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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Doesn't seem like good optics though. At first, the administration seemed to deny any link between the released prisoners and the $400m, but now there clearly is. While it's still not ransom, it would have been better for Obama to divulge that information initially.
It's still negotiating. Not a good look, even if the right thing to do.
Not sure how Trump of all people would make the case against negotiations. It was money that was legally theirs, we basically got the prisoners for free. Good negotiations, Obama admin!

Of course, Republicans would argue that we should just bomb the fuck out of Iran indiscriminately, they deserve nothing and if the prisoners are casualties, eh, they probably had it coming.
Ah okay. I was just asking cause it looks like you showed up one day in Poligaf and suddenly became its unofficial polling correspondent. Appreciate the good work, sir.

In a nutshell, yeah just popped in.

Polls and info comes from twitter mostly, so it's not difficult to find that info.

Not sure how Trump of all people would make the case against negotiations. It was money that was legally theirs, we basically got the prisoners for free. Good negotiations, Obama admin!

Of course, Republicans would argue that we should just bomb the fuck out of Iran indiscriminately, they deserve nothing and if the prisoners are casualties, eh, they probably had it coming.

People don't care about details, it's the OPTICS of the thing.


It's still negotiating. Not a good look, even if the right thing to do.

It looks fine considering this was all done in the context of the broader Iran Nuclear Deal negotiations. This is literally what the GOP was attacking the Obama administration for NOT doing (e.g. "the president hasn't been trying to get our prisoners released from Iran. He should do that instead of negotiating a flawed nuclear deal").


It looks fine considering this was all done in the context of the broader Iran Nuclear Deal negotiations. This is literally what the GOP was attacking the Obama administration for NOT doing (e.g. "the president hasn't been trying to get our prisoners released from Iran. He should do that instead of negotiating a flawed nuclear deal").

Do you think this nuanced and educated position will be the one presented in the news? Also, they withheld this information until now. I'm not panicking, it's just a bad play.
Campaign malpractice (don't think it's close in Mississippi):


P.S.: He has a fundraiser in Mississippi, but why a rally?


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Fuck Me.

Come on Trump. Please do or say something crazy.

PRIEBUS: Lend us $50 Donald, willya?

TRUMP: Sure, there you go Reince. Don't drink it all at once.

PRIEBUS: Hey, that's a nice tie you're wearing Don! Can I buy it for $50?

TRUMP: Of course you can ...

[Cash and tie changes hands]

TRUMP: ... but don't forget you owe me $50.

PRIEBUS: But Don, you've got the $50 back. Look, there it is in your hand.

TRUMP: At least gimme my tie back.

PRIEBUS: That's my tie Don. You sold it to me, remember?
Campaign malpractice (don't think it's close in Mississippi):


P.S.: He has a fundraiser in Mississippi, but why a rally?

Clearly they don't care about venues. They've spent the last few days defending his speech to AAs being in an all-white town by saying Trump gets on TV anyways so it doesn't matter where the speech was held.
Campaign malpractice (don't think it's close in Mississippi):


I can't believe a campaign that brought on a NeoNazi as one of its five foreign policy experts would be incompetent.

Joseph Schmitz, named as one of five advisers by the Trump campaign in March, is accused of bragging when he was Defense Department inspector general a decade ago that he pushed out Jewish employees.

The revelations feed two themes that his opponent Hillary Clinton has used to erode Trump’s credibility: That he is a foreign policy neophyte, and that his campaign, at times, has offended Jews and other minorities.

Schmitz, who is a lawyer in private practice in Washington, says the allegations against him are lies. All three people who have cited the remarks, including one who testified under oath about them, have pending employment grievances with the federal government.

Daniel Meyer, a senior official within the intelligence community, described Schmitz’s remarks in his complaint file.

“His summary of his tenure’s achievement reported as ‘…I fired the Jews,’ ” wrote Meyer, a former official in the Pentagon inspector general’s office whose grievance was obtained by McClatchy.

Meyer, who declined to comment about the matter, cited in his complaint another former top Pentagon official, John Crane, as the source and witness to the remarks. Crane worked with Schmitz, who served as inspector general between April 2002 and September 2005.

In his complaint, Meyer said Crane also said Schmitz played down the extent of the Holocaust.

“In his final days, he allegedly lectured Mr. Crane on the details of concentration camps and how the ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews,” wrote Meyer, whose complaint is before the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB).

Campaign malpractice (don't think it's close in Mississippi):


P.S.: He has a fundraiser in Mississippi, but why a rally?
Trump picks odd places to hold rallies. Safe blue states, safe red states, doesn't matter.

He doesn't believe in traditional campaigning in terms of polling, data analysis, GOTV efforts etc and thinks his personal appeal alone will do all the work for him. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't know how the electoral college works and thinks he can win just by driving up turnout in the south.
Not sure how Trump of all people would make the case against negotiations. It was money that was legally theirs, we basically got the prisoners for free. Good negotiations, Obama admin!

Of course, Republicans would argue that we should just bomb the fuck out of Iran indiscriminately, they deserve nothing and if the prisoners are casualties, eh, they probably had it coming.

Their strategy is find a huge venue they can fill, and run off the narrative that all the polling is wrong, look how many people turned up! If I'm doing that, I'm going to Mississippi because I can fill a venue with a fuckton of angry white people. This is the very definition of optics. It's their talking point if the polls continue to show a Hillary lead.
Several black Republicans referred to an incident involving Sean P. Jackson, a young Floridian Republican strategist. Jackson, whose plan to reach black voters has reached the inboxes of select black conservatives in his state and nationally, recently told friends that the Trump campaign’s chief Florida strategist Karen Giorno told him during that primary that Trump didn’t need his “classification of people” to get elected.

At a recent event in Florida, two sources said that Jackson was approached by Secret Service and escorted out of the event. But when he confronted Giorno to vouch for him, a source said she declined to acknowledge Jackson, the chairman of the Black Republican Caucus of Florida, a group that once hosted Dr. Ben Carson.


This seems fine.
CNN's #GreenTownHall was a ratings dud. Per Nielsen, the event drew just 778K viewers and wasn't among the net's top 10 hours Wed.

For comparison's sake, @TheLeadCNN was CNN's top show Wed., with 1.037M viewers. And a night earlier, @AC360 / Don Lemon did about 950K.

Jill Stein literally drives viewers away from CNN.
It's hilarious watching Republicans fall over themselves into their own bubble world about the Clintons just like they did back in the late 1990s. If there is any overarching theme of this election, its that Trump's campaign and his party associated don't see the world the same way that the rest of us do.


It's hilarious watching Republicans fall over themselves into their own bubble world about the Clintons just like they did back in the late 1990s. If there is any overarching theme of this election, its that Trump's campaign and his party associated don't see the world the same way that the rest of us do.
You're right.. the moments of deja vu are overwhelming at times.


So, it's August and everybody is already talking about Trump losing, but the race will narrow more, I don't doubt it, and get even uglier.

Having said that, I'm not that worried, mostly because we still have the debates, the ground game looks superb, Tim Kaine is hitting it out of the park wherever he campaigns, and the major surrogates (Warren, Obama, Bill, others) haven't even been let out.

Yes, a strong enough Clinton scandal, terrorist attack or other outside event might help Trump, but there's little anybody can do about that, outside of maybe downplaying any future event by saying that it's inevitable but not important (like already tying Wikileaks too Russia).

The Clinton health thing bugs me, because it's difficult to prove those things wrong outside of a livestreaming of a Hillary physical or something.


So, it's August and everybody is already talking about Trump losing, but the race will narrow more, I don't doubt it, and get even uglier.

Having said that, I'm not that worried, mostly because we still have the debates, the ground game looks superb, Tim Kaine is hitting it out of the park wherever he campaigns, and the major surrogates (Warren, Obama, Bill, others) haven't even been let out.

Yes, a strong enough Clinton scandal, terrorist attack or other outside event might help Trump, but there's little anybody can do about that, outside of maybe downplaying any future event by saying that it's inevitable but not important (like already tying Wikileaks tu Russia).

The Clinton health thing bugs me, because it's difficult to prove those things wrong outside of a livestreaming of a Hillary physical or something.

I don't think the race will narrow much anymore. Hilary will be in the lead by 6 to 9 points until November 8th. In october she may start leading by 10 or higher. Trump and his team will try to make the race uglier but it will backfire on them most likely.
The thing about whisper/insinuation campaigns like this is that you run a very real risk of a surrogate or supporter overreaching or one of those moments like the McCain '08 "He's an Arab!" events from your direct supporters that you can't just let slide.

Both are a huge net negative on your campaign and fuck up your messaging for days. They are playing with fire along this line, but there's a good argument in that they have to in order to have any chance of winning.


Kills Photobucket
So, it's August and everybody is already talking about Trump losing, but the race will narrow more, I don't doubt it, and get even uglier.

Having said that, I'm not that worried, mostly because we still have the debates, the ground game looks superb, Tim Kaine is hitting it out of the park wherever he campaigns, and the major surrogates (Warren, Obama, Bill, others) haven't even been let out.

Yes, a strong enough Clinton scandal, terrorist attack or other outside event might help Trump, but there's little anybody can do about that, outside of maybe downplaying any future event by saying that it's inevitable but not important (like already tying Wikileaks tu Russia).

The Clinton health thing bugs me, because it's difficult to prove those things wrong outside of a livestreaming of a Hillary physical or something.

What worries me most is Clinton not having a big enough lead to overcome the almost certain October Surprise with regards to hacks.


So, it's August and everybody is already talking about Trump losing, but the race will narrow more, I don't doubt it, and get even uglier.

Having said that, I'm not that worried, mostly because we still have the debates, the ground game looks superb, Tim Kaine is hitting it out of the park wherever he campaigns, and the major surrogates (Warren, Obama, Bill, others) haven't even been let out.

Yes, a strong enough Clinton scandal, terrorist attack or other outside event might help Trump, but there's little anybody can do about that, outside of maybe downplaying any future event by saying that it's inevitable but not important (like already tying Wikileaks tu Russia).

The Clinton health thing bugs me, because it's difficult to prove those things wrong outside of a livestreaming of a Hillary physical or something.

I always forget that none of the major surrogates have really been deployed yet. I really think that they will help swing down ballot races when they start campaigning in full.
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