Now that Trump has successfully pivoted, it seems like he has the election in the bag. Keep in mind the following:
1) Wikileaks is planning to indict Hillary, sending her to wikiprison.
2) When you unskew the polls to include more Republicans and factor in facebook likes, Trump is only behind by about 3-4 points.
3) Liberals do not understand the powerful connection Trump has with the working class. Keep in mind that white, male voters with less than a college degree are by their nature the most valuable and important voters.
4) Trump is teflon, he can say whatever he wants and nothing will hurt him. His poll numbers just keep going up.
5) There is a long history of republican candidates etch-a-sketching their way past the primaries and putting on a moderate front for the general. The last person to successfully use this strategy was, famously, President Romney.
6) Successful business billionaire Donald Trump has unlimited personal resources to spend on the campaign.
7) Famed election analyst Michael Moore has already predicted a Trump victory.
8) All of the analysts said Trump couldn't win the primaries, but he did! Now people say he can't win the general?
9) Remember that time the nowcast had Trump winning?
10) Hillary is just too shrill and unlikable. She is a bad candidate, as evidenced by the fact that Only Bernie Can Win.
Bottom line, either the pivot is real and Trump wins the election easily, or the pivot is not real and the GOP replaces him with a master class moderate politician like Marco Rubio, who wins the election easily with his 3-2-1 strategy.
It's over.