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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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If I were to come up with a best case scenario, I'm pretty sure keeping Manafort as part of the campaign (so the Russian stuff sticks to Trump) while marginalizing him to the point where he can't really do any good would be it. Like, not that I was particularly worried that Manafort would work a miracle or anything, but this certainly enhances the odds of Trump's campaign going down in flames so spectacularly that he can take the House majority with him.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I'm going to go on record and stake out the position that he's not making a cable news channel. Yes, he has surrounded himself with right-wing media players, but he needs so much more than that to get a cable channel off the ground. The amount of effort, organization, planning, funding, etc. required runs completely contrary to everything we know about him being primarily in the business of licensing out his name.

If there's anything going on besides a media personality bringing the people and sorts of people he's familiar working with, it'll probably amount to little more than another alt-right news site and YouTube channel.

I've got to agree. The other thing he'd need to launch this thing is credibility. If he goes down in flames as the worst GOP failure in decades, he'll only have a fraction of his rabid base that still gives a shit when those flames die down.
Generic Congressional Ballot, YouGov

Dems: 44 (+9)
GOP: 35
Dems would likely take over the House if those margins held, and with a few seats to spare (if they could get to 225 seats or so that'd probably be enough that they could pass a lot of liberal items while letting vulnerable members vote against it to insulate themselves from attacks in their home districts)


Republicans hate losers and Trump won't fare any better. He's done after he loses.

Yep. They're up against the most beatable Democrat in history and they're going to get wrecked. They were pissed at Romney for a long time after he failed in what they thought was an easy win for Republicans against relatively unpopular Obama. Trump will be a pariah in the party for the rest of his life (or the rest of the party's life, which could be much shorter).
I've never understood the significance of these. For congress isn't the actual candidate like...a yuge factor for voting?

Ya, but it's not cost effective for a national pollster to poll every single congressional race. So, you get a high level result showing what level of support Generic D and Generic R would get. If we're winning the generic ballot by 9, we'd be in damn good shape to take the house.

Can someone explain why 538 wrote an article about how large farts really are?
9h9 hours ago
Story soon... BREITBART orbit is ecstatic... the Bannon-Coulter-Sessions wing of the right is now running GOP nominee's campaign

I just saw this Robert Costa tweet from a few hours ago. Can we talk about how fucking insane that this wing has taken over the party?

we have a white nationalist party, openly. I mean I know its not new but my god
I don't link Ben Shapiro often (well, ever) but

I Know Trump's New Campaign Chairman, Steve Bannon. Here's What You Need To Know.

7. Trump’s Campaign Strategy Could Be The Launch Of A New Media Outlet. Because Bannon’s ambitions extend to Steve Bannon, he’ll tell Trump he’s doing a fantastic job even if he isn’t. That’s how Bannon Svengalis political figures and investors – by investing them in his personal genius, then hollowing them out from the inside. There’s a reason Sarah Palin went from legitimate political figure to parody artist to Trump endorser, with Steve Bannon standing alongside her every step of the way. There’s a reason Breitbart News went from hard-charging news outlet to drooling Trump mouthpiece. Bannon emerges from all of this unscathed. So what’s next on his agenda? If Trump wins, he’s in a position of high power; if Trump loses, Bannon could head up a new media empire with Trump’s support and the involvement of new Trump supporter and ousted former Fox News head Roger Ailes. Look for Sean Hannity to be a part of any such endeavor.
Most people have no idea who their congressman is.

I think a lot of people do straight ticket voting, so it doesn't really matter.

Ya, but it's not cost effective for a national pollster to poll every single congressional race. So, you get a high level result showing what level of support Generic D and Generic R would get. If we're winning the generic ballot by 9, we'd be in damn good shape to take the house.

Can someone explain why 538 wrote an article about how large farts really are?

Thanks one and all

luv u poligaf


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Republicans hate losers and Trump won't fare any better. He's done after he loses.

Eh..I think this time it'll be a little different. People like H.W., Dole, McCain, and Romney were, to quote the Zodiac killer, a bunch of "squishes". Sure, all the loyal Republicans did their duty and voted for these losers, but they did so while gritting their teeth, and realizing that this was a choice between the lesser of two evils.

Trump however, he's different. Unlike say, Romney, who the base distrusted as someone who was simply trying to get their votes but didn't genuinely believe in the cause, Trump is a true believer. He's one of us. The only Republican candidate in decades that had the balls to defend White nationalism.

If Trump loses and makes his own channel, he'll have a loyal base of mouthbreathers to bilk money from until his final days on Earth.
"There’s a reason Sarah Palin went from legitimate political figure to parody artist to Trump endorser, with Steve Bannon standing alongside her every step of the way."


If Palin had an ounce more sense, she could have been a figure in the GOP. She was dumb as a bag of rocks, so that wasn't going to happen...especially after she just quit being governor.
Betsy WoodruffVerified account
Robby Mook calls Breitbart "a so-called news site that peddles divisive, at times racist, anti-Muslim, antisemitic conspiracy theories”

Matt Flegenheimer ‏@mattfleg 12m12 minutes ago
Clinton campaign mgr Robby Mook on conference call w/ reporters: Trump hired "someone who’s best known for running a so-called news site”

I've never understood the significance of these. For congress isn't the actual candidate like...a yuge factor for voting?

Well, there's 435 individual races which are rarely publicly polled. You kinda have to make do with the generic ballot. Of course it makes modeling House elections much more difficult than Senate or presidential elections.


Trump's family fading into the background of the campaign? He's not listening to them any more and they need to protect their own brands.

Ivanka doesn't seem to give a fuck anymore. Out vacationing on billionaire Democrat David Geffen's megayacht with Hillary donor Brian Glazer.


I really do not believe that Trump is still running for President. Instead, this whole thing is now a marketing campaign for his upcoming Trump News Network. I mean, come on. Look at who he is associated with right now. He's found out that this is probably way more lucrative/powerful than just building tall buildings to make up for his small, small hands. He could probably wrangle something with Breitbart and transition it to a broadcast channel. I wonder if he could buy Al Jazeera America's channel. (Not sure the status of it at the moment, but it would be ironic as fuck).

But a network focused on invading Fox's mind and market share, is going to get pummeled to dust by the MMM(Murdoch media machine). Rupert & Sons can easily buy out/ compete with Trump,Ailes and Bannon plus the rest of their disgusting sycophants. So what's the play here ?


I've never understood the significance of these. For congress isn't the actual candidate like...a yuge factor for voting?

Not as much as Senate and higher offices. They're not as highly visible as those, generally, there aren't as many TV ads, etc. So they are more likely to get swept up in waves. Gerrymandering is really the only thing stopping the House from directly reflecting the Presidential voteshare (at least in Presidential years).
"There’s a reason Sarah Palin went from legitimate political figure to parody artist to Trump endorser, with Steve Bannon standing alongside her every step of the way."


When she was governor of Alaska.

the thing I have a problem with is this:

5. Under Bannon’s Leadership, Breitbart Openly Embraced The White Supremacist Alt-Right. Andrew Breitbart despised racism. Truly despised it. He used to brag regularly about helping to integrate his fraternity at Tulane University. He insisted that racial stories be treated with special care to avoid even the whiff of racism. With Bannon embracing Trump, all that changed. Now Breitbart has become the alt-right go-to website, with Yiannopoulos pushing white ethno-nationalism as a legitimate response to political correctness, and the comment section turning into a cesspool for white supremacist mememakers.

Tell that to Shirley Sherrod and the people who ACORN helped. Dude was a racist huckster


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
With this new shift, I fully expect the "We don't know Trump and we don't support him" campaign for GOP Congressmen to begin.
But a network focused on invading Fox's mind and market share, is going to get pummeled to dust by the MMM(Murdoch media machine). Rupert & Sons can easily buy out/ compete with Trump,Ailes and Bannon plus the rest of their disgusting sycophants. So what's the play here ?

I think part of the play is that the people on the Trump side have different pulls. I don't think it's entirely about money for Bannon. For Ailes, it would be about revenge. For Trump, it's about feeling important. The day after the election, no major network is going to give a shit about him. If he wants to maintain relevance, he's going to have to have an outlet. So, I think that's his play. As far as making money, Trump would just milk the entire platform for whatever he could get, and then bail the moment it's no longer beneficial.

I vaguely remember hearing Murdoch's kids want Fox News to make a move towards the center.

like we said yesterday the "america's merkel" thing is an open call to white supremacists. That's all it is.

and lol he praised her while running for president


Left unsaid was Trump’s own past admiration for the German leader. Nearly a year ago to the day, on August 18, 2015, Trump gave an interview with TIME in which he said, unprompted, that Merkel was “probably the greatest leader in the world today.”

At the time, Trump was criticizing U.S. leaders for paying to support Ukraine’s government against Russian-backed separatists, while those in the region did little to help. “Germany’s like sitting back silent collecting money and making a fortune with probably the greatest leader in the world today, Merkel,” Trump told TIME in 2015. “She’s fantastic,” he added. “Highly respected.”

the thing that changed? Non-whites started coming

Dude is a racist dimwit

I'm having a hard time comprehending this image. I get that it's a fist that looks like Donald Trump. But is the hair supposed to be something else the way the fist is a face?

I feel like I'm not understanding what I'm beholding.

EDIT: Or maybe it's not a fist. Man, I'm looking at this on my phone and it is a shapeless form not of this plane.
The Clinton campaign needs to pounce on the Manafort/Russia connection, because it severely cuts into Trump's one remaining argument for his candidacy: that he'll be good for the country because he's not a Washington insider.

Yeah, because you're a Kremlin insider.

That needs to be the response every time that Trump attempts to paint himself as an outside. Every time he tries to say that he isn't beholden to any outside interest.

This is a bigger line of attack than the tax returns, imo. Trump's literally a Manchurian candidate.

Don't know if they will. They are basically letting Trump have most of the media attention now.
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