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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Being outrageously stupid is the only way you can be employed by the Trump campaign. It also helps if you're one of his spawn, but a lot of stupid helps too!

I suppose.

I was personally pretty surprised to learn how young and inexperienced Hope Hicks is a few weeks ago. Though I'm not sure how the best Press Secretary on the planet could do any better under the circumstances.


YAAAAAAAAAAASSSS just saw a Queen ad on TV against Trump. They even have a soundbite of Charles Corpsehammer saying Trump doesn't need the nuclear codes, and O'reilly sighning like a defeated child.


Professional Schmuck
This is important:

Of all the recent scandals, I think the "rigged" thing is going to hurt Trump the most. Not because it's super absurd (although it is).

It hurts him for a few reasons. One, Americans don't like whiners. We just don't. It undercuts his message as a strong man who wins, wins, wins. Now, he's admitting he's going to lose because FRAUD! It's not a good look. Secondly, it cements a narrative. It's unpresidential, yes, but it also reinforces the idea that he is losing. Bigly. Why would a person who is really winning be bitching about fraud and shit? Thirdly if people actually want to think about "Is this election being rigged?" it draws us back to the only actual attempts at swaying the election--the Russian hacks. Finally, it's damaging because it has the potential to decrease Trump's turnout. There's no ground game to harass people into voting.

If there's one long game in play here that you haven't touched, it's the GOP strategy of de-legitimizing Hillary in the same way they did with Obama.


You know, the Trump camp has gone so far over the edge, I ask this question with 100% sincerity.

When do they start claiming Obama and Clinton have a time machine to do all of these things?

I don't think time travel is a popular conspiracy theory trope, but considering the level of discourse it's not beyond him to say something like that

Now the alt-right nuts will quote Hassan as proof Obama founded ISIS, and the cycle will be complete.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry when this inevitably happens


watching dota 2 lower bracket finals

resident memer "siractionslacks" goes to the crowd to rile up some hype for game 3 of a best of 3

when asked why a fan
chanted "usa! usa! usa!"
both teams in the lower bracket final are NA teams
, the fan responded that
after trump is elected, team digital chaos "won't be an american team any more" presumably because of their mid player aliwi omar.
(spoilers for the international)

the madness is inescapable


Kills Photobucket
This is important:

If there's one long game in play here that you haven't touched, it's the GOP strategy of de-legitimizing Hillary in the same way they did with Obama.


Can you imagine if Hillary somehow won the Electoral College, but not the popular vote (yes, I know that's almsot impossible based on what we're seeing). Republicans would go nuts.

I think even worse is if Hillary wins, but the Senate does not flip. I would not be surprised if we go four years without SCOTUS appointments.


Hehe, it dawned on me, that Trump is so unfuckingbeliably UNFIT to be president, that I non-jokingly can state, I would be genuinely scared of which headlines he would create and who he would offend, just hosting the annual White House Easter Egg Roll

CNN BREAKING NEWS : President Trump claims " That dark child cheated" (He didn't)
MSNBC BREAKING NEWS : "President Trump "People, that egg roll was so rigged"


...later that week

INDIA-TODAY BREAKING : "President Trump still refuses to apologise to Prime Minister Modi's 6 year old son "He's a brown little cheater, and he knows it"


Hehe, it dawned on me, that Trump is so unfuckingbeliably UNFIT to be president, that I non-jokingly can state, I would be genuinely scared of which headlines he would create and who he would offend, just hosting the annual White House Easter Egg Roll

CNN BREAKING NEWS : President Trump claims " That dark child cheated" (He didn't)
MSNBC BREAKING NEWS : "President Trump "People, that egg roll was so rigged"


and then later that week....

INDIA-TODAY BREAKING : "President Trump still refuses to apologise to Prime Minister Modi's 6 year old son "He's a brown little cheater, and he knows it"

People need to stop trying to put racial slurs in Trump's mouth. He says more than enough disgusting, disqualifying shit on his own, there is really no reason to speculate like this.
Trump supporters becoming unhinged at the media. The reporter says this behavior is becoming commonplace at his rallies.

My bf and I were just talking about this. Okay, I was talking, he was watching football and nodding every once in a while, but it still counts!

The Trump campaign is nothing more than a manifestation of white, cis-male anger. (And, yes, male is the important word here.) They're mad as hell at everything...because they're no longer the sole group we cater to. They are terrified that all the brown, gay, female people are going to do to them what they've done to us for decades. They are angry because they've never had their beliefs challenged by anyone who had equal power to them.

They hate the media because it refuses to conform to their world view. They hate Democrats because we refuse to validate their shitty opinions. They just hate, hate, hate, hate because that is all they have. I don't even think they like Trump. It's just that he's telling them what they want to hear: "You're right, they're wrong. YOU"RE the important ones. YOU are the ones that matter. Everyone else is a loser. YOU'RE the winners." They will drop him 30 seconds after he loses, or they would have turned on him the moment he tried to pivot. He knows this.

You can effectively use anger as a useful political tool. The issue is, you have to use it like a scalpel. You can't use it like a fucking sledgehammer. You have to be surgical with how you target and direct it. Trump's Campaign is just hitting, hitting, hitting. There's no logic or direction. It's just a physical manifestation of impotent rage at a world that is leaving them behind.


watching dota 2 lower bracket finals

resident memer "siractionslacks" goes to the crowd to rile up some hype for game 3 of a best of 3

when asked why a fan
chanted "usa! usa! usa!"
both teams in the lower bracket final are NA teams
, the fan responded that
after trump is elected, team digital chaos "won't be an american team any more" presumably because of their mid player aliwi omar.
(spoilers for the international)

the madness is inescapable

Fuck that is sad


You are kidnapped and held hostage by a crazy person who tells you to name a state.

If Trump does not win that state in November he will kill you.

What state do you name?
People listening to a candidate's podcast

What is happening. Who would waste their time on manufactured nonsense like that when there is a treasure trove of real news and analysis out there?
That internal had Gregg up 7 and Bayh up like 26.

If anything the downballot might drag Clinton across the finish line :jnc

Gregg is running a good campaign and Holcomb is a terrible opponent. Bayh is an ass, but he's incredibly popular in Indiana, so that doesn't surprise me either.

Honestly, I'd just love to see Indiana go blue twice in three cycles, even though I know it's unlikely.


People listening to a candidate's podcast

What is happening. Who would waste their time on manufactured nonsense like that when there is a treasure trove of real news and analysis out there?

Because I want to hear her speak? It's like the secret history of the mongols. You don't go there for accurate representations of history as it happened. You read them to understand what was important to them at the time and the same is true here. Plus she has a good podcasting voice.
Just out from Sabado's cystal ball actually:
But, on the whole, Clinton’s weaknesses rank lower than Trump’s. The lowest of the nine attack lines – Clinton’s vote for the war in Iraq – bothered only 26 percent of voters a lot. That’s far lower than the ninth-place line against Trump – his friendship with Russian President Vladimir Putin – which bothered 42 percent of likely voters.
Another low-scoring Clinton attack: her “decision to rarely hold news conferences.” Just 28 percent of likely voters said that bothered them a lot.

More people care about the fact that Hillary doesn't like press conference than that Hillary voted for the Iraq War.

How are people this fucking weird.

Who cares more about "BENGHAZI" then the Iraq War.



No Scrubs
More people care about the fact that Hillary doesn't like press conference than that Hillary voted for the Iraq War.

How are people this fucking weird.

Who cares more about "BENGHAZI" then the Iraq War.


Iraq isn't as hot a topic this cycle is all. Obama winded down the wars quite a bit so people aren't quite as bothered by that vote anymore, plus she was SoS when he did it.

Also people are stupid.
Interesting, I was wondering why the Idaho/Montana border is so squiggly looking relative to its neighboring straight line borders but apparently it's for a good reason. Unlike straight line borders that often arbitrarily cut across valleys, rivers, lakes, and other geographical features, the Idaho/Montana border actually follows a topographical ridge-line. The more you know I guess.
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