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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Trump will never drop out. He's going to lose, he's never going to concede, and he's going to blame voting fraud the rest of his life



this works too damn well.


All those things sound like core GOP members, too! What is the difference between GOP and Libertarians on fighting global warming? One calls it a hoax; the other calls it a problem with a free market solution. Either way, nothing positive in terms of policy gets pushed.

Discrimination? The GOP tries to enshrine it. They coded it into their platform very visibly this year.

Education? The right loves charter schools and tearing down the public school system under the guise of "choice" and free market solutions.

That's very true they are similar in that respect, but most Republican voters won't go as far as Libertarians will.

What's worse is how it is all framed. Particularly with discrimination, they come off as very tolerant, which is great to hear until you realize that that tolerance extents to even the intolerant and the free market will deal with it. We know this is the opposite of reality too. But they only whisper that part of it. It sounds like a compromise but it's not.

It's the insidious nature of the Libertarian platform that bugs me. Hyper Republicans in hippy clothing.

But I'll admit I walked right into that so.../gotme


What is it that makes friends and people in general freeze up when the discussion of race and bigotry comes up? Getting real sick and tired of people I know doing that. Mainly in the context of this election and Trump.
Gore was pretty bad. I will give him credit for closing strong and very nearly making it out of the hole he had dug for himself, but that election should have been a relatively comfortable win.

Kerry, on the other hand, was a fine candidate. Not great, but he basically did what you'd expect for a generic Democrat that election.
How did Gore lose that 10 point lead?


Unconfirmed Member
What is it that makes friends and people in general freeze up when the discussion of race and bigotry comes up? Getting real sick and tired of people I know doing that. Mainly in the context of this election and Trump.
This is incredibly common. And part of it is they have been taught all their lives that racism is very bad. The worst! Problem is they were never taught how to also not to be racist along with it. So it's like like you are calling them literally hitler to their face, and that is a bigger problem than some abstract concept they don't even experience directly. ("Why don't black people, you know, just try harder. It works for me!")


This is incredibly common. And part of it is they have been taught all their lives that racism is very bad. The worst! Problem is they were never taught how to also not to be racist along with it. So it's like like you are calling them literally hitler to their face, and that is a bigger problem than some abstract concept they don't even experience directly. ("Why don't black people, you know, just try harder. It works for me!")
Makes sense.

To be more clear, the problems begin when they refuse to acknowledge racists are that terrible as seen in the NYT video from yesterday, and that Trump's words hurt people, specifically minorities.


Unconfirmed Member
Makes sense.

To be more clear, the problems begin when they refuse to acknowledge racists are that terrible as seen in the NYT video from yesterday, and that Trump's words hurt people, specifically minorities.
yeah. Someone at work the other day told me racism was over and that it "literally" doesn't happen anymore.


Holy smokes. That entire article is pure brutality.

Trump now finds himself lost in a labyrinth of carnival mirrors, but the only thing crooked or bent is the one gazing into them, lashing out at everything and everyone save the true cause of his misfortunes.

"The campaign is doing very well. It's never been so well united," he said. "I would say right now it's the best in terms of being united since we began. We're doing incredibly well."

Makes me think of the dude on CNBC the Friday before the collapse of Lehman Brothers talking about how they are liquid and everything is just fine so don't pull your money out. Course Monday rolls abound and they closed the doors even though they had people on Friday reassuring everyone that all was fine and promising they had enough money to stay liquid.


Trump would never drop out. His ego won't let him

His ego won't let him lose more than any Republican in decades either, so he could very well "drop out" and use some bullshit excuse to save face.


“They substantively changed it,” added Washington, D.C., delegate Rachel Hoff, who was present during the meeting. “It absolutely was my understanding that it was Trump staff.”

According to two Republican delegates, the Trump campaign’s efforts were led in part by J.D. Gordon, a Trump campaign official and a former spokesman at the Pentagon.

During the meeting, pro-Cruz delegate Diane Denman proposed language that called for “providing lethal defensive weapons” to Ukraine.

Her amendment was put on hold so that Republican staff could work with Denman on the language. What followed was a back and forth between Denman and the Trump campaign, according to Denman.

“They were over sitting in chairs at the side of the room,” Denman said of two men who said they working for the Trump campaign, one of whom was Gordon. “When I read my amendment, they got up and walked over and talked to the co-chairmen and they read it. That’s when I was told that it was going to be tabled.”

Denman says the two men took a copy of her amendment back to their chairs, then made calls on their cellphones. Later, she said the two members of Trump’s team claimed to have called the campaign’s New York headquarters, and that her amendment needed to be changed.

When the language came back up, after consultation with Trump’s staff—and in direct contradiction to Manafort’s insistence to the contrary—the section called merely for “appropriate assistance” to Ukraine.

Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It

The only issue Trump's staff cared about.
The longer this election goes on, the more I think that vanity fair article about Trump running so he can start his own news network seems plausible.

Edit: yes you were smart to get the fuck out of riverside.


This will be an MSM story this week as well, hopefully. This is substantively weird. Why did Manafort lie when he should have known there were witnesses?

If the rumor Trump is in debt in $100's of billions to Russian oligarchs is true hopefully some proof comes out soon.
This will be an MSM story this week as well, hopefully. This is substantively weird. Why did Manafort lie when he should have known there were witnesses?
It's a leaky ship. Considering the captain is totally drunk on the wheel and playing chicken with icebergs.


This will be an MSM story this week as well, hopefully. This is substantively weird. Why did Manafort lie when he should have known there were witnesses?

Too used to being the dictator whisperer where you can just have witnesses silenced.


Maybe Trump is learning after all:

Trump then questioned how the attendance at his rallies hasn’t been reflected in the polls.

“I hear we’re leading Florida by a bit,” he said. “I don’t know why we’re not leading by a lot. Maybe crowds don’t make the difference.”
It's seriously mind boggling how awful the media has been. Now they are reporting NYT's video about Trump's vulgar, profane, outright racist rallies? Where the fuck have they been for the past year. It seems like none of them wanted to touch that incendiary bomb for the fear of losing Trump access. But now that NYT blew the lid open, they can reference that in their reporting. Spineless. Same thing happened with Teaparty rallies around 2011. Like no outlet would dare discuss the rampant racism in these rallies.


Like I said on the OT thread that was locked, I feel like I COMPLETELY misunderstood Gran Torino after the recent Clint Eastwood comments.

I had read it (well, back then) as a movie about an old man coming to grips with the reality and the struggle that a minority family faces in the country. It felt almost like an autobiographical movie. It felt personal.

Then Clint talked to a chair, of course, but that was easy enough to dismiss as a separate thing.

Now his recent comments explicitly referencing the movie... I must have completely missed its point.


FGC Waterboy
What is it that makes friends and people in general freeze up when the discussion of race and bigotry comes up? Getting real sick and tired of people I know doing that. Mainly in the context of this election and Trump.

A) The term is boogey-manned to the extreme from the beginning; it is defined as such a hateful and inhuman belief system that no one ever wants to touch it with a ten foot pole. Add in the virulence about the topic on all sides and its use often as a self-righteous virtue signal for many (on the left and right) instead of a topic worthy of study and discussion and brainstorming...it should not be surprising that it is an uncomfortable topic.

Or more simply put; rarely does a conversation about racism ever end well, even if all parties have good intent.

This is incredibly common. And part of it is they have been taught all their lives that racism is very bad. The worst! Problem is they were never taught how to also not to be racist along with it. So it's like like you are calling them literally hitler to their face, and that is a bigger problem than some abstract concept they don't even experience directly. ("Why don't black people, you know, just try harder. It works for me!")

This too.


Lawrence O'Donnell sure is good at putting the fear of God in you over the possibility of a Trump presidency.

I wish more reporters covered Trump like this, and conveyed a real non-partisan sense of terror that a man this insane could become president.
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