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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Lochte is basically the living embodiment of dumb, hot athlete who knows nothing else.



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Ruined Home Alone 2 for me.:(

The bird lady's hideout where she can watch every concert she ever wants ruined it for me. Even as a kid I was like, "No."

I still watch it every Christmas, though. It's a bad movie but it has Tim Curry and heart.


Hackers targeted the computer systems of presidential candidate Donald Trump and Republican Party organizations as well as Democratic Party networks, sources familiar with investigations into the attacks said.

At least one Trump staff member’s email account was infected with malware in 2015 and sent malicious emails to colleagues, according to one insider for the Republican candidate's campaign and an outside security expert. It was unclear whether or not the hackers actually gained access to campaign computers.
The tools and techniques used to hack Republican targets resemble those employed in attacks on Democratic Party organizations, including the DNC and Clinton's campaign organization, two sources said. That has led U.S. officials to reach a preliminary assessment that Russia's military and civilian intelligence agencies or their proxies have targeted both political parties.
The Trump campaign has hired security firm CrowdStrike, which also is assisting the Democratic National Committee, according to one person briefed on the matter.

Trump probably asked Putin to do this to hide their secret alliance.


The Autumn Wind
Politico: Time Running Out for Trump in North Carolina

Worth a read, but I'll highlight the important parts:

Note internal polling has apparently shown Trump losing the Raleigh and Charlotte suburbs (not the entire counties, but the burbs) by double digit margins. What the GOP is actually going to come to find is that the suburbs around these cities aren't "his base" , or even the GOP base, they like the northern VA suburbs-lost to the GOP forever.

When Trump loses hard the story across the swing states will be the same-great performance in rural areas as a #% of the vote, but absolute numbers there don't even come close to overcoming the influence of the urban areas where we (increasingly) all live.
Don't worry, the North Carolina GOP is on it.



The funny thing about Manafort leaving is he does it on the morning after a major pivot for Trump, insuring that the news cycle all weekend will be dominated by yet another campaign shakeup.
There is something really bad coming for Manafort if he thought he couldnt survive even while the lens was focused on Trump's breitbart hire/speech/pivot.


If the Justice Department refuses to do its job and find Corrupt Hillary guilty, then it's up to Congress to do what it can to provide justice for the American people and victims of ISIS.
Wait, but I just watched Trump's surrogates repeating again, and again, and again, how this was a campaign "expansion", not a shakeup, and Manafort wasn't going anywhere? Fucking sad.

Oh, and I'm glad Kellyanne exhibits the same sewage-level class and views as Trump's other surrogates, I was worried for a second that she was an upgrade or something.
LMAO. At this point the email thing will hopefully jump the shark and the absurdity of Republicans not letting go backfires on them. There's nothing new other than "the things she said turned out to not be true, but we can't prove she lied" that we knew since Comey's hearing.

It's not just that. The FBI in it's statement to Congress said there's nothing in her 11 hour testimony that goes against their findings. For example, she said that her lawyers "went through her emails" and Congress is saying she lied because she said they read them all....which she didn't say.
I just don't get it. You were already drowning. Why throw the life raft out in the middle of a hurricane. Now, smart people in the Hillary campaign get to tie all of this together. Hell, if the pivot sticks, you can say "Isn't it amazing that Trump changed only once Putin's puppet was out of earshot?"

So fucking stupid. I could run a campaign better than this!

In the eye of a hurricane there is quiet, for just a moment.


I think because of this thread all of my ads from Google are either Trump ads or ads for Gold with Ron Paul saying it's my fault the world is ending and if I buy gold I will survive the upcoming apocalypse.
I think because of this thread all of my ads from Google are either Trump ads or ads for Gold with Ron Paul saying it's my fault the world is ending and if I buy gold I will survive the upcoming apocalypse.

Google Plus thinks I want to a join a Bernie or Bust and a Green Party groups.....fuck this thread for turning google on me.


Does John Edwards get residuals for Trump using "Two Americas"?

What's the House's approval rating at the moment? What a dysfunctional tumor on the US Government. It no longer serves it's purpose.
Congress, not just the House, has an approval of 18% (up from ~12% in July) according to yesterday's new Gallup poll. But thankfully approval of one's own representative is at a five year high!

Also Democrats and Independents approve of the job Congress is doing more than Republicans.
Overall, Republicans remain least approving of the institution, at 13 percent. About 20 percent of independents and 19 percent of Democrats approve of the job Congress is doing, the poll found.



The ex campaign manager resigning and the new 'sources' claiming that the republicans were also targeted by Russian hackers sound like a coordinated effort meant to shove under the rug their admiration and associations with Putin. I fully expect orange turd to now adopt a more negative tone when it comes to Putin and the Russians.


The ex campaign manager resigning and the new 'sources' claiming that the republicans were also targeted by Russian hackers sound like a coordinated effort meant to shove under the rug their admiration and associations with Putin. I fully expect orange turd to now adopt a more negative tone when it comes to Putin and the Russians.
Yep, it's time for Bernie to hurry up with taking that Green Party offer and getting back into the race.


Among the political figures Conway has worked for are the late Congressman Jack Kemp; former Vice President Dan Quayle; Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich; Senator Fred Thompson and Congressman (now Indiana Governor) Mike Pence.[2] She worked as the senior advisor to Newt Gingrich during his 2012 United States presidential election campaign.[3] In August 2015, she became the president of the Promise I Super-PAC which supported the 2016 presidential campaign of Ted Cruz and is part of a group of 4 super-PACs supporting Cruz. Its main funding was 11 million dollars from hedgefund manager Robert Mercer.[4] After Trump won the Republican Presidential nomination, the PAC morphed into the “Defeat Crooked Hillary PAC.”
I think I would give my left nut for this photo to happen.

Hahaha, I'll match you. COME ON UNIVERSE.

I'm glad my daughter isn't old enough to ask daddy his opinion on the GOP. "Stupid evil shithead fuckwit asshole morons with the moral integrity of Hitler's smegma" probably isn't a phrase she should be repeating (in public, anyway; if she said it in private that would be adorable).

The other night the five year old said "FUCK YA KFC" and my bf and I laughed for like 20 minutes.
Does John Edwards get residuals for Trump using "Two Americas"?

Congress, not just the House, has an approval of 18% (up from ~12% in July) according to yesterday's new Gallup poll. But thankfully approval of one's own representative is at a five year high!

Also Democrats and Independents approve of the job Congress is doing more than Republicans.


Well Gallup's poll looks generous compared to the RealClearPolitics aggregrate. They are sitting at an average of 12.3% there.

I'm glad someone's trying to raise education money for white men. Truly, we are the ones who have been most disadvantaged by the educational system. And the job market. And the healthcare system. And the criminal justice system. Just life in general, really


Milo ripping off Nazis seems like an extremely risky idea considering that, even though he's a Nazi, he's gay and Jewish.


tl;dr, he raised $100K for scholarships for white men, put it in a personal account instead.

Nothing's come of all the froth those guys created with death threats to women. I highly doubt this is what causes them to do something besides more of the same virtual spam.
The email garbage is just part of the GOP plan to drag Hillary into the muck by mid-October. Donald's unfavorables aren't going anywhere, so they need to bring down Hillary's to his level and then hope her swing support coming out of the burbs isn't durable.

It's a super long shot, but their campaign strategy has to embrace super long shots if they have a chance to win. The only other option is to lose with dignity and limit the damage to the party, and let's just say the people they brought on are NOT the kind of people you would bring in for that role.
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