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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Voters Say Economy, Supreme Court, Are Top Campaign Issues

Despite the world’s string high-profile terror attacks this year, the economy remains at the top of American voters’ minds, a new HuffPost/YouGov survey finds. A 45 percent plurality name the economy as one of the two issues most important to them, ranking it first on a list of 10 topics.

Economic concerns nearly always come out on top of such surveys. Notably, however, the future of the Supreme Court ranks second on the list. Thirty percent of voters cite choosing which party will get to nominate Supreme Court justices as a top concern, placing it ahead of health care, immigration and foreign policy. That’s a dramatic uptick since February, when the Supreme Court issue ranked dead-last among Americans.


Congrats Senate Republicans. You played yourself.

It's my main focus this election. It's the linchpin for any progressive movement going forward over the next 20 years. You've dominated statehouses, the House and got too greedy with law suits and terrible voting laws.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
That's bad for Dumbocrats tho. That means Republicans would be motivated to vote because they must stop Crooked Hillary Rotten Clinton Cash.


I'm up in rural PA where I grew up from my current home in Loudoun County, VA. This is surely prime Trump demo territory - white, rural, noncollege. Will be interested to see how my H-> sticker goes on my car.

In the past week, I've driven from New Orleans up to Buffalo, NY, then down to D.C., then along the Blue Ridge in Virginia to the Great Smokies in NC/TN, and then back home to New Orleans. The two biggest visibly-Trumpy areas were western Pennsylvania and eastern Tennessee.

I also got into an argument with a Trump-lovin' in-law up in NY. She's one of the "Hillary should be in jail" folks, claiming that she's very flagrantly guilty. My go-to response on this is, "is she's so patently, obviously guilty, why have none of the investigations into her yielded paydirt?" She thinks everything is "rigged," including the GOP-led Congressional investigations.

It was amazing to see this up-close. She thought that Trump is a shoo-in for a win, and I asked her if she thought similarly for Romney. She did NOT like this at all, hehe..

It's my main focus this election. It's the linchpin for any progressive movement going forward over the next 20 years. You've dominated statehouses, the House and got too greedy with law suits and terrible voting laws.
I still have to pinch myself that this is very likely to happen. To say that a court shift is a gamechanger would be an understatement.
Republicans obviously care way more about the SCOTUS issue than dems. Because liberals suck. Seeing Americans believe more and more than that our process is rigged is worrying.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The rigged message I think kind of helped Trump in the primaries. Maybe? I dunno. It coincided with the race moving to the northeast so it's hard to isolate the effects. But it's obviously not rigged now whereas previously it seriously was rigged (to help him)!
i made a thread about Doug Basham the other day that got like 100 views and no replies so id figure id post it here instead of self bumping. im assuming PoliGAF listens to AM radio to see what the right wing is saying.. is there any AM radio like this guy in America or is this guy the only one? ive looked around on Google and i figured something would come up in major places like NYC and LA but its been a bust. i just got done listening to his caller hour from last week and i cannot wait until this afternoon.

Anyway.. heres my thread post about Doug Basham:

The only liberal AM shows I knew of were taken off air here in LA

Edit: which sucks. The morning guy is more moderate though. He's not voting for either


Except if any of you chicken littles looked at the BECOME AN ELECTION OBSERVER link it's just a scam that takes you to a donation page!

Even if it is basically a donation page, I think with the "she can only win if she cheats" narrative he's been building, it plants the seed in his supporters' minds that they can personally do something to make sure that doesn't happen.

I feel like we're going to see a lot of cell phone footage on election day of guys standing around with AR15s the minimum distance required by law at urban precincts. PA has de-facto open carry, and even though it has laws on the books for "cities of the first class" (basically Philadelphia), if you're licensed to carry it's technically not illegal (though the state's site warns it "will draw unwanted attention from law enforcement").

I also wouldn't be surprised if there's reports of gunfire near polling places early in the day to scare people. If you're a head-fucked white dude who's spent the last 8 years being oppressed by the Founder of ISIS and the Butcher of Benghazi, firing off a few rounds in the air is probably the least you're willing to do to Make America Great Again.

Cant wait to train a army of squirrels to vote.

Well now you're just being nuts.
I've heard of ACORN stealing the election, but this is ridiculous.
Trump walnut be beaten, and if you try, he'll cashew red handed.
Deez Nuts to be elected in a landslide.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The fact alone that republicans have been loudly banging the "she will appoint SOCIALIST LIBERAL justices" drum ever since Cruz in the primaries while the democrats have kinda hushed on it seems telling enough. Dems tend to take these things for granted.

I don't think Dumboshits have been quiet at all. The Citizens United drum is loud. Also Trump gets hurt on this issue by virtue of being crazy. I just do think Republicans are more motivated on the topic since they have someone actually to lose (Scalia) right now.
The Fox News Poll is the only one that asked about who you trust to pick Supreme Court Nominees. Hillary was leading in that metric by 8 points.

Anyway, we canvassed this morning for about an hour. Too many people showed up for the number of houses we were supposed to hit. We were only given like 6 houses. They were going to have more later, but it's too hot for me. I'm going to phone bank a bit later, I think.

In 2004, I canvassed for the first time on my own. I was super excited. I showed up to the local office, and the kept pushing me towards other things. Like filing, and phone calls. I couldn't figure out why they didn't want me out there. I finally asked someone, and they said I could have a list if I took my pride button off. They were scared it would offend people, and make them less likely to support Kerry.

Today, my bf and I canvassed together. I had a Hillary pride shirt on. People kept asking if the boys were our kids. No one gave a shit. I know maybe it's a small thing, but it felt so fucking big to me. idk. Maybe it's stupid....but it just reminded me how fast things can change, you know?

Oh, and the Strickland campaign is finally in contact with us, so that's good!


Even if it is basically a donation page, I think with the "she can only win if she cheats" narrative he's been building, it plants the seed in his supporters' minds that they can personally do something to make sure that doesn't happen.

I feel like we're going to see a lot of cell phone footage on election day of guys standing around with AR15s the minimum distance required by law at urban precincts. PA has de-facto open carry, and even though it has laws on the books for "cities of the first class" (basically Philadelphia), if you're licensed to care it's technically not illegal (though the state's site warns it "will draw unwanted attention from law enforcement").

I also wouldn't be surprised if there's reports of gunfire near polling places early in the day to scare people. If you're a head-fucked white dude who's spent the last 8 years being oppressed by the Founder of ISIS and the Butcher of Benghazi, firing off a few rounds in the air is probably the least you're willing to do to Make America Great Again.

Well now you're just being nuts.
I've heard of ACORN stealing the election, but this is ridiculous.
Trump walnut be beaten, and if you try, we'll cashew red handed.
Deez Nuts to be elected in a landslide.


That he's not actually training people to do this is irrelevant. He put the call out there.

And frankly, when we have situations around this country of armed militias standing outside of mosques and intimidating peaceful worshippers, when it can be said that the KKK is among your rank of ardent supporters, it's admitting that you live in quite a damn bubble to call this "chicken littling." It's rational to be concerned when Donald Trump is appealing directly to a group of people who have been known to do this exact sort of thing. As a black gay man in this country very aware of his history, this shit sounds all too familiar.
This past week gave us the 2nd amendment comments, Obama founding ISIS and rigged elections nonsense. Any guesses on the next week has in store for us? It's reality tv, I'm telling you guys we're watching The Trump Show.


No Scrubs
This past week gave us the 2nd amendment comments, Obama founding ISIS and rigged elections nonsense. Any guesses on the next week has in store for us? It's reality tv, I'm telling you guys we're watching The Trump Show.

Well Pierson is saying Obama started the war in Afghanistan, so probably that.


Professional Schmuck
Thinking about the 538 (?) analysis suggesting that Trump's followers aren't necessarily poor people impacted by immigration. That instead they are blue collar types making decent money.

What a cross section! But who are they? My guess -- knowing they maybe listen to conservative AM radio all day -- truckers. They do pretty well. Who else? Construction guys? Contractors? Plumbers / electricians?

That was the this paper based on Gallup polls, not 538.


Any guesses on the next week has in store for us?

"For years, Seatopia, an undersea civilization, has been heavily affected by the nuclear testing conducted by the Democrats. Upset by these tests, the Seatopians plan to unleash their civilization's beetle-like god, Hillary Clinton, to destroy the surface world out of vengeance."


Thinking about the 538 (?) analysis suggesting that Trump's followers aren't necessarily poor people impacted by immigration. That instead they are blue collar types making decent money.

What a cross section! But who are they? My guess -- knowing they maybe listen to conservative AM radio all day -- truckers. They do pretty well. Who else? Construction guys? Contractors? Plumbers / electricians?

They are racists, there is not two ways around it. They aren't people who are burdened by free trade, they are simply rotten bigots who believe in a hateful message.
Thinking about the 538 (?) analysis suggesting that Trump's followers aren't necessarily poor people impacted by immigration. That instead they are blue collar types making decent money.

What a cross section! But who are they? My guess -- knowing they maybe listen to conservative AM radio all day -- truckers. They do pretty well. Who else? Construction guys? Contractors? Plumbers / electricians?
That was the this paper based on Gallup polls, not 538.


Donald Trump, Untamed and Growing Sullen, Lets His Tongue Barge Ahead

In private, Mr. Trump’s mood is often sullen and erratic, his associates say. He veers from barking at members of his staff to grumbling about how he was better off following his own instincts during the primaries and suggesting he should not have heeded their calls for change.

He broods about his souring relationship with the news media, calling Mr. Manafort several times a day to talk about specific stories. Occasionally, Mr. Trump blows off steam in bursts of boyish exuberance: At the end of a fund-raiser on Long Island last week, he playfully buzzed the crowd twice with his helicopter.

But in interviews with more than 20 Republicans who are close to Mr. Trump or in communication with his campaign, many of whom insisted on anonymity to avoid clashing with him, they described their nominee as exhausted, frustrated and still bewildered by fine points of the political process and why his incendiary approach seems to be sputtering.


Professional Schmuck
They are racists, there is not two ways around it. They aren't people who are burdened by free trade, they are simply rotten bigots who believe in a hateful message.
Yes that is the bottom line. The question is what occupations pay well without a college education and have a concentration of bigots.


Anyway, we canvassed this morning for about an hour. Too many people showed up for the number of houses we were supposed to hit. We were only given like 6 houses. They were going to have more later, but it's too hot for me. I'm going to phone bank a bit later, I think.

In 2004, I canvassed for the first time on my own. I was super excited. I showed up to the local office, and the kept pushing me towards other things. Like filing, and phone calls. I couldn't figure out why they didn't want me out there. I finally asked someone, and they said I could have a list if I took my pride button off. They were scared it would offend people, and make them less likely to support Kerry.

Today, my bf and I canvassed together. I had a Hillary pride shirt on. People kept asking if the boys were our kids. No one gave a shit. I know maybe it's a small thing, but it felt so fucking big to me. idk. Maybe it's stupid....but it just reminded me how fast things can change, you know?

Naw man, that's significant. Things have really changed on that front, and faster than most of us expected. It's great. It gives hope for other things for which the tipping point is hopefully close, like equal pay, pot legalization, gun control etc.

Thanks for fighting the good fight; forgive my ignorance but which state are you in again?
I still think McCain picking Palin for VP was one of the seminal political events of the last 10-20 years. Fringe movements are always looking for mainstream validation, from a celebrity or trusted figure. Palin being the VP choice gave a lot of people on the darkest, most fringe levels of American discourse a voice and avatar. The specifically remember a district change in the tone and feel of the race in October when she went "rogue" and started whipping up crowds into a frenzy.

Trump is a far bigger threat because unlike Palin, he's not being filtered by anyone or reigned in to any extent. This latest stuff about rigged elections is not particularly new per se: House republicans spent a lot of time investigating ACORN, states have passed voter suppression laws for years, etc. But this is the first time a presidential nominee has blatantly said the election will be stolen. I'm not worried about this changing the race on the ground/polls. Civil rights lawyers always do a great job, especially in urban areas where republicans harass black voters. But Trump's comments could lead to people being hurt at the polls or elsewhere.


The rigged message I think kind of helped Trump in the primaries. Maybe? I dunno. It coincided with the race moving to the northeast so it's hard to isolate the effects. But it's obviously not rigged now whereas previously it seriously was rigged (to help him)!
Both insurgent campaigns were pulling the "rigged" card because neither actually had any connections in the party, and the parties are of course hostile to an outsider trying to swoop in and hijack their nomination.

In both cases it's ridiculous because you can't steal something from someone who isn't winning!
Naw man, that's significant. Things have really changed on that front, and faster than most of us expected. It's great. It gives hope for other things for which the tipping point is hopefully close, like equal pay, pot legalization, gun control etc.

Thanks for fighting the good fight; forgive my ignorance but which state are you in again?

Thanks. :) I'm in Ohio...where it's like 90 million degrees outside. Ugh.

Guys it's hot outside.

Fuckin' a, man. You said it. We walked like two blocks, and I was fucking drenched. I can't take the heat. I'm camped in the air conditioning now. Dying right now.

Question, that NYT article says that Lewandowski is still advising Trump/the Campaign. How can CNN rationalize allowing him on the air?
I still think McCain picking Palin for VP was one of the seminal political events of the last 10-20 years. Fringe movements are always looking for mainstream validation, from a celebrity or trusted figure. Palin being the VP choice gave a lot of people on the darkest, most fringe levels of American discourse a voice and avatar. The specifically remember a district change in the tone and feel of the race in October when she went "rogue" and started whipping up crowds into a frenzy.

I would very much agree with this.
The GOP from 1994 to 2008 had leadership of child rapists, grifters, and war criminals. The rank and file were more reasonable, but the party was already diseased.


Guys I dreamed Hillary won in a massive landslide. It was because turnout for Republicans was very low or a vote for other.

I might need a break lol
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