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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'm just glad they're finally calling the Trump campaign on these things. It's about time you do your job.


Maybe it's part of her work release.


This would make an awesome album cover


would recent puerto rican transplants to FL even show up in polling as likely voters? I can't imagine why they would.

I don't know about this specifically, but it's interesting to note that voter registration will continue until the election; in Florida the deadline is 29 days before Nov 8. So polls of registered voters now don't necessarily represent the full potential pool of voters. This is one reason you need a ground game and field offices in battleground states.
To complement what's Trump campaign:

In Key States, The Trump Campaign Still Lags Badly


The campaign has few offices, no ads, and people on the ground are confused about who exactly is in charge. The RNC is picking up the slack by running a robust field operation — but one RNC staffer acknowledged the organization could cut off the Trump campaign.

Besides the controversies, a core complaint with Trump is that his campaign is doing little to organize and mobilize voters, or assist the RNC’s efforts. Sources say the campaign is also beset by poor communication between different levels of the organization, and there’s confusion over who is calling the shots in various state organizations.
“They have had a lot of trouble integrating original Trump staff with new folks,” said one Republican operative familiar with the campaign. “And they have regional directors whose authority level is very unclear over states in their region.”
“I think there has been a level of the Trump campaign trying to come in and act like they are the big boys on the block as opposed to a partnership,” said one RNC staffer.
In key swing states like Florida, the campaign has been operating a bare-bones operation, with one office in Sarasota and four staff. The RNC currently has 75 staffers on the ground in Florida, as well as 1,400 volunteers and fellows in charge of local organizing.

“From the RNC’s perspective, if you’re looking at those states, we’ve been on the ground in those states since 2013,” said RNC spokesman Rick Gorka. “There was an early investment in the ground game to fix what went wrong [in 2012].”
Karen Giorno, the campaign’s chief Florida strategist, said that the operation will be expanding soon, and that the campaign is adding up to 25 more offices and is in the process of hiring 14 more full-time staff. The campaign is opening an office near the site of the Pulse shooting in Orlando, Bloomberg reported.

But Giorno sees less need for a traditional approach to the ground game because of Trump’s near-universal name recognition and the large attendance at his rallies, and she sounded confident about her approach when interviewed outside Trump’s Kissimmee rally last week. “I’m not big on bricks and mortar and office spaces because as you can see we have a very unique kind of campaign,” Giorno said. Giorno says she’s still relying on the large attendance at Trump’s rallies to reach voters. And she cited the campaign’s social media outreach, saying her team has a 100% response rate to social media queries from voters.

“This is the best type of outreach you can possibly have,” Giorno said of the rallies. “He’s touching over 40,000 people in two days.”

“I think we win this handily,” Giorno said. “I would be hard pressed to say that the Clinton campaign is doing anything to move the dial.”

In North Carolina, which Mitt Romney won in 2012 and where the most recent NBC poll showed Trump nine points behind, it’s unclear where exactly the campaign is based. The office in Fayetteville that had been used for the primary, where Trump held a rally last week, appeared to be shut down when a reporter visited it last week, and an office in Raleigh that had been used during the primary was being used by the local GOP but didn’t appear to be serving as a headquarters.
“The Trump campaign is in the process of moving,” said Dallas Woodhouse, executive director of the North Carolina Republican Party. “They do sometimes work out of my building but it is hit or miss.”
“In North Carolina, we have almost 50 paid staffers and more than 200 neighborhood team leaders across the state (in addition to the existing county and local party organizations and hundreds of volunteers across the state) — a number that grows everyday as our team members recruit and train more volunteers,” Woodhouse said. “Our team members function like paid organizers and field staff, as they commit to training, benchmarks, and hours of commitment each week to elect Mr. Trump and our Republican nominees in November.”
“Donald Trump started the general election with a head start on the ground because of the operation the RNC and the NCGOP has built,” Woodhouse said.

One key North Carolina Republican activist had a much less rosy view of the situation.
“It is less than to be desired,” the activist said. “I think the RNC is doing a really good job from a field program. They are taking a huge role. He’s also keeping it pretty lean. We’re going to see if this theory works.”

“You can’t just come to a rally once a week and go on CNN, that’s crazy,” the activist said.

More at the link.

Bottom line: Trump has name recognition and social media so we don't need a lot of troops on the ground! Winning!
I've been watching Mr Robot on netflix. Currently on Season 1, episode 9 (i think).

It's an OK show, but I saw everything coming from a mile away. The tech stuff is fun (even somewhat unbelievable at times). But the show isn't the second coming of Christ some nerds are claiming it to be.

The show is built around an obvious "twist". The creator is on record that he did everything in his power to telegraph it. There are other things at play that are more interesting. It's really about examining what happens after the point that would be the climax in most stories.


Nuclear is the future not matter the irrational fear that people have over it and despite the shitty PWR designs of today.

Fact still remains nuclear is the only efficient and scalable technology there is for base load, it is nature's number one source for that reason. Fission plants will be continue to be built, ITER and DEMO will bring the Fusion future post 2050 and that is the power end game unless we do anti-matter which is not happening for many many years.

The primary reason Nuclear has not had greater success is the Oil and gas industry funding the lobbying against it since they know other renewables are a joke and Nuclear is the silver bullet. Couple that with the masses being easily swayed by Nuke imagery and there we have it. Sad and shitty state of affairs but it will be fixed.


I'm the kind of person that was cheering for E-Corp throughout all of Mr. Robot.

Those damned maladjusted kids and their damned hacking, not even understanding what debt is.




TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
You didn't like Dark Souls II. Your taste in games is trash.

No, I DID like dark souls 2. I even made a thread saying douchebags are too hard on it. It's the Hillary Clinton of Dark Souls-- wonkish, obscure, still genuinely good but follows a generational masterpiece, and lies about its feature set!

However Donald Trump is Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2.


No, I DID like dark souls 2. I even made a thread saying douchebags are too hard on it. It's the Hillary Clinton of Dark Souls-- wonkish, obscure, still genuinely good but follows a generational masterpiece, and lies about its feature set!

However Donald Trump is Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2.

This is simply perfect.

Is Bernie Sanders Lords of the Fallen?


Kimberly “Kill them all” Guilfoyle regularly dives off the deep end of our fact-filled universe, is now blaming President Obama and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for all the stupid things Donald Trump says. The Trump apologist claimed Friday on Fox News’ The Five,

“It’s like the most unholy partnership of all time between the Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton, constantly making comments trying to bait Trump into saying something that will sidetrack him.”

Lololololololololololol. It's not Hillary's fault Trump is unable to let anything go.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
This is simply perfect.

Is Bernie Sanders Lords of the Fallen?

Bernie is Halo 2. Everyone genuinely likes it but agreed it would be better if it hadn't stuck so closely to its crap lore and replaced the Brutes with Elites.

And people couldn't believe when it finally ended.


You are so going to regret this later. Just saying.

I do own the first Dark Souls on Xbone. Maybe I should try it?

Of course bae :p

Nah dude, Skyrim is all flash and no substance. The gameplay is sad and lacking. I doesn't belong up there, hell Mario is a harder game than Skyrim is.

What can I say, I've put waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more time into Skyrim than any other RPG I've ever played.


The Autumn Wind

Fantastic response here from a conservative radio host on how terrible the bias has gotten in this country. I'd post the pic of the response but I have zero idea how. Highly recommend clicking through.

Here is the pic:


Funny, while reading the first paragraph, the thoughts in my head were exactly what he goes on to say in his second paragraph. This is the natural conclusion to what the conservative media has created. They've built their careers on sowing the seeds of distrust among their audience, and now they're dealing with that same audience turning against them for even more crackpot, conspiracy theory garbage sources that don't care about facts at all and just put out whatever will get clicks because it's what their base wants to hear.
Hillary is Super Mario 3D World-technically the best ever, but people fail to appreciate it's brilliance.

Obama is Super Mario Galaxy-it's great. Those who love it, love it, those who hate it are wrong, and they should be ridiculed.

Bernie is Super Mario Brother's 2-it's not even really a Mario game, but if you squint hard enough you can pretend it is...and that's good enough for some people.

Trump is Hotel Mario...if you took Hotel Mario, covered it in dog shit and set it on fire.


No Scrubs
Of course bae :p

What can I say, I've put waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more time into Skyrim than any other RPG I've ever played.

I put a bunch of time into it as well, that don't make the gameplay good. There's a reason like half the mods out there alter how the game itself is played. If it wasn't for all the mods I'd have played it once then ignored it.

To be fair, Skyrim's gameplay is better than its lore and story and dialog and characters.

Unfortunately, Skyrim's gameplay is terrible.

I can agree with this.

I just feel like Syrim is saved by the modding. From the look of it they'll have to step their game up after the new Zelda hits since that seems to deliver on every promise ever made by a dev making an open world game.


I put a bunch of time into it as well, that don't make the gameplay good. There's a reason like half the mods out there alter how the game itself is played. If it wasn't for all the mods I'd have played it once then ignored it.

Like ultimately, if I played a game for about 250 hours before I modded it, and about twice that after, it's got to be up there for GOAT

Also, I doubt new Zelda will have an impact. It's been at least 20 years since a Zelda game was good enough to have any impact on its own rather than because it was a Zelda game.
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