I think what annoyed me most about the Trump apology thing yesterday, relative to how the media was treating it, was that the whole narrative seemed to be orientated around the idea of it being a 'one-off' and not a pervasive pattern of misbehavior. This was not Trump losing his cool in one debate after being insulted and responding "go fuck yourself" in the heat of the moment. Quite the opposite in fact, this was a constant stream of actions across months, if not years, many of which took place in non-combative and passive settings. Yet Trump acted like he had just made a minor mistake one time that's not reflective of his underlying character.
If I was to use a relevant sports analogy, the media treated Trump like he was Lochte confessing to making up the story, but hey give me a second chance because that's not who I really am, plus there were other circumstances in play that make my actions more understandable. In reality, Trump's equivalent is Lance Armstrong equivalent. You don't get credit for confessing on your political/sports deathbed.