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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Dan Senor ‏@dansenor 28m28 minutes ago
Enough w/interventions & "Come to Jesus" meetings. It's time for @GOP to shift resources from collapsing Trump to salvageable Cong majority.

Dan Senor ‏@dansenor 23m23 minutes ago
Imagine if R's lose Congress, & the post-16 @GOP audit shows $ was still being spent on Trump at expense of heading off down-ballot disaster

And Wang agrees they should try to save Congress.

Sam Wang ‏@SamWangPhD 13m13 minutes ago
What would it take for the House to flip? Conditions currently suggest a popular vote of D+5% to D+8%. Is it enough? http://election.princeton.edu/2016/08/12/what-would-it-take-for-the-house-to-flip/ …
Spends all day, in several appearances, talking about how Obama and Clinton ISIS, and they're MVPs for ISIS.

Now it's sarcasm.

He's looking for a way out.

Uh, he was interviewed about it several times after, and each time he doubled down on the comment when given a way out, claiming over and over again that Obama "LITERALLY founded ISIS". Obviously his handlers now told him to stay it was a joke. I don't think the guy fucking understands what sarcasm actually means. He's so full of shit.


That's a +.5 to +1 percentage point boost for Hillary.


White affirmative action (eliminating actual affirmative action and replacing it with a system that explicitly favors whites) seems more likely?

Seeing as his new tactic is to say something absurd and then come out and deny he said it or claim it was sarcasm. I can see him totally doing something that blatant to make white folks choose between what's right and what's self serving. And if he loses he can just say it was sarcasm. Shit, he can say that if he wins too.


Dr. Jill Stein
Dr. Jill Stein – Verified account ‏@DrJillStein

Clinton, Obama, Pelosi & FL Sun Sentinel endorse Bernie backstabber Debbie Wasserman Schultz. This is how the system stays rigged. #DNCleak
7:34 PM - 11 Aug 2016

Ya, the sarcasm thing is ludicrous. Hewitt basically gave him this out yesterday. He walked Trump through it, and Trump is like NOPE MEAN WHAT I SAID. Clearly, someone decided to take his phone away from him. Sad.
Seeing as his new tactic is to say something absurd and then come out and deny he said it or claim it was sarcasm. I can see him totally doing something that blatant to make white folks choose between what's right and what's self serving. And if he loses he can just say it was sarcasm. Shit, he can say that if he wins too.

He's flailing all over the place. With his messaging. With his tactics. I'm not ruling out him finding a message and tactic that starts getting traction but in the mean time, I've got my popcorn at the ready for another weekday and presumably another idiotic self sabotaging disaster from Donald Trump. Weekends are so dull. SAD.


Dr. Jill Stein
Dr. Jill Stein – Verified account ‏@DrJillStein

Clinton, Obama, Pelosi & FL Sun Sentinel endorse Bernie backstabber Debbie Wasserman Schultz. This is how the system stays rigged. #DNCleak
7:34 PM - 11 Aug 2016


Jill pls

Less than two weeks after publicly signing on to help the campaign of ousted Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s challenger, Bernie Sanders’ top political and media strategists are no longer working for Tim Canova.

The abrupt change, confirmed to POLITICO by multiple people familiar with the move, means the Washington-based trio of Tad Devine, Mark Longabaugh, and Julian Mulvey — who steered Sanders’ much-heralded ads during his primary bid — have exited the south Florida race that increasingly appears to be going Wasserman Schultz’s way.


Facebook comments can be gold sometimes...

Why would anybody consider HRC - lying, corrupt, dishonest, untrustworthy, murderer, unethical, racist, woman hater, bigot, race baiter,rigged voting system, No American flags, page speech transcripts, FBI investigation, Cattle futures, SECRET server, Impeachment, Travelgate, Trooppergate, Filegate, Benghazi cover up, Health care task force ,Sidney Blumenthal, Whitewater, Clinton foundation scandals, Foreign campaign donors, Lincoln bedroom for sale, Rose law firm documents, Clinton pardons, Looting the White House,..

Found on a story about SC poll numbers.
FFS, as soon as I saw the 'sarcasm' headline I had to stop reading and I just laughed. It's almost not the normal stupid fun because it's such a predictable response.

They asked him very clearly a second time if he was talking about Obama's policies and NO I mean he founded ISIS.

It's great that he's going to lose but I'm starting to just get upset by how anyone gets away with this shit. Terrified about the people that allow this as acceptable, not just people who really believe it.
Facebook comments can be gold sometimes...

Found on a story about SC poll numbers.

The word salad people throw out without any context always makes me roll my eyes. We don't all live in anti Hillary echo chambers. I have no idea why the name Sidney Blumenthal is a reason note to vote Clinton. I have no idea what filegate, trooppergate or travelgate are. I have no idea what 'Lincoln bedroom for sale' means in relation to Clinton.

I love how they just wrote IMPEACHMENT too. Like, yes, her husband was impeached and it was ruled that he could keep on being President, and why is that any reason not to vote for Hillary?

I mean, obviously this person is a lost cause. But if they truly want to convince people not to vote for Clinton, you've got to at least explain all this shit. Most people don't have a fucking clue what Benghazi was about, because people like this just scream the name of a city and don't begin to explain what events they're actually talking about and how they even related to Hillary Clinton.
I don't think Trump can actually take the pressure of the presidential stage. He is crumbling since (and during) the convention.

I don't think he's crumbling. He's like an MMA fighter that's clearly starting to lose a fight but doesn't know how to get momentum back. He's at the point of the fight Connor McGregor was at in the Nick Diaz fight, when he wasn't so down on the score cards that he couldn't turn it around, but he was so clearly going to continue getting beaten up if he stuck to the gameplan, that he started trying to change tactics.

He's flailing trying to find something that works. Which makes him really vulnerable right now. But I don't think he's crumbling under pressure. It's more coming to the realization that he can't keep campaigning the way that comfortably won the previous contests. He's got to find something new, in the middle of a heated contest.


The word salad people throw out without any context always makes me roll my eyes. We don't all live in anti Hillary echo chambers. I have no idea why the name Sidney Blumenthal is a reason note to vote Clinton. I have no idea what filegate, trooppergate or travelgate are. I have no idea what 'Lincoln bedroom for sale' means in relation to Clinton.

I love how they just wrote IMPEACHMENT too. Like, yes, her husband was impeached and it was ruled that he could keep on being President, and why is that any reason not to vote for Hillary?

I mean, obviously this person is a lost cause. But if they truly want to convince people not to vote for Clinton, you've got to at least explain all this shit. Most people don't have a fucking clue what Benghazi was about, because people like this just scream the name of a city and don't begin to explain what events they're actually talking about and how they even related to Hillary Clinton.

It's SC. Most people here would't know true political facts if it rolled over them with a riding lawmmower and shat all over their broken car collection in their front yards.
Meanwhile on Fox news:


The conservative Media Research Center first compared TV news networks’ coverage of two recent controversies involving Clinton and Republican rival Donald Trump. Clinton’s appearance at a Kissimmee, Fla., rally with the father of Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen seated prominently behind her earned a fifth of the amount of coverage that Trump’s ambiguous suggestion that Second Amendments advocates could “do something” about a Clinton administration’s Supreme Court justices got.
But when MRC looked at how the two controversies were handled by print journalists, the discrepancy was even more stark.



The best thing about this come to Jesus meeting is that Trump isn't going to it. So it'll have literally zero effect because the people he sends have zero ability to commit to anything.
It's SC. Most people here would't know true political facts if it rolled over them with a riding lawmmower and shat all over their broken car collection in their front yards.

It's not even about whether things are factually true or not, it's that the anti Clinton brigade are so used to being in echo chambers that when they publically try to convince people to vote for her, they don't actually provide any claims, true or otherwise. They just name things.

"How can anyone vote for Hillary Clinton what with RANDOMGATE, RANDOM PERSON, and RANDOM CITY???"

Either people are aware of the conspiracies and don't care, or they aren't aware of them at all. So maybe write out what she supposedly did in this conspiracy, what she did to this person and what she did to or in the random city.

Context free conspiracy name word salad isn't going to change any rational actor's mind. But the broad details potentially could. Like say "Clinton ignored calls for assistance and let people die". That could change someone's opinion of her. Going "BENGAHZI" does fuck all.

I'm not complaining, because, go Queen and all that. But damn if it doesn't make my eyeballs roll right out of my head.


The Jill Stein Twitter updates are a bit much tbqh

Yeah, I agree

We don't really need to see irrelevant conspiracy theorist tweets. I mean Trump's tweets are terrible too, but he's actually a major party presidential candidate so we do need to stay aware of his insanity
MRC has billboards around Philly with the DNC being here. They are terrible billboards and I can't wait until they are changed

I just love how utterly simplistic their line of thinking is. 'There was a negative story for Clinton and a negative story for Trump so the coverage of both should be the same'. Clearly there could never be two negative stories that weren't equally news worthy. Clearly an unfortunate oversight of putting someone they didn't recognize on a stage that looked bad for Clinton was equally worth covering as Trump suggesting gun owners do something to stop Clinton picking supreme court judges if elected.

What do the billboards say out of interest?
He pivoted already this week and it lasted literally a day and a half.

Moreover, the public perception has become that Trump is incapable of pivoting.

Any momentary restraint you see from Trump, whether it's a teleprompter speech, a tweet from an iPhone instead of Android, a press release written in full sentences, a quiet day - people are increasingly seeing these as his handlers trying to reign him in, not Trump himself becoming more presidential.

The narrative of Trump being incapable of being anything but Trump has pretty much settled.


I just love how utterly simplistic their line of thinking is. 'There was a negative story for Clinton and a negative story for Trump so the coverage of both should be the same'. Clearly there could never be two negative stories that weren't equally news worthy. Clearly an unfortunate oversight of putting someone they didn't recognize on a stage that looked bad for Clinton was equally worth covering as Trump suggesting gun owners do something to stop Clinton picking supreme court judges if elected.

What do the billboards say out of interest?


This one is from NY, but its the same



I don't think he's crumbling. He's like an MMA fighter that's clearly starting to lose a fight but doesn't know how to get momentum back. He's at the point of the fight Connor McGregor was at in the Nick Diaz fight, when he wasn't so down on the score cards that he couldn't turn it around, but he was so clearly going to continue getting beaten up if he stuck to the gameplan, that he started trying to change tactics.

He's flailing trying to find something that works. Which makes him really vulnerable right now. But I don't think he's crumbling under pressure. It's more coming to the realization that he can't keep campaigning the way that comfortably won the previous contests. He's got to find something new, in the middle of a heated contest.
I'm not so sure he's really trying anything else; it's more a matter of trying what used to work during the primaries and not comprehending why it doesn't work now. Here's another CNBC Trump quote:
All I do is tell the truth, and if at the end of 90 days I’ve fallen short because I’m somewhat politically correct, even though I’m supposed to be the smart one, and even though I’m supposed to have a lot of good ideas, it’s ok, you know, I go back to a, a very good way of life. It’s not what I’m looking to do I think we’re going to have a victory, but we’ll see.
To continue the sports analogy, it reads like a player on a team that's going to lose and who wants to get back to the locker room during garbage time late in the game. He's looking forward to that "very good way of life" he can get back to after his defeat rather than whatever a victory might entail.
Speaking of Jill Stein and biased media, I found this hilarious story on that Russian news site from two days ago.

Russian connections

In a smear as old as the Cold War, and used by Republicans against Democrats for years, Stein’s trip to Russia and attendance at an RT 15th anniversary event is enough for many to paint her as a Kremlin shill.

While Democrats and members of the media echo this smear with glee, they fail to remember the same dirt was slung at Bill Clinton in 1992, Sanders for daring to honeymoon in Russia, and Hillary Clinton for her entanglement with the Podesta Group, her foundation, and a uranium mining deal with Russia when she was secretary of state.  

One area where Stein and Russia are on the same page, but differ with Clinton, is the future of NATO.

COMRADE, for some reason, people suggest that the great Jill Stein, who is most clever and in agreement with Russia on NATO, is a GLORIOUS SUPPORTER OF RUSSIA because she attended a 15th anniversary of the noble Russian news company.

The same Russian news company wants everyone to know, that these SMEARS against NOBLE DR JILL STEIN are all false, and any suggestions of bias because she was awesome enough to attend our party are UTTERLY BASELESS.

Seriously though, I don't think Stein is going to get sucked in by this Russian praise like Trump does... but you've almost got to love them for trying. Stein may not be biased towards Russia, but that Russian news site sure is biased towards her.

NB: She retweeted this story. LOL.
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