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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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A clip from The Ctitic? I could hug you.

I kept bitching that it should be on Netflix, so my wife bought me the complete series on DVD last Christmas. Now I bitch that Netflix should make a new season. Jon Lovitz isn't exactly busy these days and there's like 20 years worth of movies to make fun of.

She's really bad at her job. I mean, at least read a Wikipedia page before you go on the air.

It's the most democratic form of the truth there is.


Kills Photobucket

Of all the recent scandals, I think the "rigged" thing is going to hurt Trump the most. Not because it's super absurd (although it is).

It hurts him for a few reasons. One, Americans don't like whiners. We just don't. It undercuts his message as a strong man who wins, wins, wins. Now, he's admitting he's going to lose because FRAUD! It's not a good look. Secondly, it cements a narrative. It's unpresidential, yes, but it also reinforces the idea that he is losing. Bigly. Why would a person who is really winning be bitching about fraud and shit? Thirdly if people actually want to think about "Is this election being rigged?" it draws us back to the only actual attempts at swaying the election--the Russian hacks. Finally, it's damaging because it has the potential to decrease Trump's turnout. There's no ground game to harass people into voting.


Kills Photobucket
The Rigged thing scares me becasue Trump supporters are idiots, and will eat into this conspiracy thing, and problems at polls in minority neighborhoods is something that's becoming more and more of a possibility thanks to his fear mongering.


Yes, this.


Katrina knows she's done after this lol

That's a great moment right after he starts to call her out and she knows that she fucked up somehow.

The beauty is that I don't think she realizes how, but you can just see that she knows she fell into a trap and has no idea how to get out.


Donald Trump is employing the Scorched Earth policy. He knows he's gonna lose so he's gonna lose while destroying everything for Hillary in the process.

November 8th, when Hillary wins, an active, loud, violent, angry, hateful fanbase is gonna believe she won because it was rigged. They're gonna be hating on any immigrant, any muslim, anyone not like them.

The House will still do their best to block any Supreme Court pick.

I was watching Morning Joe and Katy Tur was on. Joe and Katy (who was singled out and verbally attacked by Trump at a rally, so much so, Secret Service escorted her to her vehicle after the rally) was talking about how behind the scenes, Trump is actually a nice guy. I don't see how that is even true though. Either Trump is the most evil man in recent American history or he is just oblivious to what his actions are doing...

And at this point, I don't even know which one is more likely.

There will be books written about him and this election. Perhaps that is why he does it: Hillary might win the presidency, probably, but America will never forget Donald Trump.



Donald Trump is employing the Scorched Earth policy. He knows he's gonna lose so he's gonna lose while destroying everything for Hillary in the process.

November 8th, when Hillary wins, an active, loud, violent, angry, hateful fanbase is gonna believe she won because it was rigged. They're gonna be hating on any immigrant, any muslim, anyone not like them.

The House will still do their best to block any Supreme Court pick.

I was watching Morning Joe and Katy Tur was on. Joe and Katy (who was singled out and verbally attacked by Trump at a rally, so much so, Secret Service escorted her to her vehicle after the rally) was talking about how behind the scenes, Trump is actually a nice guy. I don't see how that is even true though. Either Trump is the most evil man in recent American history or he is just oblivious to what his actions are doing...

And at this point, I don't even know which one is more likely.

There will be books written about him and this election. Perhaps that is why he does it: Hillary might win the presidency, probably, but America will never forget Donald Trump.


The House can't block a Supreme Court pick. They have zero say. It's the Senate that needs to confirm.


It wont because kids are just like dogs. If you don't expose them to things as a puppy or child, they grow up scared of them. Without busting the fear wall down, it stays up. And unfortunately, keeping everyone from growing up in a monolithic environment is virtually impossible. The internet is helping (a ton), but it can't make up for growing up only interacting with a single type of people and culture.

What I meant was this :

I hope that one day

we as a species

will grow strong enough together

to finally overcome manipulating this inescapable fear of our own fragility and of our own

into becoming the same prejudice, the same discrimination and the same hate

that we harm our fellow man with today

as both a psychological crutch

a legal gavel

and a physical club.


What I meant was this :

I hope that one day

we as a species

will grow strong enough together

to finally overcome manipulating this inescapable fear of our own fragility and of our own

into becoming the same prejudice, the same discrimination and the same hate

that we harm our fellow man with today

as both a psychological crutch

a legal gavel

and a physical club.



I haven't read the NYT piece yet but if it really does have references to anonymous sources, they should just replace those with "many people are saying".
Even more astonishing, informed and reliable sources tell Howey Politics Indiana that an internal Gregg poll has Clinton and Trump tied in Indiana at 44%. After endorsing U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz in the Indiana primary only to watch Trump nail him 53-36%, the specter of Pence losing his home state in what would likely be a 50-state blowout is a career-jarring prospect. Trump seemed to acknowledge a “tremendous problem” in Utah. He was asked by CNBC how he planned to reverse the trend, Trump responded, saying he simply planned to do “the same thing I’m doing right now. At the end, it’s either going to work, or I’m going to, you know, I’m going to have a very, very nice, long vacation.”



As I've been saying, if AZ and GA are going blue, IN is likely to follow.

As far as I'm concerned there are two scenarios:
A. The most likely scenario is the polls tighten somewhat before election day and Clinton wins in a decisive (although not a blowout) way winning Obama 2012 + NC
B. A blowout happens (8%+) and Clinton wins almost all of the states on the edge (AZ, GA, IN, MO) and possibly takes the stretch states (SC, UT)
The House can't block a Supreme Court pick. They have zero say. It's the Senate that needs to confirm.

It's certainly going to be interesting. Hillary's selection will shift the court's ideological trajectory to the left. Imagine if Hillary nominates Goodwin Liu in February or March. If you're a republican you have to do anything possible to block him - just as democrats would block a far right candidate in a similar situation. The obstruction isn't going to stop.

If democrats take the senate I wouldn't be stunned if Shumer/Clinton decide to kill the filibuster. Obstructing the new president's first SC nom would be the final straw.


No Scrubs
It's certainly going to be interesting. Hillary's selection will shift the court's ideological trajectory to the left. Imagine if Hillary nominates Goodwin Liu in February or March. If you're a republican you have to do anything possible to block him - just as democrats would block a far right candidate in a similar situation. The obstruction isn't going to stop.

If democrats take the senate I wouldn't be stunned if Shumer/Clinton decide to kill the filibuster. Obstructing the new president's first SC nom would be the final straw.

I think it's going away for Supreme Court picks at the very least, leaving the court with just 8 for this long is insane.
If we take the Senate, we will absolutely nuke the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees. At that point, I think RBG will retire. I have an outside hope that maybe Breyer will too. Obviously, not right away, but maybe within the first two years of her term.


I can't wait for a blue senate with Hillary as president. Things are really going to go in the right direction. In a way, I'm almost glad for Trump. If the republican party nominated a real candidate, the race might have actually been close.


I'm more convinced every day that Trump wants to lose the election and give the Senate to the Dems because it will help to launch a Trump media operation (TV, AM Radio) riding on the rigged message and complaining about the Clinton administration.


@KatrinaPierson said:
For the record, audio disruptions and echos should be fixed immediately. Especially when you say it out loud on the air. @CNN

Wait is she trying to blame her insane statement on audio issues?
I was watching Morning Joe and Katy Tur was on. Joe and Katy (who was singled out and verbally attacked by Trump at a rally, so much so, Secret Service escorted her to her vehicle after the rally) was talking about how behind the scenes, Trump is actually a nice guy. I don't see how that is even true though. Either Trump is the most evil man in recent American history or he is just oblivious to what his actions are doing...

I think what's really going on is that Trump has actually mastered the whole "casino owner charming his guests" act and that's what people might be interpreting as "being nice" because he's doing it outside of a casino setting. If Trump finished any of these nice comments with "enjoy your stay" or something like that then people would definitely be like.. "oh okay, he's just being nice because he wants me to spend money."
I'm more convinced every day that Trump wants to lose the election and give the Senate to the Dems because it will help to launch a Trump media operation (TV, AM Radio) riding on the rigged message and complaining about the Clinton administration.

He's just a narcissistic blowhard who has no idea how to run a campaign.
Caveat: Campaigns tend to be selective about which internal polls they release/leak. Indiana still might be worth investing in because of the downballot races. Bayh should have it regardles, but Gregg would likely benefit.
That internal had Gregg up 7 and Bayh up like 26.

If anything the downballot might drag Clinton across the finish line :jnc
Question: I know that we're all chomping at the bit about the House of Representatives, but is the Senate basically considered a done deal that Democrats will take it back (at least for now)?


i made a thread about Doug Basham the other day that got like 100 views and no replies so id figure id post it here instead of self bumping. im assuming PoliGAF listens to AM radio to see what the right wing is saying.. is there any AM radio like this guy in America or is this guy the only one? ive looked around on Google and i figured something would come up in major places like NYC and LA but its been a bust. i just got done listening to his caller hour from last week and i cannot wait until this afternoon.

Anyway.. heres my thread post about Doug Basham:

OMG Thank you for this. Wanted someone to listen to while at work other than the regular big right wing radio people. This is perfect.

Edit: Misread this thought it was a right wing guy. Will still listen.
Question: I know that we're all chomping at the bit about the House of Representatives, but is the Senate basically considered a done deal that Democrats will take it back (at least for now)?
Dems are very well favored in Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana, all of which would be pickups. We're also managing pretty consistent polling leads in New Hampshire and Pennsylvania which would put us right at 51, but roughly tied in Nevada.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 2m2 minutes ago
We now have confirmation as to one reason Crooked H wanted to be sure that nobody saw her e-mails - PAY-FOR-PLAY. How can she run for Pres.

That's it?


Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 2m2 minutes ago
"@need2knowu: @willspeakout yes you are my hero I admire you for laying down your glorious luxurious life to get beat up for America!!!"

Trump just re-tweeted this. HAHAHAHAHA

Fair enough, but you'd think they could at least find somebody with more ambition than sense who could bumble through an 8 minute TV spot without saying something outrageously stupid.

Being outrageously stupid is the only way you can be employed by the Trump campaign. It also helps if you're one of his spawn, but a lot of stupid helps too!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Being outrageously stupid is the only way you can be employed by the Trump campaign. It also helps if you're one of his spawn, but a lot of stupid helps too!

This. The mistake that a lot of people are making is that these idiots are hired to make Trump look good when they're just supposed to mindlessly defend him at all costs.
These Trump re-tweets at the moment.

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 3m3 minutes ago
"@PaulaDuvall2: We're all enjoying you, as well, Mr. T.! You've inspired Hope and a Positive Spirit throughout America! God bless you!" Nice

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 3m3 minutes ago
"@zulu_out: You are a man for the people because you know what it is like to be among the people #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #USA Loves U" Thanks

He is literally giving himself a blowjob right now.
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