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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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I will admit she comes across a lot better than any of the other campaign spokespeople

This is true. She can actually stay on message, which is a huge shift from nearly anyone else. Of course, she can't be everywhere at once. If I'm Hillary, I'm going to go ahead and start sending out my big named people to the shows. Just as a counterpoint to her. Plus, an excuse to not let Rendell be the talking hole people hear from the Clinton campaign.

Chris Matthews is getting distracted at every opportunity interviewing her, sad.

I can only take Chris Matthews in small doses. He talks over everyone too much.
OMG I would love to know the amount of booze on this cruise


Mark your calendar (block the dates November 13th to the 20th) for what is certain to be the conservative event of the year: the 2016 National Review Post Election Cruise.

You've just got to attend. Picture yourself on Holland America's beautiful ms Nieuw Amsterdam, along with 700-plus fellow conservatives, and dozens of top conservative speakers, enjoying seven full days and nights of revelry and scintillating discussion of the state of the conservative movement, international affairs and the economy, America's culture, and so much more.

Over 700 people (maybe you?) attended our 2010 and 2012 "post-election" trips, which were tremendous successes.

Its like all #nevertrumpers


While Republicans anticipate that their down-ballot candidates will be able to outpace Mr. Trump’s share of the vote, national and local party officials and strategists are increasingly concerned that he is in danger of being so soundly defeated that even their best-prepared candidates will not be able to withstand the backlash to the top of the ticket.

“People are getting pretty nervous about our candidates because he’s in a death spiral here and nobody knows where the bottom is at,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican who is close to many of his colleagues facing re-election.

House Democrats have begun trying to make life more difficult for Republicans in districts near large cities, airing cable ads laying the foundation for a fall campaign accusing Republican incumbents of putting loyalty to the party, and to Mr. Trump, ahead of the country’s best interests.


Pennsylvania is the state that has most alarmed Republicans since the conventions. Mr. Trump’s standing has collapsed in the vote-rich Philadelphia area, helping Mr. Toomey’s challenger, Katie McGinty, establish a narrow edge in public polls.

“I am worried about the southeast,” Rob Gleason, the Pennsylvania Republican chairman, said of the Philadelphia area, though he said that west of the Susquehanna River, Mr. Trump would pile up “record-level” margins for a Republican.


Mr. Burr, in North Carolina, is facing a similar challenge. While Mr. Trump is expected to run strongly in rural areas, he is so toxic around Raleigh and Charlotte that party strategists working on state legislative races describe, with a mix of horror and wonder, Republican-leaning suburban seats where their standard-bearer is trailing by well over 10 points.

The problem is serious enough that party officials there, where Gov. Pat McCrory is also facing a difficult re-election, have already begun discussing ways to appeal to Republican voters who are uneasy about Mr. Trump but willing to support other Republican candidates.


Mr. Burr appears to be alert to the need to insulate himself and better establish his own identity in the state: He is to begin airing TV ads next week.

@Nate_Cohn @jmartNYT Interesting nugget there seems to suggest GOP internals have Trump running 5+ points behind in NC

@KevinMFeeney @Nate_Cohn try double that.


Pew poll kinda pissed on our parade. I don't like it but they are a legit pollster. Also this Iran stuff sux because of the inevitable spin



Kills Photobucket
Clinton's health was one of the opening headlines on NBC Nightly News. Even though they say in the opening it's fueled by right wingers, and has a big "conspiracy theory" headline on the video, I'm still let down they're even giving it airtime.
Might be the only "debate?"

For a second I was worried about the pivot. But then he says he's gonna end all violence quickly through law and order.

Also he just said he made promises to African Americans, hispanics, Americans.........
Make a chocolate milkshake, add peanut butter vodka to it and tell me it's not heaven.

I can't, but that's because I told the man at the liquor store that I intended to make your recipe and now I'm banned from buying alcohol in this state. Sadly I'll never get to experience your patented "Reese's Cocktail Abortion" firsthand.

LOL breitbart

After former Breitbart News reporter Michelle Fields turned against the right-wing news site in May, the site’s Washington Political Editor Matt Boyle had an idea.

Breitbart has been a major booster of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and the media company’s chairman, Steve Bannon, became the chief executive of Trump’s campaign on Wednesday. After Bannon joined Trump’s team, it was rumored Boyle would follow him to the campaign. However, Boyle was apparently willing to work with progressive activists to insult Trump if it might cost Fields her new job at the left-leaning Huffington Post, which hired her to cover Trump.

Yahoo News has obtained a copy of an email Boyle sent to a progressive activist on May 26, four days after Fields announced her new position with the Huffington Post. Fields infamously left Breitbart after she accused Trump’s then campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, of assault at a campaign event in March. Following the incident, Breitbart published pieces that questioned her story and Fields subsequently resigned.

Boyle’s message contained an open letter attacking Fields that he hoped the activist would encourage other progressives and union groups to sign. According to the source who provided the letter to Yahoo News, Boyle claimed he personally wrote the letter. Boyle’s letter described Trump and his policies as “dangerous” and implied that, as a conservative who “considered supporting and voting for Donald Trump,” Fields was not up to the task of covering his campaign and should be removed from her job by the Huffington Post.

Boyle clearly hoped the letter would not be linked to him. The subject line on his email to the progressive activist was written in all capital letters, “OFF RECORD — YOU DID NOT GET FROM ME.” Boyle’s message, which was sent from his personal Google email account, contained nothing other than the letter, which was titled, “An Open Letter To The Huffington Post From The Progressive Community.” Before criticizing Fields, Boyle’s letter cast Trump as a serious threat to the country.

The anti-Trump sentiments in Boyle’s letter stand in stark contrast to Breitbart’s coverage of the candidate.

“Do you really think Michelle Fields will do serious investigative reporting on Donald Trump’s tax returns? What about on his decades of dealings with mafia mobsters or on his scores of bad real estate deals?” Boyle’s letter said. “Do you think Ms. Fields can handle aggressive investigations into Trump University or reporting on Donald Trump’s demagoguery of women, immigrants, Muslims and African Americans. Stop kidding yourselves. The world is laughing at you.”

What a loser.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm guessing that Trump thinks he can win a military forum because he can just argue Hillary murdered Ambasador Stevens and then it won't matter he doesn't actually know anything about foreign policy.


The Autumn Wind
For a second I was worried about the pivot. But then he says he's gonna end all violence quickly through law and order.

Also he just said he made promises to African Americans, hispanics, Americans.........
This is awful. He's coming off terribly because you know he doesn't believe a word he's saying right now. It's like he's having trouble reading through it without gagging.

Here's the article:

Emails show Trump advisers waged covert influence campaign on behalf of Ukrainian leaders

Emails obtained by The Associated Press shed new light on the activities of a firm run by Donald Trump's campaign chairman. They show it directly orchestrated a covert Washington lobbying operation on behalf of Ukraine's ruling political party, attempting to sway American public opinion in favor of the country's pro-Russian government.

Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, never disclosed their work as foreign agents between 2012 and 2014 as required under federal law.

The lobbying included attempts to gain positive press coverage of Ukrainian officials in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and AP. Another goal: undercutting American public sympathy for the imprisoned rival of Ukraine's president.

The men have said they were not doing work that required them to register as foreign agents. Neither commented Thursday.



I couldn't agree more.

I kind of hope the GOP pulls their resources from Trump to focus on the down ballot at this point. Honestly, split ticket voting is so rare that no amount of money is going to save an incumbent Senator when the top of the ticket loses by 10+ points. And to think the actual GE hasn't even begun for the Senate and House races. Just wait until Hillary, Obama, Biden, Kaine, Warren, Booker, Bernie, and Bill all barnstorm competitive states and pull senate and house candidates on stage. They'll get a further boost.


The Autumn Wind
The best part is you know his audience doesn't agree with any of that.

And he still hasn't given a single thing he'd do to fix any of it.

EDIT - Now just repeating "America first!" over and over again while his audience repeats it.
Clinton's health was one of the opening headlines on NBC Nightly News. Even though they say in the opening it's fueled by right wingers, and has a big "conspiracy theory" headline on the video, I'm still let down they're even giving it airtime.

Trump brought it up himself and the Clinton campaign officially responded, so it's basically fair game for the national media. If it had just been bubbling up in the alt-right sewer I would be pissed a major news org covered it, but this is the acknowledged trade-off the Clinton campaign made in addressing it.
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