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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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What can the GOP even do with this FBI report ? If they dont leak anything, then it is a waste of time. If they do leak something, they give the Dems the ultimate free EMAILZ rebuttle, as well as possibly incriminate themselves?
I just dropped my phone.

But yeah, this is pretty damn big. I mean, Trump fucks up seemingly every day. But this could be the broad brush Hillary has been looking for because it ties everything up.

And, the downgrade of his status confirms the entire story. Because, Trump can't refute it. What's he going to say? "I didn't bring in someone new?"
I'm not so sold on the latest Manafort news because there's no evidence. It ups his potential involvement in the events that led to the annexation of the Crimean peninsula, but that marker was already at a point where if any confirming evidence of working directly against American interests was found he'd be on a plane to Moscow, never to return.

More interesting is Trump's repudiation of traditional GOP operatives and the goon squad running his campaign now. Will policy shifts follow? Or is it all flamethrowers all the time now.

Mike M

Nick N

I said God damn.

Jesus Christ, who did the typesetting on this? Fucking terrible.

A fascinating possible sidestory to this whole Breitbart/Ailes joining Trump thing:

Fox News executives are probably freaking out right now because they see where this is heading. This is obviously laying the groundwork for a new network, and Fox News could lose a sizeable chunk of viewership if Trump voters follow.

I'm very curious to see how they handle this over the next two months.

See, I'm more inclined to think that his surrounding himself with media people is more a knock-on effect of the circles he moves in. I don't think he has the foresight to plan such an endeavor and keep it under wraps, and he almost certainly doesn't have the funding.


Ivanka is the favourite.

Everybody knows she's the favourite.

Like I didn't even know there was a Tiffany Trump. And don't even know Melania's kids' names. I don't even know how many kids Melania has.

I too was shocked at learning there was a Tiffany Trump. Must suck to know you are the Jan of the family.


Dont forget the tweet about how the NYT story, was just the tip of the iceberg, and that another big article is going to be released later this week.


What are Reince and the RNC going to do now that Breitbart is running the campaign?

At some point they are going to have to give up and turn the money downstream.

Is this the final straw for the RNC?


Professional Schmuck
1. What did Anthony Weiner do?

2. Pretty sure the 'it gets much worse' for Manafort twitter warning was about today's stuff.

3. Great point about Breitbart + Ailes + Trump = Trump News Network. It's so obvious.

4. Great point about the Russian connections being the single unifying attack message Clinton and team should get behind -- it's a perfect, singular attack of everything they criticize him on: He's fucking crazy, he's cheap and easily bought, he can't be trusted, he doesn't believe in the USA, he has horrible decision making skills, surrounds himself with corrupt people, and on and on and on. It's all there folks.


Watching MSNBC, and so far it seems that the notes only confirm what we already knew: that the three instances of classified information being present in the emails were all sent to Hillary Clinton.

So, basically nothingburger. The information was consequential, they can't confirm that it was considered classified by all involved departments at the time, and they were all in messages sent to Hillary (which would have happened whether or not she was using a private or .gov email account).

Really drives home how partisan that "press conference" Comey gave was. He knew they had nothing, but he wanted to muddy the waters as much as possible. Congress turning on him is exactly what he deserves.

Can you clarify this for me?

If it had been sent to her govt email wouldn't that have been a secure channel? Or am I missing something?
Can you clarify this for me?

If it had been sent to her govt email wouldn't that have been a secure channel? Or am I missing something?

No, the state.gov email should not have any classified information on it. There is a completely separate closed system for classified mail.

The private server is a red herring with regard to the classified info issue.
Can you clarify this for me?

If it had been sent to her govt email wouldn't that have been a secure channel? Or am I missing something?

Government email accounts aren't any more or less secure than a private email account properly configured. Classified information, actual classified information, is never, ever sent via regular government email. They have a whole other system.

That's why the whole email thing is so stupid. No one thought this information was classified because it wasn't. Hillary (rightly) thought and said she didn't receive classified information because that wasn't how things were or should have been done.


Professional Schmuck
5. The Aetna thing doesn't look big now, but it will be. Trying to hold the Presidency hostage to their fucking merger? This will not go well for them. And it lays further groundwork for single-payer, proving you just can't trust big businesses to do the right thing.


So he got Ailes and now Breitbart? He's doing a better job of setting things up for his network than he is at preparing an competent run at the Presidency. No wonder Beck hates him, Trump is a threat to him in that alt-right news space.

I wonder if he'll poach Hannity from Fox too.
So he got Ailes and now Breitbart? He's doing a better job of setting things up for his network than he is at preparing an competent run at the Presidency. No wonder Beck hates him, Trump is a threat to him in that alt-right news space.

I wonder if he'll poach Hannity from Fox too.
That would be a ball of hatred and fuckery and bile... Oof


So the Democrats are sowing the seeds of doubt for any future Wikileak

A pretty good position to take. There really is no evidence that any of the leaks have been doctored or not. And now that we know it's a foreign agent with a stake in the race, it seems entirely reasonable they'd doctor documents.

The scale of Wikileaks drops themselves seem cynical. Expecting people to be able to verify single documents or long-forgotten emails in a sea of disclosed content is difficult. Very easy to hide falsehoods in a mountain of otherwise uninteresting or true contents.

It's essentially a game of gossip—it doesn't need to be true, but just saying something gives it a stickiness you can weaponize.
I really do not believe that Trump is still running for President. Instead, this whole thing is now a marketing campaign for his upcoming Trump News Network. I mean, come on. Look at who he is associated with right now. He's found out that this is probably way more lucrative/powerful than just building tall buildings to make up for his small, small hands. He could probably wrangle something with Breitbart and transition it to a broadcast channel. I wonder if he could buy Al Jazeera America's channel. (Not sure the status of it at the moment, but it would be ironic as fuck).
I really do not believe that Trump is still running for President. Instead, this whole thing is now a marketing campaign for his upcoming Trump News Network. I mean, come on. Look at who he is associated with right now. He's found out that this is probably way more lucrative/powerful than just building tall buildings to make up for his small, small hands. He could probably wrangle something with Breitbart and transition it to a broadcast channel. I wonder if he could buy Al Jazeera America's channel. (Not sure the status of it at the moment, but it would be ironic as fuck).
I'm sure he would just buy One America News!


I really do not believe that Trump is still running for President. Instead, this whole thing is now a marketing campaign for his upcoming Trump News Network.

Could he really be successful with this? I mean, if he loses the election in a big way, and the senate goes to the Dems, won't he be seen as a huge failure by the people he would want as viewer?


I really do not believe that Trump is still running for President. Instead, this whole thing is now a marketing campaign for his upcoming Trump News Network. I mean, come on. Look at who he is associated with right now. He's found out that this is probably way more lucrative/powerful than just building tall buildings to make up for his small, small hands. He could probably wrangle something with Breitbart and transition it to a broadcast channel. I wonder if he could buy Al Jazeera America's channel. (Not sure the status of it at the moment, but it would be ironic as fuck).

and it will fail just like his other businesses
Could he really be successful with this? I mean, if he loses the election in a big way, and the senate goes to the Dems, won't he be seen as a huge failure by the people he would want as viewer?
He can paint the The GOPe as the reason he lost as he was "stabbed in the back" by them due to their lack of support.
Could he really be successful with this? I mean, if he loses the election in a big way, and the senate goes to the Dems, won't he be seen as a huge failure by the people he would want as viewer?

Not if he convinces them that the entire thing was rigged. Not if he blames the lamestream media for refusing to cover him fairly. These are the two cornerstones of his campaign currently. He's been damn successful with getting his people to believe that. (Something like 71% of his voters say if he loses it's because Hillary cheated). The losers in the Senate will be because they weren't real conservatives. Most vulnerable Senators haven't endorsed or supported Trump...for obvious reasons.
Man, a Trump News Network would be something else. This diseased portion of the party won't be going away any time soon if that ever happens. I mean, conservatives always had Fox News but they're a little restrained when it comes to delving into full blown conspiracy theories. I assume TNN (lol) would essentially be mainstream Breitbart. The GOP establishment would not be happy with this.
Man, a Trump News Network would be something else. This diseased portion of the party won't be going away any time soon if that ever happens. I mean, conservatives always had Fox News but they're a little restrained when it comes to delving into full blown conspiracy theories. I assume TNN (lol) would essentially be mainstream Breitbart. The GOP establishment would not be happy with this.

I can see the prime time lineup now.

8:00pm "IVANKA"
9:00pm "TRUMP"
10:00-10:15- "Melania Recites Popular Speeches"
I'm hoping you guys can help me out. I had found a blog/newsletter that would have daily summaries of the political news. I cannot find it again.

The nice part is that it also had times/locations for political events that day (I.E., 'Trump is talking in Detroit at 5PM EST today'). It was just a simple/quick summary that I believe was written overnight/early-morning.

I think it was related to MSNBC or NBC News, but for the life of me I cannot find it again. I remember subscribing to it in newsletter form two days ago, but never got a single e-mail.

Yup. Look at how hard it's been for freakin Oprah to get a channel going. Alt-Right is pretty ingrained in the blogosphere anyway, can't see a traditional TV channel to challenge that.

Bannon would probably know this though. I could imagine a traditional channel with a blog/YouTube channel complement. TV channel for the far right Fox News viewer, internet avenues for the younger alt-right crowd.


A TNN channel would probably devastate the GOP for fucking years. As much as I'd like to say it would probably be a benefit to the DNC, it'd likely be a larger blight on the nation as a whole to have some network spewing unfiltered crap. Even Fox tries to keep it on dogwhistles while Breitbart is out here waving its dick about.

Anyway, I put little stock in Trump successfully launching an actual network to be televised and the like, an online site news network maybe, but not much more than that post election.


Professional Schmuck
I'm gonna go counter to the popular opinion here and suggest the GOP would *love* if Trump siphoned off the Breitbart contingent of the party off of Fox News and eventually marginalized on cable channel in the 300s (lol starting a cable channel in 2017!).

Maybe not now, maybe not even next year or the year after that. But this is the party's exit ramp from fucking dangerous and crazy and back onto the highway of respectable conservative politics.



Named after John Barron, Trump's alter ego. Or maybe Barron is not an actual child but a physical manifestation of Trump's childish outbursts.

They say his nickname is "Little Donald" so you may be right.

I've read that he's into videogames so I wonder if he ever browses GAF?


In the back of my mind, I wonder if some of these stories about Trump and his buddies are being fed to the press via Hillary's oppo team. They seem almost too good to be true, and the spacing-out of the reveals is remarkably convenient.
Why is Mark Cuban not helping Clinton with debate prep? He's said he'd been willing. Cuban could come up with some real zingers to get under Trump's skin.
I'm gonna go counter to the popular opinion here and suggest the GOP would *love* if Trump siphoned off the Breitbart contingent of the party off of Fox News and eventually marginalized on cable channel in the 300s (lol starting a cable channel in 2017!).

The issue is that the Breitbart contingent make up a significant amount of their actual party, and much of the GOP leadership is only focused on winning the next set of elections and not on the long-term health of their party.
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