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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Can we talk about how Obama fulfills his promises?


Leon Carp's in it too since we're going with oblique references :p
Ok.. I'll bite. I don't know that one.

Don't forget Carl weathers and his thrifty tips
Man.. We can throw that bone in the pot and we can get a stew goin.

And killing OBL!
He killed him so he could led ISIS. It all makes sense now
The most outdated part of the show is the Bush/Iraq War Stuff. It's not that it's bad, it just doesn't have the same impact as opposed to when it was airing. It aired '03-06 so it was more meaningful in terms of where public sentiment was.


Never seen Frasier, TLA is honorable mention

other HM:

Ren & Stimpy
Freaks and Geeks
Death Note
I Love Lucy
The Andy Griffith Show
Dragon Ball

Also do I need to watch Stranger Things

Highly recommend Frasier. After all, it's a spinoff of Cheers, and I even find it way better than Cheers itself.

Also, that's a good HM list.


Oh no they better don't!

Since we're doing favorite/best shows, in no particular order....

Golden Girls
Designing Women
BoJack Horseman
Pushing Daisies
Downton Abbey
The Inbetweeners
Six Feet Under
30 Rock
Parks and Rec
30 rock was an awful show. I agree with the other ones I've seen though
That would be the best. I want that now.

Barney Fife would definitely have to be the Lester Nygard of the story

Highly recommend Frasier. After all, it's a spinoff of Cheers, and I even find it way better than Cheers itself.

Also, that's a good HM list.

I could maybe consider watching Fraser - not that I consider Fraser to be a weaker element of Cheers, but I always saw him as the intellectual foil and buttmonkey to the boarish bargoers


So what are the odds that trumps campaign can turn things around at this point? I mean there is still plenty of time between now and the election.
I've always been of the mind that Seinfeld went off the air at pretty much just the right time. It had declined enough that you never really had to wonder what the show could have done with another season, but not so much that you ended up in a Simpsons situation where the show is a shadow of its former self.
Ok I just watched two later episodes of Bojack and it's still not my thing. It just feels like what would happen if you turned a floydthefathead post into a tv show.

love you, floyd, you underappreciated bastard
Disturbing lack of twin peaks shout outs
I watched all of Season 1 and half of Season 2 and I can't watch the rest because it's just too lame or campy or whatever other intangible reason I think it's bad. You might want to talk to Makai about it, though, because I think he loves the show.

OH SHIT. I forgot to mention: Moral Orel.


So what are the odds that trumps campaign can turn things around at this point? I mean there is still plenty of time between now and the election.

5% or maybe even closer to 0%. No matter what he does he won't get back many of the people he lost in the last few weeks or so.
TRUMP: Hey, I just wanted to say: I'm glad we could put our differences aside and do this anti-gay event in Orlando together.
RUBIO: Me too.

RUBIO: It was tense in the primaries,
TRUMP: What with me beating you,
RUBIO: but some things are more important.
TRUMP: you losing to me...

RUBIO: This matters.
TRUMP: Yeah. Pandering to the one kind of bigot I have no real affection for, in a state I'm 100% gonna lose, matters.

RUBIO: You don't believe in this?
TRUMP: I used to go to Studio 54, OK? Straight, gay -- nothing! Everybody plowed everybody! Worked fine!

TRUMP: Gays are GOOD for us! Two dudes pair off, that's more girls for you & me!
RUBIO: We're both married, Donald.
TRUMP: I never liked you



Trying American civilians in military courts, yet more explicit, five-alarm blatant endorsements of fascist policy for those still too slow to the realization.

Trump is a fascist.


Kills Photobucket
This story is golden.. It's one story but there's so many things.


First. Trump is cool with sending American Citizens to Gitmo.

Donald Trump on Thursday said he'd be "fine" with American citizens accused of terrorism being tried in a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay.

In an interview with the Miami Herald that covered Gitmo to Zika funding, Trump said, "I would say [Americans] could be tried there, that would be fine."

His supporters in Florida showed off this...


And his supporters harassed the media.

While Trump made no news at his Orlando evening rally, some of his supporters lashed out against the media.

"You should be ashamed of yourselves," one hissed for reasons that weren't exactly clear.

Moments earlier a campaign volunteer stationed outside the media pen instructed condescendingly "don't print any lies!"

As the rally ended, supporters approached the pen to shout at journalists and give middle fingers.


The video is hilarious. His name is Patriot. America Patriot.


Wait, people unironically like Moral Orel?

What a time to be alive.

Sure it was clumsy, and straight up horrible in season 1, but when it tried to be about something it was actually really touching. "Be Fruitful and Multiply" and "Close-face" were legitimately great episodes, and the Christmas S1 finale was almost good enough to justify that shit that came before.
List of Republican Speakers of the House since 1955:


John Boehner was somehow easily the best Republican Speaker in the last 60 years so he's got that going for him.


Wait, people unironically like Moral Orel?

What a time to be alive.

It's first half was pretty good satire at times and it's last half turned into a pretty good serious look at a family in crisis.
Like the Alpha Couple described in a lot of Darnielle's earlier tapes/the focus of his album Tallahassee (which has a few songs featured in the show-well two from it along with one from The Sunset Tree), Orel's parents are constantly and violently coming apart and back together. Not to mention the way his father behaves especially what with the physical abuse and all.

It gives in the end an uplifting message about escape from that kind of life and believing in your own ideals be it in faith or otherwise regardless of how you grew up. That you can form as your own person despite the storm you faced and come out the other side better for it. Etc. It's a very intimate show and I like it a lot.
I don't thikn that Trump can turn this around....because there's nothing to turn around. There's no campaign. He can't stop shitting the bed. He can't unfuck himself. There's no room to fix this, I don't think.
Sure it was clumsy, and straight up horrible in season 1, but when it tried to be about something it was actually really touching. "Be Fruitful and Multiply" and "Close-face" were legitimately great episodes, and the Christmas S1 finale was almost good enough to justify that shit that came before.

Ultimately, in hindsight Season 1 is extremely watchable. It's the weakest season for certain, but once there is context to a lot of the happenings, it improves a lot. It's also great as a satire of Davie and Goliath even without the hindsight improvements.

EDIT: Plus a lot of what Ekai said; Orel has a ton of real-world stuff. Abusive parents (physically and emotionally), but it even looks into how they became abusive in the first place.

I don't thikn that Trump can turn this around....because there's nothing to turn around. There's no campaign. He can't stop shitting the bed. He can't unfuck himself. There's no room to fix this, I don't think.

Nah, I think Trump can stop shitting the bed. Eventually he's not going to be able to afford to keep the bed
Nah, I think Trump can stop shitting the bed. Eventually he's not going to be able to afford to keep the bed

But he can't unshit the bed. The damage is done. He's not going to be able to undo the comments that have caused him the problems he has. He's not shown any ability to stay on message. Today was a minor day, and he threatened to sends American citizens to prison in Cuba. I don't see how he "fixes" this.
Steve King won’t be voting for Hillary Clinton in November, but the former secretary of state “is somebody I can work with,” the Iowa congressman said Thursday.

“I’ve sat across the table with Hillary Clinton eye-to-eye, and when you’re working outside of staff and outside of the press, she is somebody I can work with,” King said during a speech at the Des Moines Register’s Soapbox at the state fair.

King backed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the Republican presidential primary but praised Donald Trump and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence during his speech on Thursday, days after formally endorsing the GOP ticket.

“I’m walking into those polls and I’m going to vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for our new administration,” King said during a rally in Sioux City on Monday, according to the Des Moines Register. “And I’m going to do my best to bring others with me.”
The Republicans that have spoken out against him aren't going to un-endorse Hillary.
The public is not going to completely forget the shit he said about the Khans.
The public is not going to completely forget the shit he said about the reporter.
Or the nuclear weapons.
Or the "2nd Amendment People"
Or the baby.

And they're not going to forget it, because we're not going to let them. The national numbers may tighten a bit, but the basis of the race simply aren't fluid enough to move. He's not going to be able to fix his problem with women, Latinos, African Americans, college educated.


Odds that Trump, 1-2 weeks before the election, comes out and says that he's going to give every white person and Christian person a 5,000 tax credit (or some other benefit)?

I'm guessing that's the ace up his sleeve to drive up the white vote. Unabashed white supremacy with a carrot.


If Trump was going to turn anything around, he'd have to come up with an actual platform, and he has no idea how to do that. Not fucking up from here to November wouldn't be enough, even though he probably can't do that.
Trump: "I don't know that we need to get out the vote...They’re gonna just get up and get out and vote for Trump."

That's a +.5 to +1 percentage point boost for Hillary.


Odds that Trump, 1-2 weeks before the election, comes out and says that he's going to give every white person and Christian person a 5,000 tax credit (or some other benefit)?

I'm guessing that's the ace up his sleeve to drive up the white vote. Unabashed white supremacy with a carrot.

White affirmative action (eliminating actual affirmative action and replacing it with a system that explicitly favors whites) seems more likely?
That's a +.5 to +1 percentage point boost for Hillary.


Trump has said before he thinks analytics and GOTV are overrated/had nothing to do with Obama winning. It's clear he holds Obama in such contempt that he's willing to dismiss basic campaign realities. Is this just Trump wanting to win while "rewriting the playbook on how to win elections" or something else? I don't know. Either way he's a dumbass.


I guess my thinking is after the meeting tomorrow with the RNC what if they do start working together and start a ground game. Is it too late for that or is it just enough time for them to get their shit together?
Have we found his limit?

Sopan Deb ‏@SopanDeb 20m20 minutes ago
Trump won't take bait on Clinton medical records: "No, I don't want to get into that. I think it would be inappropriate for me to comment."
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