Take the entire eastern seaboard, Queen

The Trump ship is going down with all hands.
Clinton campaign going absolutely beast mode, holy shit. No mercy, no survivors.
OH my gay gods.....CHER headlining an event for Hillary for the gays.
Jesus Christ that is super bad for your knees. She should definitely not do that.
Meh, who needs Florida and Ohio
Kyle Kondik ‏@kkondik 28s28 seconds ago
There are all sorts of signs that the Senate is trending blue. And the Trump Pox could soon afflict Rs in the House
"a fair moderator"
So Sean Hannity and Alex Jones or nobody?
Are these with LV screens?
As it should be. If Trump is going to question the legitimacy of the election, she can't afford a squeaker win. The worst case scenario would be catastrophic. She has to run up the score.
Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational Clinton Campaign.
Jesus Christ that is super bad for your knees. She should definitely not do that.
If the RNC jettisons Trump it's all over for the Republican downticket. Let's hope such a thing happens.I hope this polling pushes those on the verge of mutiny in RNC to finally make Priebus walk the plank.
I don't think anyone answered you. These are all RVs.
Cool. Would be interesting to see LV since they've uncharacteristically favored dems this year for some reason.
Kevin RobillardVerified account
‏@PoliticoKevin Kevin Robillard Retweeted Kevin Robillard
BUT among those certain to vote in November:
Rubio 47
Murphy 47
Burr 47
Ross 45
I would pay a million dollars (and be in debt with a high interest rate for the rest of my life) to see Alex Jones moderate a presidential debate.
Do you think we can build enough prisons to replace them if we pass Clinton's trillion dollar infrastructure bill?
republican commentator, joseph borelli just called hillary "a bond villain" LOL
and just checked. only in 1824 did one candidate get less than 30% of the popular vote.
If Rubio loses, it's basically GG for him right?
If Rubio loses, it's basically GG for him right?
"It is pleasant, when the sea is high and the winds are dashing the waves about, to watch from the shores the struggles of another."
Get fucked Trump.
Even more good news from the same polls.
NC Gov
Cooper 51%
McCrory 44%
If we are lucky, he may try to run for Gov. in 18 tho.
I came for the Marist polls.
So when the numbers get worse and GOP prople jump ship to save their own elections, Clinton campaign bettet hold their feet to the fire and hammer them for only bailing on Trump to save their own skins
I came for the Marist polls.
You're just mad it's not Patty Judge.That NC poll seems a bit too rosy especially if Ross is leading, but hell if I don't like the result.
Also, come on North Carolina, you're so close to proving you're not as shitty as we all think. Please do it.
They have to replace their legislature to do that. Voting Hillary means nothing overall.
In Colorado, Clinton leads Trump by 12 points, 41 percent to 29 percent, with Johnson at 15 percent and Stein at 6 percent.