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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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I'm thinking we'll win the house so how do we organize protests and rallies effective enough to pressure Hillary and the Dems to pass a carbon tax through reconciliation?
Guys it's hot outside.

Thanks. :) I'm in Ohio...where it's like 90 million degrees outside. Ugh.

Fuckin' a, man. You said it. We walked like two blocks, and I was fucking drenched. I can't take the heat. I'm camped in the air conditioning now. Dying right now.

Question, that NYT article says that Lewandowski is still advising Trump/the Campaign. How can CNN rationalize allowing him on the air?
I looked up the temperature and it's not even past 95 degrees in either NYC or anywhere in Ohio (I checked Cleveland and Cinci). It's been over 100 in sac all summer!


No Scrubs
I looked up the temperature and it's not even past 95 degrees in either NYC or anywhere in Ohio (I checked Cleveland and Cinci). It's been over 100 in sac all summer!

You're not factoring in the humidity, which makes it feel 10 degrees higher. Also, parts of the city are hitting close to 100 without the humidity.
So why isn't CNN talking about brownshirt poll enforcing?

The high today here in the North Bay is like 80.
I go to the bay frequently and I always miss the weather the most. :( I'll never forget the time I picked someone up at an airport in SF where it was like low 70s (it was midday) and by the time I got back home it was 102 where I live.
You're not factoring in the humidity, which makes it feel 10 degrees higher. Also, parts of the city are hitting close to 100 without the humidity.
You're right, I'm not. Stay safe Northeast!


Cleveland is on fire today :(

There is a street fair near me though so I'll probably be spending most of today and tomorrow stuffing overpriced street food into my face.


I go to the bay frequently and I always miss the weather the most. :( I'll never forget the time I picked someone up at an airport in SF where it was like low 70s (it was midday) and by the time I got back home it was 102 where I live.
Because Sacramento is literally like being in Hell. And Fairfield is the entrance.
So why isn't CNN talking about brownshirt poll enforcing?

We may not see much reporting on it unless the DNC raises a stink about it. They're either preparing a statement or don't think the language used (as incendiary as it is) will result in that many problems in the long run. As others have said, there are strict rules to follow when acting as an observer.

It could be that we need an idea of what these observers are being told after they're selected before anything (if anything) can be done. If it's the same thing everyone gets told every election, then probably no big deal. However, if they're being told to watch out for "unamerican" people or are being encouraged to confront people they think are committing fraud of some kind, then we might start hearing more about it.
my favorite quote from the NYT article:

With donors, Mr. Trump has been an indifferent ambassador for his campaign. He has resisted making fund-raising calls and, during at least two major events in July, in New York and Chicago, burned valuable hours with potential contributors by asking them to go around the room, one by one, giving him their thoughts on whom he should pick as his running mate.
Donald Trump is so clueless that he sacrificed campaign donations for a narcissistic "who looks best standing next to me" session.

Because Sacramento is literally like being in Hell. And Fairfield is the entrance.

The weather's bad, yeah, but do you like the city?

We may not see much reporting on it unless the DNC raises a stink about it.
I forgot this was actually legal. Good point.

I finally got around to listening to the Hillary podcast. I fucking love that woman. Seriously. Shit was awesome. She's just brilliant.
Do you think she'll do this weekly like Obama does a weekly YT address?


The Fox News Poll is the only one that asked about who you trust to pick Supreme Court Nominees. Hillary was leading in that metric by 8 points.

Anyway, we canvassed this morning for about an hour. Too many people showed up for the number of houses we were supposed to hit. We were only given like 6 houses. They were going to have more later, but it's too hot for me. I'm going to phone bank a bit later, I think.

In 2004, I canvassed for the first time on my own. I was super excited. I showed up to the local office, and the kept pushing me towards other things. Like filing, and phone calls. I couldn't figure out why they didn't want me out there. I finally asked someone, and they said I could have a list if I took my pride button off. They were scared it would offend people, and make them less likely to support Kerry.

Today, my bf and I canvassed together. I had a Hillary pride shirt on. People kept asking if the boys were our kids. No one gave a shit. I know maybe it's a small thing, but it felt so fucking big to me. idk. Maybe it's stupid....but it just reminded me how fast things can change, you know?

Oh, and the Strickland campaign is finally in contact with us, so that's good!

It's not stupid to me. It's the way it's supposed to be. I was less understanding of gays when I was younger. Then I matured and began to accept and respect myself enough to no longer have a need for a world where everybody and everything mirrored myself. I am a doomed romantic as well as a deeply naive dreamer, but I truly believe that, if not my children, then their children, will grow up in a changed world, where prejudice and discrimination is not part of our everyday struggles, but a rare exception.



Yes, this.


Katrina knows she's done after this lol
Do you think she'll do this weekly like Obama does a weekly YT address?

I think the podcast will be weekly, but Hillary may not be on it every week.

It's not stupid to me. It's the way it's supposed to be. I was less understanding of gays when I was younger. Then I matured and began to accept and respect myself enough to no longer have a need for a world where everybody and everything mirrored myself. I am a doomed romantic as well as a deeply naive dreamer, but I truly believe that, if not my children, then their children, will grow up in a changed world, where prejudice and discrimination is not part of our everyday struggles, but a rare exception.

We all have to grow and learn! :)

It's funny because, while I've obviously been paying attention and seeing the world progress on LGBT issues...every once in a while it still, like, hits me in the face that things have gotten better. It usually comes from out of the blue like today.
I take it back. This is my favorite quote.

Mr. Trump’s advisers believe he is nearly out of time to right his campaign. On Tuesday, hours before his explosive comment about “Second Amendment people” taking action if Mrs. Clinton is elected, his brain trust reassembled again at Trump Tower in a reprise of their stern meeting in June.

They again urged Mr. Trump to adjust his tone and comportment. The top pollster, Tony Fabrizio, gave an unvarnished assessment, warning that Mr. Trump’s numbers would only move in one direction, absent a major change.

Mr. Trump, people briefed on the meeting said, digested the advice and responded receptively.

It was time, he agreed, to get on track.

Now we know what the result of the intervention was. Lol.


Next time I'm on the news, I'm just going to say whatever pops into my head.

shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits


Remember not only did Trump make his 2A comments after that intervention, but he followed it up with "Obama is the founder of ISIS".
The Fox News Poll is the only one that asked about who you trust to pick Supreme Court Nominees. Hillary was leading in that metric by 8 points.

Anyway, we canvassed this morning for about an hour. Too many people showed up for the number of houses we were supposed to hit. We were only given like 6 houses. They were going to have more later, but it's too hot for me. I'm going to phone bank a bit later, I think.

In 2004, I canvassed for the first time on my own. I was super excited. I showed up to the local office, and the kept pushing me towards other things. Like filing, and phone calls. I couldn't figure out why they didn't want me out there. I finally asked someone, and they said I could have a list if I took my pride button off. They were scared it would offend people, and make them less likely to support Kerry.

Today, my bf and I canvassed together. I had a Hillary pride shirt on. People kept asking if the boys were our kids. No one gave a shit. I know maybe it's a small thing, but it felt so fucking big to me. idk. Maybe it's stupid....but it just reminded me how fast things can change, you know?

Oh, and the Strickland campaign is finally in contact with us, so that's good!

When I think about how much progress we've made, I think back to 2006. I was living in Wisconsin at the time and we had a constitutional amendment on the ballot in the fall that would ban both same-sex marriage and civil unions. It passed with over 59% of the vote. This was in a (light) blue state during a Democratic wave election. Democrats won all but one statewide office that cycle and captured the state senate but barely managed to get 40% to vote against the amendment. That was just ten years ago.
The one thing I think the Hillary camp needs to do is reinforce that she's a details person. She mentioned it in the podcast. She mentioned it in her acceptance speech. That's the angle they need to use. I know they haven't needed to do anything because...Trump is a dumpster fire...but that's the thing I'd be hitting hard. Ignore things to drive up her favorables. They're irrelevant. Contrast her wonk with Trump's non answers.

And, yes, this is a selfserving plan to get her to talk wonky to me .


The Hillary podcast is cute. Someone here said it was light on policy, which is true, but it was just the first episode. And if I want to listen to a candidate speak policy, I wouldn't do it in a podcast. A nationally televised speech is a more appropriate avenue.

The weather's bad, yeah, but do you like the city?
Yeah, it's nice, but I haven't really spent a lot of time there to be honest. Every time I've gone, it's usually just for state business (real estate stuff, or certifications), and I've gone to two rallies there and once to go to the bus terminal. I should really explore it sometime.


It's not stupid to me. It's the way it's supposed to be. I was less understanding of gays when I was younger. Then I matured and began to accept and respect myself enough to no longer have a need for a world where everybody and everything mirrored myself. I am a doomed romantic as well as a deeply naive dreamer, but I truly believe that, if not my children, then their children, will grow up in a changed world, where prejudice and discrimination is not part of our everyday struggles, but a rare exception.
It wont because kids are just like dogs. If you don't expose them to things as a puppy or child, they grow up scared of them. Without busting the fear wall down, it stays up. And unfortunately, keeping everyone from growing up in a monolithic environment is virtually impossible. The internet is helping (a ton), but it can't make up for growing up only interacting with a single type of people and culture.


Rewatched most of Hillary's acceptance speech. Truly believe it will go down in history as one of the best ever. This short passage struck me as especially brilliant:

It's true... I sweat the details of policy -- whether we're talking about the exact level of lead in the drinking water in Flint, Michigan, the number of mental health facilities in Iowa, or the cost of your prescription drugs.

Because it's not just a detail if it's your kid - if it's your family. It's a big deal. And it should be a big deal to your president.

It accomplishes so much:

1) Turns a perceived weakness (her wonkiness) into a strength.

2) Subtly draws a contrast with her opponent on her strongest - and his weakest - suit: sheer competence.

3) Ticks off a short list of pressing concerns that Republicans have neglected and ignored (both as state legislators and during their convention).

Exquisite. I don't know how much they paid the writer, but it's not enough.


The one thing I think the Hillary camp needs to do is reinforce that she's a details person. She mentioned it in the podcast. She mentioned it in her acceptance speech. That's the angle they need to use. I know they haven't needed to do anything because...Trump is a dumpster fire...but that's the thing I'd be hitting hard. Ignore things to drive up her favorables. They're irrelevant. Contrast her wonk with Trump's non answers.

And, yes, this is a selfserving plan to get her to talk wonky to me .



The Hillary podcast is cute. Someone here said it was light on policy, which is true, but it was just the first episode. And if I want to listen to a candidate speak policy, I wouldn't do it in a podcast. A nationally televised speech is a more appropriate avenue.

It's a good "Hillary is a person and does human things" reminder for people who see her as a villain, but they probably won't be listening so idk


Last night I kept thinking "Drinking is fun, why don't I do this more often" and then I woke up this morning.

I was across the street from one of the Trump buildings today. My goal is to have a picture of me giving the finger to every one of his buildings. That was my 2nd one.


I'm up in rural PA where I grew up from my current home in Loudoun County, VA. This is surely prime Trump demo territory - white, rural, noncollege. Will be interested to see how my H-> sticker goes on my car.
I'd be more worried about my tires and whatnot, lol
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 4m4 minutes ago
I am truly enjoying myself while running for president. The people of our country are amazing - great numbers on November 8th!

Um. good for you?
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