Congratulations, you played yourself.Sigh wrong thread again.
Patrick SvitekVerified account
If #TXSEN were today, per KTVT/Dixie poll:
1.) @TedCruz - 31.63%
2.) @JoaquinCastrotx - 31.43%
3.) Other - 14.15%
4.) Undecided - 22.79%
Trump is breaking. This is the week he breaks. He's exhausted.
He is so envious of Clinton. He can't hide his jealousy anymore. Combine that with being forced to confront the reality that he is losing and he is about to go supernova.
Hold onto your butts folks.
Michael is the least unlikeable imo I dunno what show you guys are watching. Obviously I mean in the context of having to pick an arrested development character you are most similar to though, I don't walk around introducing myself as "Hi I'm Brawndo, have you seen Arrested Development because I'm the Michael character?"
My friends jest in good fun, I just have a good relationship with my mom which they like to make fun of
He can't. Hes down by like 8 pts.Yeah, dates and locations are set (unless a location bails out, which did happen this year, costs millions of dollars to host the goddamn thing) but the details are negotiated by a team from both campaigns and the CPD.
Trump won't bail out of the debates, that seems certain at this point.
Don't be bad mouthin' mah queenPreserved.
They should get Megyn Kelly to co moderate a debate just for the lols.
He can't. Hes down by like 8 pts.
Don't be bad mouthin' mah queen
Exactly, he just wants leverage.
Guilianni said they wanted to avoid the 2012 Crowley "controversy".
Gwen, Dickerson and Taper/Cooper. No way ABC gets a moderator in.
Michael is like, the most unlikable
Lucille? Yeah, horrible person, but she was raised by privilege - she doesn't know any better. Same with Lindsay and Lucille. Gob and Tobias are stupid, Buster is naive, Maebe has bad parents, George Michael is actually a likable kid (though they did a good job in S4 of making him more obnoxious without taking away the likability factor).
Michael is smart, handsome, and all around tries to do good - all the while unable to recognize his major flaws and thinks of himself as a paragon. He's a bit of a nag and he very often views his family (save for George Michael and to a lesser extent Maebe) as huge nuisances.
Ultimately though, Michael being a jerk is what makes him likable, just like how it is with the rest of the characters.
Sounds like he's trying to imply she's feeble and weak.I'm struggling to figure out what Trump's brain was trying to communicate. Is he implying she has a health issue which requires her to rest a lot that would be dangerous in the sense that she could die? Or is he trying to argue that resting is itself an attribute of dangerous people? I can't think of a fake rationalization to explain the comment. Good luck surrogates
Don't be bad mouthin' mah queen
I don't know why he'd want to set that narrative. It'll just make it all the more impressive when she reads him up and down that debate stage.Sounds like he's trying to imply she's feeble and weak.
But it's Trump so who the fuck knows.
I see. I get a little excited when I see her name. Yes, it would be great. Have all the debate settings been announced yet? I would like to see Fox do one.Hmm? I'm not, that would just be to tilt Trump.
There's no way the RNC lets Cooper within 100 miles of a debate, not with Trump as the nominee.
He made some comment this morning when she was the only candidate who didn't interview with some show that she, "Must have slept in." I think he's really trying to push the sick angle. Don't know what you're going to get with Dying Hillary.I'm struggling to figure out what Trump's brain was trying to communicate. Is he implying she has a health issue which requires her to rest a lot that would be dangerous in the sense that she could die? Or is he trying to argue that resting is itself an attribute of dangerous people? I can't think of a fake rationalization to explain the comment. Good luck surrogates
You can't always get what you want.
You can't always get what you want.
But if you try, sometimes, you get what you need.
Yeah. Before he has tried to characterize her as lazy for showing up at an event and then disappearing and not bombing the airwaves like he does. He probably was trying to do the same here then his brain had other narratives pop up simultaneously and he short circuited.I think Trump is trying to get across that Hillary is just a political hack who shows up and phones it in but has no real passion for the work. I think.
Owen Ellickson ‏@onlxn 1h1 hour ago
CHRISTIE: The RNC wants to meet w/ you tomorrow. They're calling it a "come to Jesus" meeting.
TRUMP: Meaning, I'm Jesus. Smart meeting name
Owen Ellickson ‏@onlxn 20m20 minutes ago
TRUMP: Another intervention! Fun.
CHRISTIE: They're serious this time.
TRUMP: Cute. Tell them I just told O'Reilly I'm ready to defund them
Owen Ellickson ‏@onlxn 14m14 minutes ago
RYAN: Heyyy. I think Chris talked to you-
TRUMP: Turn on Fox.
RYAN: You threatened to WHAT?!
TRUMP: You brought chess to a gun fight
Owen Ellickson ‏@onlxn 8m8 minutes ago
RYAN: You maniac!! You need us!!
TRUMP: Not if I don't care about winning.
RYAN: What DO you care about?!
TRUMP: Not even sure at this point
Owen Ellickson
RYAN: It's like you broke into my house threatening to kill YOURSELF!
TRUMP: Question is, do you want some dead guy on your floor?
It was?The news today was so bad for Democrats. A little disgusted at the moment.
Who's the honorary chair again?Like Debbie, the honorary chairman of Poligaf is bad.
KrisWho's the honorary chair again?
Trump slams Obama for commuting too many prison sentences. Then: "These people are out. They're walking. The streets. Sleep tight, folks."
There needs to be a compilation of these after Hillary's coronation in January.
I feel like you would really identify with Lucille Bluth on Arrested Development
He was Just Asking Question(s) - and then we answered them by pointing to his own sourced article.Man, some people just REALLY want Clinton in jail or to be under investigation for EVERYTHING. *gazes at OT and sips tea*
Good call. I expect adam will be posting Lucille gifs shortly
There needs to be a compilation of these after Hillary's coronation in January.
Who was the exhausted one again ?
Maybe Trump should try some of devil Hillarys low energy...sleep
In the past, Trump has treated reality as a minor inconvenience that can be negated by sheer force of will. This time, at least, we wish him the best of luck.
That is a brilliant idea. I'd buy a book of them to commemorate the wild ride.An artist needs to turn them into 3 panel comics.
Hey, that's shinra-bansho's old avatarShe does have some great ones. One of my favorites:
I am starting to doubt if it's actually good after this..And ya'll is right about Arrested Development.
Good on you all for having taste that meets my high standards.