Republican said it first! A bit long, but I could go with it. SAPs? If no one wants to run with a meme, we could turn it into a dog whistle term instead and use it ironically on Reddit like true political badasses do.
Despite the horrific comments made today the good news regarding state polls even if Hillary isn't winning some is giving me life in my case.Yea ok but nowcast is bullshi.... wait
The hell? Honestly, she's a bullshitter but I don't have any ill will towards her. This is weird and out of nowhere.but...
I KNOW, RIGHT? At last, equality!You mean...we get our very own dogwhistle? *tears up*