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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Ken Starr ensured that rape victims were harassed into silence as his last moment of relevance, bye loser :)

The other night the five year old said "FUCK YA KFC" and my bf and I laughed for like 20 minutes.

My daughter is about to turn 2. Last night I stubbed my toe and said "ow" and she responded "ow, FUCK it!" She also just recently started saying "I like to live in peace" which I assume she learned from grandma, and my wife instinctively said "Damn Buddhists." So now she's got that one in her repertoire too. Children are like parrots; they repeat everything and it's hilarious when you inadvertently teach them to swear.

Mike M

Nick N
A while back one of my cats knocked something over and made a big crash, to which my daughter responded, "oh shit, what happened?"

We told her those were grown up words and she should use different ones.

She amended it to, "oh fuck, what happened?"


I don't think Trump meeting Duke would matter much. Sure he used to be leader of the KKK, but Trump has tons of white supremacists surrounding him and he's pretty openly bigoted. Might keep his ceiling at 40 by further scaring away any "independents" who think he "doesn't mean the stuff he says", but idk. How are they not already scared away if they're capable of it


My mom would murder me if I taught my nieces how to curse, but I did get away with teaching them the Tom Servo pronunciation of "sandwich" - sammich. Drives my sister crazy, hehe..
I seriously think the Clinton camp has been laying low waiting for Manafort to be out and the press to really tear into that situation. They really would have just distracted from epic shitstorm that Trump was creating for himself if they jumped on him too hard and I have a good feeling they have more details about the whole Ukraine/Russia/Trump connection than is currently out there.
Legit question:

Browns make the playoffs or Trump gets his picture taken with Duke. You only get one.
Does they get to be they win a playoff game against Pittsburgh and then we play Renegade as payback?

Because if those conditions are added.. Then I'll pick the former over the latter because Hillary doesn't need the picture to win. Otherwise, I'd take the photo over any other condition. I'm used to sadness


Legit question:

Browns make the playoffs or Trump gets his picture taken with Duke. You only get one.

Duke, duh. You know that if the Browns ever make the playoffs they'll just get bounced in the most Browns way possible. Why bother putting yourself through that?


Professional Schmuck
Because I can't tweet this on my account:

Dr. Drew, who has given more anal sex advice to teens than anyone in history, is concerned about Hillary Clinton's health. Ok.
My daughter is about to turn 2. Last night I stubbed my toe and said "ow" and she responded "ow, FUCK it!" She also just recently started saying "I like to live in peace" which I assume she learned from grandma, and my wife instinctively said "Damn Buddhists." So now she's got that one in her repertoire too. Children are like parrots; they repeat everything and it's hilarious when you inadvertently teach them to swear.

Hahaha, that's adorable. My bf and I are trying to be soooo careful so we don't cuss in front of them. But,...I mean...we both cuss a lot so it's hard. Plus, when you're laughing your ass off, it's hard to be like "don't do that"

My mom would murder me if I taught my nieces how to curse, but I did get away with teaching them the Tom Servo pronunciation of "sandwich" - sammich. Drives my sister crazy, hehe..

I taught the 7 year old to respond to everything he doesn't like as "Mess." I'm waiting on a letter from his teacher at some point lol

Does they get to be they win a playoff game against Pittsburgh and then we play Renegade as payback?

Because if those conditions are added.. Then I'll pick the former over the latter because Hillary doesn't need the picture to win. Otherwise, I'd take the photo over any other condition. I'm used to sadness

Yes, they get to beat Pittsburgh.


This footage of Trump in LA signing hats is pretty gross.

BTW, Kellyanne was head of a pro-Cruz superpac so there is footage out there of her trashing Trump.

Ooh, Brianna is on.


Wow, Clinton has 26 field offices in North Carolina, including some in Republican suburbs. No wonder Republicans are panicking there.


Professional Schmuck
I seriously think the Clinton camp has been laying low waiting for Manafort to be out and the press to really tear into that situation. They really would have just distracted from epic shitstorm that Trump was creating for himself if they jumped on him too hard and I have a good feeling they have more details about the whole Ukraine/Russia/Trump connection than is currently out there.

I don't think this hit from the Hillary camp is ever coming. Sorry.


I don't think Trump meeting Duke would matter much. Sure he used to be leader of the KKK, but Trump has tons of white supremacists surrounding him and he's pretty openly bigoted. Might keep his ceiling at 40 by further scaring away any "independents" who think he "doesn't mean the stuff he says", but idk. How are they not already scared away if they're capable of it
David Duke has a reputation far beyond anything Trump has said and even the shit people he's brought on board can't compare.

Trump fundamentally is just xenophobic and nationalist mainly, his racism (and general sexism and so on) stems more from being a dumb white orange guy who has some kind of word/speaking disorder than an inherent weltanschauung of any sort. And he's surrounded himself with a lot of people with the same shoot anything no matter how stupid from the hip but confidently style first, anything else second. Also, people he strangely and weirdly likes despite regular displays of abject incompetence. He's done that outside politics too.

David Duke is the opposite in this regard. Duke doesn't random out jibberish and terrible and unfortunate phrasing of what are simplistic ideas. He has extensive and detailed explanations of his "race realism" and facts about Jews, the Holocaust myth, support for Mengele, and so on. David Duke wrote a 750 page treatise on his "study" of the superiority of Euro-American Christians. He has given detailed and comprehensive speeches and presentations of these views over the years.

I doubt Donald Trump even wrote any of his books over the years that give basically the same content as his campaign message "do better deals", "be great", "win." And he dictated anything for his autobiography. His campaign book Great Again is 150 pages of platitudes about winning and losing. There's no chance he even read it.

Hooking up with David Duke in some kind of unity or alliance would tank him far beyond belief. The Libertarian Party would win some actual electoral votes by default. The RNC probably would eliminate Trump from the ballot in as many states as possible even if they couldn't put up a new candidate.
This story on the North Carolina GOP doing everything they can do limit early voting, especially in predominantly black areas, really fucking pisses me off. I want them to get theirs this November.

They only have a little while until Cooper takes over, I don't blame them for trying. (I do blame them for doing horrible things)

Some Republican leaders of state legislatures are worried about the Trumpocalypse hitting them harder than usual. I believe they were talking specifically about the Michigan House being in danger. We'll see, fingers crossed. I hope MN Dems recapture the House this year.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
They only have a little while until Cooper takes over, I don't blame them for trying. (I do blame them for doing horrible things)

Some Republican leaders of state legislatures are worried about the Trumpocalypse hitting them harder than usual. I believe they were talking specifically about the Michigan House being in danger. We'll see, fingers crossed. I hope MN Dems recapture the House this year.

I'll believe that when I see it.


Oh god, Trump got into a line behind a truck and is passing food/supplies one foot to his left. He did it for about 60 seconds and then moved on.


Emphasis mine

Hillary Clinton
24 mins ·
I just got off the phone with Governor John Bel Edwards in Louisiana.
The flooding there is bigger than anyone expected—more than 40,000 homes have been damaged and more than 100,000 people have been affected.

My heart breaks for Louisiana, and right now, the relief effort can't afford any distractions. The very best way this team can help is to make sure Louisianans have the resources they need.

There are two organizations the Governor asked that we help. Chip in right now to the Red Cross at rdcrss.org/2aYiT5W, who are doing critical work to provide medical assistance and supplies to the victims of this natural disaster. You can also donate right now to the Baton Rouge Area Foundation at http://www.braf.org/louisiana-flood-relief, a local organization that’s directing money to community non-profits that need it.

These are our friends, our family members, our community—and they’re counting on us to reach out with open arms right now. This team has done so much for me. Now I’m asking you to show that same support to the victims in Louisiana, so that we can begin to rebuild together.


Hooking up with David Duke in some kind of unity or alliance would tank him far beyond belief. The Libertarian Party would win some actual electoral votes by default. The RNC probably would eliminate Trump from the ballot in as many states as possible even if they couldn't put up a new candidate.

I hope it happens then, but if it's that disastrous then even Trump probably will not do it.
I think what annoyed me most about the Trump apology thing yesterday, relative to how the media was treating it, was that the whole narrative seemed to be orientated around the idea of it being a 'one-off' and not a pervasive pattern of misbehavior. This was not Trump losing his cool in one debate after being insulted and responding "go fuck yourself" in the heat of the moment. Quite the opposite in fact, this was a constant stream of actions across months, if not years, many of which took place in non-combative and passive settings. Yet Trump acted like he had just made a minor mistake one time that's not reflective of his underlying character.

If I was to use a relevant sports analogy, the media treated Trump like he was Lochte confessing to making up the story, but hey give me a second chance because that's not who I really am, plus there were other circumstances in play that make my actions more understandable. In reality, Trump's equivalent is Lance Armstrong. You don't get credit for confessing on your political/sports deathbed.
While economic anxiety may lead to racial resentment, it's not the same as racism. Many may mistake the two as interchangeable. But what political scientists call “racial resentment” has less to do with notions of genetic superiority and more to do with a sense of unfairness, a sense that others are getting what they don’t deserve.

What the fuck am I reading.

This is how racial resentment is measured:

1. Over the past few years, blacks have gotten less than they
2. Irish, Italian, Jewish, and many other minorities overcame
prejudice and worked their way up. Blacks should do the same
without any special favors.
3. It's really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if
blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as
4. Generations of slavery and discrimination have created
conditions that make it difficult for blacks to work their way out
of the lower class.

If you answer those questions in a consistently anti-black way, I'm pretty sure that you are racist.

Why is the Washington Post publishing this garbage.


lol the guy sitting in for Rush just said that he believes a majority of Americans are still upset over Bill Clinton lying but it's not acceptable to say so they hide it

and also that his getting away with it was where most Americans believe everything started to go wrong
This dumbfuck for the WaPo also argues that "hey, racial resentment is correlated with thinking the economy is worse so maybe it is economic anxiety!"

And then he never points out that it's a well documented phenomena that people of the opposing party also think the economy is bad when a president they don't like is in the WH and that being a Republican is highly correlated with racial resentment.

Then he says that "well.... low intergenerational mobility is linked to Trump support!" while not mentioning that the coefficient from that regression is fucking tiny.

This person is the dumbest human to write for the WaPo.
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