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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Don't forget that Democrats can certainly make gains downballot. Texas is gerrymandered, but if the state is moving in one direction, that gerrymander will start to crack.

GA and AZ are better investments, but Clinton is swimming in cash and Battleground Texas was a fundraising juggernaut (they just picked like, the worst possible year to make a splash). Making a token investment there might not be a bad idea, especially if they're taking states like PA, CO and VA off the board. The way you make states competitive is by actually competing. We might not be talking about a purple Georgia if Obama hasn't laid that foundation in 2008.

This is basically the point I'm trying (probably not successfully) to argue. I don't fault Obama for not moving on Georgia in 2008 until way too late, simply because the election didn't break his way as early as it is for Hillary.

Something I'd add to what you were saying...publicly investing in a state has narrative benefit. We see a lot of posters in OT threads talk about how they're in Georgia and, by god, their vote might matter this time. It's a mindshare argument. Even if you're not uber competitive, acting like you are, investing in GOTV and registrations (which helps downballot candidates) is a smart investment. A small, targeted ad buy could help with that too. It also gives you the chance to own a media cycle. It's a talking point, if nothing else.

Like a few networks may pick up on the PPP poll. To make sure they do, announce you're investing in the state. Get a surrogate to go on the record saying you're making a play for it. It helps raise money, and it helps to cement the idea that your map is expanding while your opponent is crashing and burning.
Someone asked the other day what the Democrats' equivalent was to Pennsylvania and the GOP.

*reads responses from this morning*

It's Texas. Definitely Texas.

In the sense that they shouldn't be expecting it to flip for them in 2016, but they should put in work and it might be competitive down the line again.

That being said, Dems have a better shot of getting Texas purple in the near future than the GOP does of getting Pennsylvania to be solid red.
It's bad because it gives ammunition to the "trust case". While I agree she's not going to convince a massive amount of people with 80 days to the election, it's also stupid for a Democratic to dodge the question. Was she really going to lose votes by saying "yes, look at her 40 years in the public spotlight"?

And on a national news network. It's an own goal. Not a big one, but an unnecessary one.

I mean, okay, but no one is going to hurt Hillary's trustworthy numbers. People are voting in spite of that. You can't really flip that soundbite into an attack against Hassan, nor can you turn it into a successful attack against Hillary. This is true especially because of Ayotte's mental gymnastics in supporting Trump. She's ill equipped to make this an issue, because she can't get called out on her stance with Trump.

It's unfortunate that a candidate feels that way, but it's certainly understandable. Real talk: If I'm running for office, I'm 100% running as anti-Trump. Depending on my district, I'm either running slightly towards Hillary or neutral towards Hillary.
Sounds like she was worried to give a soundbite saying she thinks Clinton is trustworthy and have it used against her. Which is unfortunate
How hard it is to just say that she personally knows Hillary and knows she can be trusted, but that she needs to reach out to the voters of NH more and bridge the trust gap.

Politicians just suck in general, except when they're Obama Campaign.


GA and AZ are better investments, but Clinton is swimming in cash and Battleground Texas was a fundraising juggernaut (they just picked like, the worst possible year to make a splash).
I read a while back that the Clinton campaign has planned how much money they want to spend each day up until the election. They might be swimming in cash but they were actually saying they're not raising as much as they want according to the spending plan they laid out.


Trump real complacent with sexual harassment


I am now absolutely certain that all these 'many people' and 'lots of people' that Trump constantly refers to exist only in Trump's head.


Are you nuts? Why would anyone want that? If your comedy host cant make good of this freaking election season, he doesnt deserve to be anywhere near a tv show. Stewart/Colbert kept people interested in a boring ass 2012 election and this guy cant do anything with the insane material dump of this year.

Wilmore/Nightly Show > Noah/Daily Show

Come at me!


Ha, I totally called Trump and Ailes teaming up. The Trump News Network (revive TNN!), Don's true end-goal, it's a-coming after November. It'll be the true source for all the most unbiased news and unskewed polling that the lamestream media doesn't want to report! Trump cashes out no matter what, which was the plan all along. Dumb and frustrated white males will finally have somewhere to vent their frustration (and spend their money).
Eh, that's not that bad...especially when a majority of voters in almost every state doesn't see Hillary as honest and trustworthy. It's not a Senate candidate's responsibility to answer that question, although she should have come up with something a bit better. But that's a self-preservation answer, also known as politics. Sitting here, I'd rather her unequivocally say yes, but I can certainly understand hedging on that issue.

In the polls only model, Hillary now has a better chance of winning Texas than Trump has of winning Florida, Ohio or North Carolina.

i mean she isn't wrong, clinton isn't trustworthy
Ha, I totally called Trump and Ailes teaming up. The Trump News Network (revive TNN!), Don's true end-goal, it's a-coming after November. It'll be the true source for all the most unbiased news and unskewed polling that the lamestream media doesn't want to report!

Methinks it's hijacking Breitbart and giving it a cable news network.
Ha, I totally called Trump and Ailes teaming up. The Trump News Network (revive TNN!), Don's true end-goal, it's a-coming after November. It'll be the true source for all the most unbiased news and unskewed polling that the lamestream media doesn't want to report!
only if ECW comes back with Paul in charge with booking.

don't leave him charge of finances pls
Gotta get the team ready for the inevitable launch of TrumpTV

If I'm an establishment republican this is probably the most terrifying possibility I can think of. It's pretty clear they have given up on the election and are just hoping to hold the senate or the house while they wait for 2020 and the Trump effect to dissipate. But can you imagine if Trump creates a long term media presence for himself? That the Trump voter/problem now becomes a long term thorn in their side?

Unlike Palin I think he would actually get sustained media attention and there is no way his ego doesn't tempt him into making constant potshots and attacks on establishment republicans. You don't need that much support or attention to have a very profitable media product, and Trump clearly loves the attention.
Ha, I totally called Trump and Ailes teaming up. The Trump News Network (revive TNN!), Don's true end-goal, it's a-coming after November. It'll be the true source for all the most unbiased news and unskewed polling that the lamestream media doesn't want to report! Trump cashes out no matter what, which was the plan all along. Dumb and frustrated white males will finally have somewhere to vent their frustration (and spend their money).
Yea Trump Network is defintely a done deal now. He's even going to fleece Hannity and other crazypants from Fox. Katrina Pierson is getting her own 8pm primetime slot, followed by Jeffrey Lord's "Lord Speaks" 9pm hour. 10pm is time for "Guiliani and Friends".


From the PPP Texas poll, this is heartening

With voters under 65, Clinton leads him 49-45. And when you look just specifically at voters under 45, Clinton leads Trump 60-35

Trump has a 69/25 lead with white voters but the reason the state’s so competitive overall is that among non-white voters Clinton has a 73-21 lead, including a 68-27 edge with the state’s booming Hispanic population.

Literally a matter of time before it turns purple. Also, Obama's at 46-48 lol
Yea Trump Network is defintely a done deal now. He's even going to fleece Hannity and other crazypants from Fox. Katrina Pierson is getting her own 8pm primetime slot, followed by Jeffrey Lord's "Lord Speaks" 9pm hour. 10pm is time for "Guiliani and Friends".

Like Guiliani has friends....
I can't imagine the great irony of the classified FBI report to Congress regarding their investigation being leaked as a proof that Clinton was careless with classified material. I can't imagine it but I know it will happen.


FGC Waterboy
I was ready to snarkily reply with 'Why would you lie like that?' before even watching the episode.

It was actually real good. Of course, that comes with the asterisk of 'in spite of Trevor Noah'.

The writing and remotes on the Daily Show are still good, but Trevor's apparent lack of political interest and over-reliance on 'Hey I'm not American -- you guys are weird' is completely off-putting. With The Nightly Show gone, can they just give the Daily Show job to Larry Wilmore and tell him no more awful panel discussions?

I love Larry Wilmore but the panel discussions were just too bad to keep watching. Would have loved for him to get TDS.

We're comparing him to Trevor Noah. Larry Wilmore had an unknown and unproven show fail to keep people interested in the election. Trevor Noah has a well-known and rock-solid show, and has all but sunk it. There was a thread claiming 'Trevor Noah is doing an absolutely excellent job with the Daily Show' last week, and most of the replies were on the order of 'yeah, no.'

Larry Wilmore could at least keep it afloat. Trevor Noah is baling water into the ship.

To have a once in a lifetime election season, and have the Daily Show failing at entertaining is an amazing accomplishment that should be studied by scientists.

I think the TDS folks had really bad timing on Stewart leaving - it was obvious they wanted Oliver to keep it going, but then he got poached by HBO, and then all the high profile people they asked (Poehler, Louis CK, Fey, etc) turned it down / got movie careers. Even Sam Bee and Jason Jones were given the TBS deal (no one is sure whether Bee would have taken the TDS gig, but she was upset she was not offered it).

Watching Colbert with Stewart (or even breaking out the old Colbert character during the conventions) just showed us how freaking good we had it with those two.
The long play in this cycle isn't just to win seats for Democrats, it's to get white educated suburbanites comfortable with the idea of being Democratic voters.

The GOP would need a transformational candidate to save them from death if the suburbs move away from them, and their primary process prevents that kind of candidate from succeeding. A party that can't win the Presidency is dead.
Trump expected to receive first classified briefing on Wednesday

Donald Trump will receive his first classified briefing Wednesday, according to multiple news reports.

Trump is expected to attend his first briefing inside the FBI’s New York field office alongside New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.

Presidential candidates typically begin receiving briefings after their nominating conventions. Trump formally accepted the Republican Party’s presidential nomination on July 21 in Cleveland. Hillary Clinton accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination on July 28, but it’s unclear if she will also begin receiving briefings on Wednesday.

Oh boy, how long before he leaks something?


No Scrubs
I love Larry Wilmore but the panel discussions were just too bad to keep watching. Would have loved for him to get TDS.

I think the TDS folks had really bad timing on Stewart leaving - it was obvious they wanted Oliver to keep it going, but then he got poached by HBO, and then all the high profile people they asked (Poehler, Louis CK, Fey, etc) turned it down / got movie careers. Even Sam Bee and Jason Jones were given the TBS deal (no one is sure whether Bee would have taken the TDS gig, but she was upset she was not offered it).

Watching Colbert with Stewart (or even breaking out the old Colbert character during the conventions) just showed us how freaking good we had it with those two.

The fact they never even offered Bee or Jones (or both) the show had to be a slap in the face.

We could always start a betting pool.
Trump basically just accused Obama of bribing an Attorney General to investigate TU:

“The attorney general of New York meets with Barack Obama in Syracuse,” Trump said at a rally in Bentonville, Arkansas. “The following day he sues me. What they don’t say is, I believe, fifteen thousand or a lot of money was paid to the attorney general by the law firm in California that is suing me.”


Trump repeated his charge against Obama just moments later. “All of a sudden the attorney general ― his name is Eric Schneiderman, not respected in New York, doing a terrible job, probably is not electable in New York, but who knows ― and he meets with Obama, gets a campaign contribution, I think, I think it’s fifteen thousand dollars, and all of a sudden, he meets with Obama in, I believe, Syracuse, and the following day or two he brings a lawsuit against me.”

Bams is going to have to redact the hell out of these briefings this cycle because Trump. There's no way it they will include as much as they normally would have. Hillary is just going to have to work her ass off catching up Nov. 9 - Jan. 19.

Didn't they not even consult Stewart on who they should pick? That still seems insane to me.

That's typical TV network bullshit. Suits, bean counting, not understanding talent.


FGC Waterboy
The fact they never even offered Bee or Jones (or both) the show had to be a slap in the face.

Basically it looked like they were aiming at a much higher tier of folks initially and then by the time most of those folks turned 'em down - most of the TDS stalwarts had moved on to new shows.

To be fair though, Bee said she didn't want the job, and they had a show greenlit on TBS (comedy)


Didn't they not even consult Stewart on who they should pick? That still seems insane to me.

I would imagine they did? CC probably thought it would be Colbert or Oliver, but then those two got big and they were left scrambling.


Taking the Daily Show job was to a certain extent signing up to be pilloried for not being Jon Stewart. It's easy to see why anyone who could get a development deal elsewhere wouldn't want it.

I think Noah is fine, personally.
Later today:

"Did you hear? It's unbelievable. Crooked Hillary Clinton is being prepared for her debate - and she needs a lot of preparation, believe me, a lot - she's being prepared for the debates by Roger Ailes." - Donald Trump


This election is so weird.

I don't even know if Fox News is behind Trump at this point behind the few cult leaders like Hannity. Dont think theres gonna be any meltdowns this year ala 2012.
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