Trump vodka= trump x putin
Here's how:
Trump = Trump
Vodka = Russian = Putin
Trump Vodka = Trump x Putin
They said there would be no math.
Trump vodka= trump x putin
Here's how:
Trump = Trump
Vodka = Russian = Putin
Trump Vodka = Trump x Putin
As one of those who has suggested Donald Trump has the potential not only to win the 2016 presidential election, but to win in a landslide, its time for a note of clarification.
With Hillary Clinton skyrocketing in polls, Trump getting off message and shooting from the hip in too many gaffe-prone appearances and the Democrats relentlessly attacking Trump in TV ads, my predictions are looking, well, a little less than prophetic.
While Trump is out publicly day after day commenting on too much, Hillary is in virtual hiding, realizing the more the American public see her, the less they like her.
Thus, Hillarys stealth strategy is working, and Trumps Zelig strategy is not.
As a Trump supporter, let me state this plainly and unequivocally: Trump is blowing it. Hes not acting presidential. Hes talking too much about extraneous matters and doing so recklessly. Hes not on message. Hes actually doing his best to feed the image crafted by his adversaries a guy not prepared or equipped for the presidency.
But its not too late for Trump to win.
Its not too late for him to turn this thing around.
Its not even too late for him to rack up a historic landslide victory.
Its late, but its not too late.
Its so obvious what Trump needs to do to recover and win:
Hes running against an opponent who is not liked even by those supporting her. He needs to attack her where she is vulnerable. He needs to do it consistently and expertly, without any more backfires. Shes a crook, a liar, a national security nightmare, a socialist demagogue, a seriously unhealthy contender for the presidency and a political relic of the past who wants to carry on business as usual, while she gets richer along the way through her public service. Attack, attack, attack.
The only other target in his political crosshairs should be Barack Obama. Hillary represents four more years of what weve had but without the charm many mysteriously see in Obamas personality. It means Wall Street has its way with us. It means taxation without representation as more and more decisions about Americas fate are made by foreigner and those who would transfer political power to global institutions. It means less freedom. It means more political correctness. It means more government control over our lives. It means less prosperity for all. It means a Supreme Court that rules like an unaccountable oligarchy. It means an end to the Second Amendment and the absolute, God-given right to defend oneself and ones family and property. How hard is this to do?
He needs to stay on script. He needs to be calmer, cooler to demonstrate that he is not controlled by emotions. Stop all the tweeting and the Facebooking. Act like someone who wants to be and is equipped to be the commander in chief. You dont have to say whatever is on your mind at a given moment. Take a breath and think before you speak.
If Donald Trump does these three things and only these three things he can still win this race and win it big.
Im sure of that.
Im just not sure he is disciplined to follow this advice. Im sure Im not the only offering it to him. But its just that simple.
I've seen Blazing Saddles and Animal House. Better not be trolling me, because so far you trollin
Ive never seen Animal House. Is it like Animal Farm?
Ive never seen Animal House. Is it like Animal Farm?
It's the sequel
Four kegs good
Two kegs bad
Why would you go from a farm to a house?
Should corporations pay more taxes?
Oh. Thought maybe your new bf was a former GOP politicianMy bf has custody of his two nephews.![]()
Oh. Thought maybe your new bf was a former GOP politician
You havnt had a good bloody Mary then.I tried a Bloody Mary once because of Archer
it was so gross
I love Archer.![]()
Why would you willingly drink a Bloody Mary when a Mamosa is socially acceptable in the morning? Also socially acceptable is putting vodka in your coffee....or your apple juice. Just drink vodka in the morning. Whatever. Tomatoes are gross.
Also, the comments on that WND are HILARIOUS
Not only is Trump ahead. He's ahead by an additional 10-15 who are too embarrassed to admit it. What delusion do these people live in!?
I love putting vodka in my coffee in the morning with a side of xanax
How can you be a socialist demagogue who wants to carry on business as usual?a socialist demagogue, a seriously unhealthy contender for the presidency and a political relic of the past who wants to carry on business as usual
Okay, well, let's don't do that!
How can you be a socialist demagogue who wants to carry on business as usual?
Can somebody tell me a movie that's funnier than Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinkin Your Juice in the Hood?
i love alcohol
The wonderful feeling you get from an cold gin and tonic almost makes the unbearable heat worth it. Almost. Fuck this heat.
So he's literally recruiting brown shirts now?
I love Archer.![]()
Why would you willingly drink a Bloody Mary when a Mamosa is socially acceptable in the morning?
How is this legal?
Great, now he's encouraging voter suppression and intimidation.
Every time he does something bad, it always gets worse. It's surprising even though I should know better by now.
lol, like Trump's baby-handed brownshirts would actually dare to go into Philly though.
Man, McLovin really let himself goI can see them already
Hi guys,
Using my first post here today. Adam is wonderful.
I'm a Canadian guy who grew up in DC while my parents were diplomats. I love your politics, but I am even getting tired of Trump and his surrogates.
I hope Hillary stomps him into the ground. While our conservatives are "right", they definitely aren't as "right" as the GOP. I hope you show them in November that Trump isn't right, at all.
I few weeks ago my bf and I drove down to Yellowstone and spent a week driving through your national parks. The parks and the people along the way were wonderful. Thankfully I didn't hear trumpish trash along the way.
What did I get from this? Your aren't much different than Canada.