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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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There are web design companies that specialize in operating campaign websites.

Ever notice how everybody's websites for like Senate and House races look weirdly the same?

No idea if this is one, it might be a company the Trump Organization uses for everything instead.


Trump turned to Parscale because the web designer had won his trust over the past four years on a variety of projects.

In 2012, the New York mogul awarded Giles-Parscale a contract to build a website for Trump’s real-estate interests. That led to work on a site for Trump’s wife, Melania, a redesign for the Trump Winery site and Parscale’s pro-bono work for a foundation created by Trump’s son, Eric.

As for
I think this has already been reported.
But I googled Ace Specialties LLC.
You are right, I remember the connection between ACE and Eric Trump being reported in the MSM.
Donald J. Trump (in kind payroll)----2574.43
TRUMP ICE LLC---428.53
DONALD J TRUMP (in kind payroll)---23775.50
TRUMP PLAZA LLC ---- 9000.00


I wouldn't get too worked up about this kind of thing. (Not to say you are! But I've seen other sites do so.) It's really really typical, Trump especially has all his Trump Organization connections to work with. Not to mention all the tendrils of that advertising/PR operation that pretends to be a productive corporation.

Ron Paul put pretty much everyone in his extended family and that he's ever been neighbors with (except that one jerk, you know the one) on his campaign payroll in return for dubious "services" and so on.

It's no wonder everyone winds up with absurd campaign debts.

Actually, this was one of the things that left Hillary with her giant one in 2008. They started the graft too early, assuming they had no real competition, instead of paying for competent people, and then lobbing on the graft as things continue on.
Meredith McIver got $356.01 to take the blame for Melania's speech.

The $9,000 in rent to the Trump Plaza is because they sell campaign merchandise there from memory. They pay a pro-rated rent for the floorspace used.
I just think it's funny. I mean, my god, if Hillary had a 25c cup of coffee billed to the cafeteria next door to the Clinton Global Initiative the world would fucking end.

The thing I don't get is why he pays himself a salary.


The thing I don't get is why he pays himself a salary.
IIRC, he's not, it's an accounting thing. If you notice, every amount he pays himself shows up elsewhere in the statements.

He's paying "himself" to provide a bunch of those Trump company services so that he doesn't have to pay another employee on top of the cost for those. It's also part of paying back himself for loans he's made because of various financing laws. John Kerry did this in the 2004 primaries and it was a scandal for about two seconds. I think Romney had something similar pop-up in 2008. Both from the loans they had made to their campaigns and then paid them off with donations.
IIRC, he's not, it's an accounting thing. If you notice, every amount he pays himself shows up elsewhere in the statements.

He's paying "himself" to provide a bunch of those Trump company services so that he doesn't have to pay another employee on top of the cost for those. It's also part of paying back himself for loans he's made because of various financing laws. John Kerry did this in the 2004 primaries and it was a scandal for about two seconds. I think Romney had something similar pop-up in 2008. Both from the loans they had made to their campaigns and then paid them off with donations.

Interesting. But he wrote off the loans, didn't he? Or did we ever find that paper.


He forgave all his loans. Compare June/July reports.

I just think it's funny he spent $2 million on tshirts and hats for gods sake


I am legitimately curious to see how his base reacts to this. This isn't something he can just hand wave away with some "believe me's." This has been his entire campaign from the beginning.


This is the moment for Clinton to label and define orange turd as the serial liar that he is and erode even his pathetic base of racists.


I am legitimately curious to see how his base reacts to this. This isn't something he can just hand wave away with some "believe me's." This has been his entire campaign from the beginning.

There is nothing to react to. Reading through Benjis post I didn't see anything new or close to a pivot.


There is nothing to react to. Reading through Benjis post I didn't see anything new or close to a pivot.
What I posted is what it CURRENTLY says on his website. And why as I was arguing, and pigeon has too, there's no viability to a pivot here where his supporters will just go along.

For THEM this nativist immigration policy is why they love Trump in the first place. Anything else is gravy.


No they won't. The reason his supporters are loyal is that they believe in his message of white nationalist anger.

If he says he's not an angry white nationalist any more that probably actually matters to them.
Don't think this is true. They will just rationalize it. His base will remain loyal.


Cross posting from giga
Don't think this is true. They will just rationalize it. His base will remain loyal.
This is my position as well until proven otherwise. We're at a point where people are just too invested into their candidates. For them, having their candidate "win" is going to take priority above all else. If Trump really does flip-flop on this, they'll find some way to justify it, or just outright ignore that it happened.


Karl Rove put all those gay marriage bans on the ballots in 2004 because they had data showing the evangelicals stayed home in 2000 too much which is why all their internal models (and many of the media polls that showed Bush regularly leading) got hijacked.

People are more likely to just give up on Trump than anything. I don't think Darrell Castle is on enough ballots to get in the debates anyway. And Gary Johnson literally is for amnesty and near open borders.


If you believe the USC/LAT Daybreak poll most of their movement has come with lowered intention to vote amongst Trump supporters. Maybe that's on the wavering voter end but it does lend credence to Trump's support being somewhat soft, and people may stay home if he starts acting off his brand.


Kills Photobucket
No they won't. The reason his supporters are loyal is that they believe in his message of white nationalist anger.

If he says he's not an angry white nationalist any more that probably actually matters to them.

I don't think so. I think they would rationalize it as him just doing what he needs to to in order to get elected. I think the Never-Trump people would hit him on it, but I don't think it would stick any more than other attacks did. And he'll still have the full backing of most the talk-radio scene as he does now to assure his base that "it's cool".
Trump probably floated the idea out there and then his Nazi base reacted (predictably) poorly and now he's decided against it.

That, or the media is taking Trump spending 15 minutes in a room with Hispanic men and women without assaulting anyone as evidence that he doesn't hate Hispanics and thus won't deport 11 million people.

East Lake

What if the Mexican government pays for the wall and the undocumented immigrants build it in between their farming and house cleaning shifts.


Only pundits examine every politicians move through political strategy and election ramifications.

People are going to see this as Trump lying to them about the most important issue.

Talk radio heavyweights (except Michael Savage) were slow to come to Trump anyway. As was most of the conservative media. (insert NR's hilarious cover)

This isn't an issue where the people will wink-wink trust him. It's one they've been burned on over and over and over. It's why Jeb! had zero shot once someone actually adopted the partybase's view on immigration. Rubio trying to flop on it undermined him from the word go. It even nailed Cruz.

Trump isn't taking advantage of a change in the party base to go against the standard party line like he did with challenging Iraq and W. Bush's foreign policy (which kept us safe) because the party had shifted on that after eight years. If anything, the base has dug in harder and harder on immigration, especially as Obama has made moves to ease the horrible system. And as Rubio nearly sold out the entire nation to La Raza.
Green Monster Consulting is Corey Lewandowski's firm.
This is the sort of thing that should get a particular someone fired from CNN instantly! Yeah it's not going to happen. Do hopes this gets picked up, though. Trump is literally paying off the media he claims is rigged against him.


This is the sort of thing that should get a particular someone fired from CNN instantly! Yeah it's not going to happen. Do hopes this gets picked up, though. Trump is literally paying off the media he claims is rigged against him.
Do want to literally fire 90+% of the people who appear on cable news shitfling fests?

So far as I can tell, he's the only person really associated with that. His ass should be fucking gone.

Also, the Republican party is screwed.


These are what the state parties have raised and spent in July per FEC filings. All these states have competitive Senate races! What in the hell are they doing!? $1.8 million by the Dems in Florida, and the Florida GOP manages $537,000!?


Liam Donovan ‏@LPDonovan
So reports that RNC is $10M/33% shy of July 2012 are deceptive. It's more like $20M/50% off from an apples to apples (operating) standpoint.

FUCK. This truly is the best timeline.
Do want to literally fire 90+% of the people who appear on cable news shitfling fests?

90% of them aren't dumb enough to get themselves on an official campaign payroll after allegedly breaking ties, lol. Like seriously, how stupid do you have to be? This is like someone actually being so mindless as to "officially" coordinate with a SuperPAC despite the total lack of rules beyond saying something to the other person's face. The rules are so pathetic that it takes true talent to actually find a way to break them.


You all need to chill the fuck out with this Trump "pivot".

Romney tried it with his "etch a sketch" strategy and it scared the hell out of every Dem (and Andrew Sullivan) for a while until the second debate.

The difference now is that Trumps radicalism was even more extreme than Romney's, so his pivot will have to be as extreme in order to have a chance. Of course, the blalantness will be just as noticible and Hillary will have a field day laughing at Trump's pivot.

And so will Obama. He can't wait to point out how Trump is trying to backtrack from his positions.


Kills Photobucket
So far as I can tell, he's the only person really associated with that. His ass should be fucking gone.

Also, the Republican party is screwed.


These are what the state parties have raised and spent in July per FEC filings. All these states have competitive Senate races! What in the hell are they doing!? $1.8 million by the Dems in Florida, and the Florida GOP manages $537,000!?

I don't know if the Colorado Race can be called competitive. Last four polls from early July to mid August have had 13-16+ lead for Bennet (Dem incumbent)


90% of them aren't dumb enough to get themselves on an official campaign payroll after allegedly breaking ties, lol. Like seriously, how stupid do you have to be? This is like someone actually being so mindless as to "officially" coordinate with a SuperPAC despite the total lack of rules beyond saying something to the other person's face. The rules are so pathetic that it takes true talent to actually find a way to break them.
Where do you think all those "Democratic Strategist" and "Republican Consultants" that regularly appear get their pay from? Even the actually paid talking heads like David Axelrod and Karl Rove and Dick Morris are still handling clients.

His "firm" probably was contracted in a way that it'll continue to get paid for services rendered or not. Campaigns aren't run like an everyday business.
You all need to chill the fuck out with this Trump "pivot".

Romney tried it with his "etch a sketch" strategy and it scared the hell out of every Dem (and Andrew Sullivan) for a while until the second debate.

The difference now is that Trumps radicalism was even more extreme than Romney's, so his pivot will have to be as extreme in order to have a chance. Of course, the blalantness will be just as noticible and Hillary will have a field day laughing at Trump's pivot.

And so will Obama. He can't wait to point out how Trump is trying to backtrack from his positions.
I think only a couple people are "freaking out" about it. Most of the reactions are viewing the "pivot" as being completely absurd.
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