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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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I work with somewhere around 75% Trump supporters. These past few days have actually got them admitting he's a total idiot. Now, they still support him because she's a lying devil, but they're not really defending how big of a moron he is anymore.


Rebel Leader

I work with somewhere around 75% Trump supporters. These past few days have actually got them admitting he's a total idiot. Now, they still support him because she's a lying devil, but they're not really defending how big of a moron he is anymore.



Junior Member
I work with somewhere around 75% Trump supporters. These past few days have actually got them admitting he's a total idiot. Now, they still support him because she's a lying devil, but they're not really defending how big of a moron he is anymore.

Absolutely. Low information voters, low turnout voters
If you were a hard trump supporter, I think you would go to Johnson before Clinton, TBH. I mean its been clear the last few months what both people offer. If you weren't going to be with her at that point, I don't know why they would move to her now.

Absolutely. Low information voters, low turnout voters

Or this just happens and they don't vote. Maybe I put too much stock into the public paying attention and even knowing about other candidates.


I'm not really concerned about who they vote for. 1) It's Texas. 2) They'll probably still vote for him regardless and will always vote red.

I'm more looking forward to what happens on November 9th. Do they accept his loss? Does his portion of the party continue to follow him down this dark path? Or do they accept that he was an idiot and move on to a more centrist, semi-coherent platform for 2020?

Georgia Republican says he might withhold electoral college vote from Donald Trump

I just finished a highly unusual telephone conversation with Baoky Vu, a naturalized U.S. citizen and longtime GOP activist in Georgia.

Vu will be on the November ballot as an elector – a constitutionally mandated stand-in for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Should Trump take Georgia, Vu will be one of 16 Georgia members of the electoral college who will formally decide the U.S. presidential contest.

Vu has just put out a statement saying that he cannot bring himself to vote for Trump in the November general election. And he might not vote for Trump as a member of the electoral college, either.

Georgia is one of 21 states that do not require its members of the electoral college to adhere to the results of the popular vote in their state. “I have the right to vote for a write-in candidate in the electoral college,” Vu said.

Vu is a Decatur resident and vice president of VetConnexx, a small tech firm. He serves on the governing board of the Technical College System of Georgia, and is vice chair of the DeKalb County Board of Voter Registration and Elections.

Vu and his family left Vietnam prior to the fall of Saigon in 1975. After two years in Australia, the family moved to the United States, eventually settling in Georgia.

Last month, Vu accompanied his wife, an alternate delegate for U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Vu said he has never been “on board” with Trump, but the Republican presidential candidate’s feud with a Muslim family who lost their soldier-son in Iraq was the final straw. Vu harkened back to his family’s decision to flee communist rule in Vientam.

“We hungered for the right to vote. I’m not going to throw that away,” Vu said.

Full statement at link.


I think we need to replace the traditional dumpster fire .gif with something new that captures the enormity of the situation. I vote for the scene in Toy Story 3 where all the toys are slowly sinking into a gigantic flaming garbage pit. Bonus points if the GOP faces are shopped over the toys'.




I think we need to replace the traditional dumpster fire .gif with something new that captures the enormity of the situation. I vote for the scene in Toy Story 3 where all the toys are slowly sinking into a gigantic flaming garbage pit. Bonus points if the GOP faces are shopped over the toys'.


We need Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnel, and John McCain's faces shopped onto these guys


hey guys! so this is fun eh?

have people finally come around to the fact that I indeed do have a better chance of winning powerball then Trump winning the election?
Trump made a huge mistake not picking Gingrich as VP. The man specializes in damage control that is so nonsensical you forget what the original controversy was about in the first place. Pence has been an absolutely horrible "defender" of Trump


So how much should olympic coverage take over the news? It's just the NBC networks showing it? Freeing up CNN and Fox News to pretty much cover things or should they be focusing on it as well?

MSNBC did a small selection on the Iran deal. Pretty much showing what the accusation was and the White House response and making it clear the deal was announced back in January and that there have always been people against the Iran nuclear deal and all these events were taking place at the same time. Not really sure what else can be said. I just hope this doesn't blow up and take the focus off of Trump and his madness.
Whatever Newt, the intervention would just look and be like this:


(The cans of wine the It's Always Sunny gang are holding are representative of racism. Giant cans of racism.)
I just hope this doesn't blow up and take the focus off of Trump and his madness.

It's an old story that didn't stick the first time, with a clear response from the White House. It didn't stick the first time, and it's a pretty blatant attempt to deflect attention away from Trump, and social media I've read knows this and is pointing it out and laughing at the desperation.
LOL the gift that keeps on giving:

oft, surly, and academically uninterested, Donald was disruptive in class—so much so that his father, a real-estate tycoon of the outer boroughs, shipped him off to military school when he was thirteen. He did not set out to serve his country; he set out to multiply his father’s fortune. “When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same,” Trump has said. “The temperament is not that different

The RNC is managing the entire registration and get out the vote effort, and it (likely) won't suck. I think claims that the Dem effort is going to blow it out of the water are overstated.

The RNC also lacks the funds I think. They are also understaffed, that has been brought up time to time. They don't have enough people for some of the states they are targeting.

I may not know much about GOTV, but I would imagine having cooperation campaign and the national committee is really important for planning, organization, sending out a message, and among other things. Having the national committee has picking up the slack by itself would cause to have huge burdens and having to experience stuff they aren't commonly used to doing completely by themselves. Plus, if they are underfunded it just makes it worse.
Ben Carson just said that the Khan parents should apologize to Trump and Trump should apologize to them
Ben Carson is such a nice guy. He should stay out of politics lol.
To clarify, the now-cast gives her an 85% chance of winning the election if it were held today, which is different from an 85-15 lead. The lead it shows is "only" 48.2-42.5.
Thanks for the clarification. Still good!


Back in 2011, Trump was roasted at an event on Comedy Central, and he submitted a list beforehand of jokes that were allowed and disallowed. Here’s the full list, from E. Alex Jung at Vulture and Aaron Lee at List:

ALLOWED: Jokes about Trump's hair

ALLOWED: Jokes about Trump's wife Melania (and his two previous marriages)

ALLOWED: Jokes about Trump having sex with models

ALLOWED: Jokes about the failure of Trump Steaks, Trump Water, Trump Cologne, and other Trump products

ALLOWED: Jokes about Trump's failed casinos

ALLOWED: Jokes about how Trump only became successful thanks to his wealthy father

ALLOWED: Jokes about Trump's weight

ALLOWED: Jokes about Trump being attracted to his daughter Ivanka

NOT ALLOWED: Any joke that suggests Trump is not actually as wealthy as he claims to be


No wonder he isnt going to release his tax returns
remember 10 days ago when we were about to jump off a ledge? good times

Some people were. I've pretty much been a "Clinton will win by eight to ten points" person throughout. The fundamentals of the country dictate this as the most likely possibility in my opinion. There were always going to be ups and downs in the polling. I first voted in a presidential election in 2000, but I didn't pay attention to polls. In every cycle since then, I've seen how little things will swing polls back and forth, but in the end, the prediction that I made based on the fundamentals always ended up happening.

Adam's misspelling "Super Mario 3D World" again in his rant about trash Nintendo games, I see.
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