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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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No Scrubs
yo what the fuck

Johnson, if he had his way, would destroy all social services in the US. Stein's a little nutty, but reducing nuclear power and demonizing GMOs is a lot less harmful than destroying welfare and our public schools.

Johnson actually knows what goes into running something though. He ran an entire state as governor, not well, but he ran it.


Hey, Johnson may be boring but he CLIMBED EVEREST

Yeah, I wish Weld was at the top of the ticket, too, Romney's even said he would be more likely to endorse if he were at the top of the ticket. His record on gay rights as governor of Massachusetts looks really good now, too (visitation rights for gays in the early 90s!)

You forget the /sarcasm? Because:

Romney in 2012 said:
Today, unelected judges cast aside the will of the people of California who voted to protect traditional marriage. This decision does not end this fight, and I expect it to go to the Supreme Court. That prospect underscores the vital importance of this election and the movement to preserve our values. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman and, as president, I will protect traditional marriage and appoint judges who interpret the Constitution as it is written and not according to their own politics and prejudices.”

A proposition he supported in California took those rights away. Let's not try and polish the turd that is Romney's stance on gay rights.


yo what the fuck

Johnson, if he had his way, would destroy all social services in the US. Stein's a little nutty, but reducing nuclear power and demonizing GMOs is a lot less harmful than destroying welfare and our public schools.

yeah, i think Stein is a whackado, but she'd basically be a useless president for 4 years until she was kicked out. Johnson would actively work to harm


yo what the fuck

Johnson, if he had his way, would destroy all social services in the US. Stein's a little nutty, but reducing nuclear power and demonizing GMOs is a lot less harmful than destroying welfare and our public schools.

Luckily we aren't electing a dictator. I think a nut spouting conspiracy theories and a VP who thinks North Korea is better than Israel and blames every world problem on the West is far more damaging than a libertarian for 4 years.

Plus, he was Governor of NM for 8 years and he didn't turn it into a libertarian paradise (hell). Stein and Baraka would be Corbyn times 50, and that just sounds horrific.


Holy Shit, that segment on the football scared the ever living fuck out of me.

I had no idea about Nixon either.

Fucking hell...

Was it this you are talking about?


What would it mean to have Trump’s fingers on the nuclear button? We don't really know, but we do know this: In the atomic age, when decisions must be made very quickly, the presidency has evolved into something akin to a nuclear monarchy. With a single phone call, the commander in chief has virtually unlimited power to rain down nuclear weapons on any adversarial regime and country at any time. You might imagine this awesome executive power would be hamstrung with checks and balances, but by law, custom and congressional deference there may be no responsibility where the president has more absolute control. There is no advice and consent by the Senate. There is no second-guessing by the Supreme Court. Even ordering the use of torture—which Trump infamously once said he would do, insisting the military “won’t refuse. They’re not gonna refuse me”—imposes more legal constraints on a president than ordering a nuclear attack.

Although no president during the atomic age appears to have ever lost his grip on reality to such an extent that an insane nuclear act might have resulted, top advisers to President Richard Nixon tried to constrain his launch authority during the Watergate scandal that ultimately forced his resignation. His secretary of Defense, James Schlesinger, quietly instructed the Pentagon war room to double check with him if Nixon contacted it to order up a nuclear strike. Nixon’s mental stability, and his heavy drinking, caused concern within his inner circle that he might behave erratically out of despair and depression. Alcoholism in a future nuclear monarch is of course quite beyond the pale.
The reason I would be scared more about a Stein presidency is how she would probably make the word liberal a bad word again for a long time. Voters would want to get the fuck away from her. Both of them would be ineffective for their terms. I also think Johnson could handle foreign policy better
yo what the fuck

Johnson, if he had his way, would destroy all social services in the US. Stein's a little nutty, but reducing nuclear power and demonizing GMOs is a lot less harmful than destroying welfare and our public schools.
Does New Mexico still have any social services.

Stein is an unqualified loon and should be nowhere near the Oval.

Harambe first.


I don't know why but I find John Dickerson so charming.. Sunday mornings just aren't enough. Anyone else trying out CBSN?


Johnson actually knows what goes into running something though. He ran an entire state as governor, not well, but he ran it.

...As a Republican.

It's a pretty big leap going from that to having a mandate as a Libertarian. Sure he might be fine (if not stoned out of his gourd) as a Republican, but core Libertarians are fucking insane. I'm not even talking about the fringe Libertarians either.

Global Warming? Free market.

Discrimination? Free market.

Education? Free market.

Fuck all that. Give me wacky wifi lady any day of the week.


I don't know why but I find John Dickerson so charming.. Sunday mornings just aren't enough. Anyone else trying out CBSN?
CBSN is fine but he's not really on it. They have some decent enough anchors and content but terrible coverage of big events like conventions or debates. Just feel cheap.

But yeah, Dickerson is the best. Love all of the podcast interviews he's been giving people lately. Just finished his one with Axelrod.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Bush wasn't super unpopular like Trump and he looked like a competent leader at least unlike trump. I don't think the race will tighten to much in the next few months. This race looks like some of the presidential elections in the 1980's and 1990's.

Still WAY too early. The political climate is so fluid in this country that nothing would surprise me.


Regardless of how you feel about the third party canidates it was nice to have a town hall featuring them if only to have a discussion about some of the issues people care about.
...As a Republican.

It's a pretty big leap going from that to having a mandate as a Libertarian. Sure he might be fine (if not stoned out of his gourd) as a Republican, but core Libertarians are fucking insane. I'm not even talking about the fringe Libertarians either.

Global Warming? Free market.

Discrimination? Free market.

Education? Free market.

Fuck all that. Give me wacky wifi lady any day of the week.

He actually seems to be pretty far away as a pure libertarian at least based on his answers tonight. The biggest issue would be Supreme Court judges he appointed which would probably strike down future legislation.


There is no way Stein and the busters that remain can screw this up right?

Also has CNN done these townhalls for third party candidates before? I want to say yes but not sure if it's just the headache I have playing tricks on me.
I'd vote for Johnson over Stein and vote all D (like I always do) down the ticket. Johnson with a Dem. Senate would allow the Senate to stonewall him on the dumb shit he'd want to do and support him on the three good ideas he has that Libertarianism randomly gets right. Of course, a GOP house would do the opposite and he'd probably be totally ineffective, but hey, that's a win with a Libertarian president.

Stein's just an incompetent fuck with almost all terrible ideas. Even the stuff I'd be initially inclined to agree with, she takes too far or twists into terrible policy ideas.

...As a Republican.

It's a pretty big leap going from that to having a mandate as a Libertarian. Sure he might be fine (if not stoned out of his gourd) as a Republican, but core Libertarians are fucking insane. I'm not even talking about the fringe Libertarians either.

Global Warming? Free market.

Discrimination? Free market.

Education? Free market.

Fuck all that. Give me wacky wifi lady any day of the week.

All those things sound like core GOP members, too! What is the difference between GOP and Libertarians on fighting global warming? One calls it a hoax; the other calls it a problem with a free market solution. Either way, nothing positive in terms of policy gets pushed.

Discrimination? The GOP tries to enshrine it. They coded it into their platform very visibly this year.

Education? The right loves charter schools and tearing down the public school system under the guise of "choice" and free market solutions.


There is no way Stein and the busters that remain can screw this up right?

Also has CNN does this townhalls for third party candidates before? I want to say yes but not sure if it's just the headache I have playing tricks on me.
Johnson has the best chance but let's worry about if he makes it into the debates or not first.

Jill Stein, lol.

Also is it me or is it weird that the third party candidates include Johnson and Baraka? One is the exact aame last name of LBJ, the other sounds very similar to Barack. So cheap!


I just replayed Metal Gear Rising....you could mod
Donald trump for senator armstrong and it would make perfect sense. At one point he even says make america great again..


Still WAY too early. The political climate is so fluid in this country that nothing would surprise me.

I watched election campaigns before where the eventual loser of that election never recovered from a terrible or disasterous start to the election campaign and one of the opposition parties beat that party in the end by a landslide. This election is probably going to end up like some of those elections in the end.


I just replayed Metal Gear Rising....you could mod
Donald trump for senator armstrong and it would make perfect sense. At one point he even says make america great again..

Senator Armstrong is like, 1000x smarter than trump could ever hope to be.
3rd parties getting 10% with another 14 undecided is crazy. I don't think 2-way polling should be done anymore, it's becoming clear that Johnson will get more than 5% of the vote.
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