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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Hillary hasn't come out and specifically said she doesn't have lupus.

Therefor it's time we start asking questions about what the state of her lupus is and how it's going to impact her presidency.

Sept. 26 can't come fast enough...


For some reason I keep thinking Obama won Ohio over McCain by a larger margin than he did, so even a 6 point win there in November would be pretty good.


Look we still have Bams, Michelle, Biden, and Warren all on the sidelines. Trump still doesn't have the manpower to keep up. Y'all should stop the Diablosing

Normally I would be panicking because that's what I do but the Clinton campaign has proven to me over and over again that they know what they're doing and so I'm going to let them do what they do.
For some reason I keep thinking Obama won Ohio over McCain by a larger margin than he did, so even a 6 point win there in November would be pretty good.

Unless there are huge demographic shifts (or someone like Kasich runs) you're just not going to win Ohio by more than 4-5 points, definitely not in this climate. Somehow, the Ohio poll managed to drag her chances of winning Ohio down according to Nate. lol

I know it's pointless, but I would really like a good national poll. We're stuck with these shitty tracking things that couldn't predict rain in a hurricane.


Keep in mind that teleprompter Trump is boring as hell.

Also we should stop pretending like the Clinton campaign are all asleep. They're expanding the map, blanketing the airwaves, and funding a much larger ground game than Trump's campaign.

Right people are acting like Clinton is sitting away breakdancing doing nothing. She's spending money on ads, opening up field offices and doing shit that matters. I think people just want to see her on tv or something.
I would also like to remind people that Hillary ran a similar campaign during the primary. People kept saying she needed to do more big events. Needed to own the news cycle, etc. Her people know what they're doing. She's focused on the untalked about unsexy work of campaigning. Plus, she wants to get the fundraising in while she can.

The only thing I think she needs to do is do a speech on immigration before Trump does whatever he's going to do.


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all memes aside, I wouldn't be surprised if trump's internal polling is even worse than what we see

going back on immigration, the core issue of his campaign, suggests enormous desperation and weakness
all memes aside, I wouldn't be surprised if trump's internal polling is even worse than what we see

going back on immigration, the core issue of his campaign, suggests enormous desperation and weakness

If he has an internal pollster, he's not paying them. At least, I didn't find it on his FEC report.


all memes aside, I wouldn't be surprised if trump's internal polling is even worse than what we see

going back on immigration, the core issue of his campaign, suggests enormous desperation and weakness

Exactly. It's not even a pivot. Just a flip flop. IMO he can't pivot on something like that just more than 2 months away from election night.


Nah not gonna wet the bed over Trump supporting amnesty, are you kidding me? After all he said this is just more to get moderate whites feeling guilty about racial insensitivity on his side. No minority would take a shitcovered olive branch now.


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If he has an internal pollster, he's not paying them. At least, I didn't find it on his FEC report.

Ah, thanks.

What's the benefit of an internal pollster, anyway? Why would a single internal poll be more reliable than the dozens of third-party polls being conducted?
If he has an internal pollster, he's not paying them. At least, I didn't find it on his FEC report.

Even if Trump doesn't have a pollster, the RNC and various elected reps do. Given whats leaked out about Trump being way down in the Philly and even Charlotte suburbs its not surprising they're frantically trying to get caught up with better off whites.
but Trump is up 60 based on this secret internal PPP document

I don't believe this is a real poll. Deez Nutz isn't even listed here, and it's polling at least twenty percent.

People panicking about this supposed pivot just like to panic, as if Trump hasn't baked in half the country that won't vote for him, as if Hillary's ground game compared to Trump's utter lack of one isn't worth an extra point or two at the least, as if more semi-informed voters will remember his pivot speech over BUILD THE WALL and the crazy shit he's been saying over the past fuckin' year.

Some people just like to worry.
Even if Trump doesn't have a pollster, the RNC and various elected reps do. Given whats leaked out about Trump being way down in the Philly and even Charlotte suburbs its not surprising they're frantically trying to get caught up with better off whites.

True, but at that point they're just private polls not internal. The GOP can't be running polls just for him. They're probably running them for Congressional races. They're going to balance the sample accordingly. But, I bet they do have those, and they're damning fo Trump.

Even though the media is talking about the pivot, I don't think the headlines are good. It confirms that he's losing the race. It looks opportunistic, which it is. If he were winning, he wouldn't be doing this. The "pivot" was a matter of political survival.

Hillary is doing what she needs to do, really. She's owned the airwaves for the last month. he let Trump do all this stupid shit without stepping in it herself. I think she needs to do a big rally in the next few weeks that gets a lot of press attention. I'd have 3 or 4 of them over the course of two weeks. One with Warren, one with Michelle, one with Bernie and one with Biden.
Exclusive – RNC Official at Trump’s Hispanic Meeting Debunks False BuzzFeed, Univision Reports that Donald Succumbed to Amnesty Activists

A senior staffer at the Republican National Committee (RNC) told Breitbart News Saturday GOP presidential candidate Donald J. Trump did not say or suggest that he was open to granting any legal status–amnesty–to any illegal aliens in the United States at his campaign’s National Hispanic Advisory Council meeting as reported in BuzzFeed and Univision.
“Mr. Trump did not say he was in favor of legalization,” said Helen Aguirre-Ferre, who joined the RNC staff to help coordinate outreach to the Hispanic community and act as the GOP Hispanic communications director. Aguirre-Ferre told Breitbart News that she is Hispanic, but not a member of the advisory council. Her role was to help arrange the meeting and attend on behalf of the RNC.

Anyone at the meeting, held at Trump Tower, who got the impression that Trump had changed his position on foreigners in the United States illegally misinterpreted his remarks, she said.

“What Mr. Trump said was very clear,” she said. “Some folks talked about legalization, not citizenship, for the undocumented, Mr. Trump did not say he was in favor of legalization. Some folks may have felt that he was open to it–and he gave zero indication of that.”

Aguirre-Ferre’s debunking of the reports in both BuzzFeed and Univision is an embarrassment to both progressive outlets, and echoes what the Trump campaign has said.

“Mr. Trump said nothing today that he hasn’t said many times before, including in his convention speech — enforce our immigration laws, uphold the Constitution and be fair and humane while putting American workers first,” Steven Cheung, Trump’s rapid response director, told Breitbart News late Saturday night. “Today’s conversation was productive and enlightening, and Mr. Trump looks forward to speaking with these leaders again soon and often.”

The Trump campaign’s and RNC’s swift dismissal of the inaccurate reports that he would back amnesty for illegal aliens comes after BuzzFeed and Univision falsely reported that Trump told Hispanic activists he would.

“Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump plans to present an immigration plan in Colorado Thursday that will include legalizing millions of undocumented immigrants, according to three people present at a meeting the candidate attended Saturday with Hispanic leaders at Trump Tower in New York,” Univision, a devoutly pro-amnesty outlet opposed to the candidacy of Trump, reported.

Jacob Monty, a Texas immigration lawyer who was at the meeting, told Univision that Trump was now opposed to deporting the illegal aliens in America.

“I really liked that Trump acknowledged that there is a big problem with the 11 million [undocumented] people who are here, and that deporting them is neither possible nor humane,” Monty said.

“The candidate also said he would announce a way to give them [legal] status that wouldn’t be citizenship but would allow them to be here without fear of deportation,” Monty added in his quote to Univision.

Monty gave a similar quote to BuzzFeed: “He said people who are here is the toughest part of the immigration debate, that it must be something that respects border security but deals with this in a humane and efficient manner.”

While the BuzzFeed and Univision stories got it wrong, Breitbart News actually spoke with many of the main players in the room and senior campaign staffers. At least four campaign sources with direct knowledge of Trump’s plans—including several who were in the room at this meeting—directly and independently confirmed to Breitbart News that Trump has no such plans to change anything in his immigration policy. They also all confirmed that Trump said nothing in this meeting to indicate that he would, but that he only restated his already public policy positions.

Aguirre-Ferre said, too, that Trump did tell his Hispanic advisors the case for legalization was interesting, but he wanted to be fair to the people who followed the rules and are waiting for years to have a legal entry into the country. The New York City developer told the members of his National Hispanic Advisory Council (NHAC) that he had to come to learn from them as he formulates the details of his immigration policy.

“I think people just got excited because they genuinely want him to win and really want him to win with the Hispanic community,” Aguirre-Ferre said. “They really, really do.”

Aguirre-Ferre said the meeting itself was a success and exactly the quality of meeting a campaign would want to have.

“I left the meeting very pleased for the group,” she said. Members of the advisory council traveled to Manhattan from 12 states, including faith leaders representing hundreds of thousands of Hispanic evangelicals nationwide.

“I think it was productive because Mr. Trump was very engaging and open. He wanted to hear what everybody wanted to say and he showed a real human interest in that,” she said.

The Miami native said the meeting was positive with people comfortable sharing opinions and asking the candidate questions with the candidate asking a good amount of his own questions in return.

“Frankly, for those, who had never met him before that was very flattering that he wanted to hear from them as much as members of the group wanted to hear from him,” she said.

“If there was one thing that we really learned from this process, this electoral cycle, is that so many people are so angry because they are ignored–all traditional politicians want is their vote, but they don’t care about their don’t care about their constituencies afterwards,” she said. “The desire to look for a candidate, who is not a part of the professional political pool is what draws people to Mr. Trump.”

Aguirre-Ferre is in a bit of an awkward position as the RNC’s Hispanic communication director given her previous opposition to Trump’s candidacy for president–and her work in favor of amnesty in the past. A former staffer for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Aguirre-Ferre has long advocated for amnesty for illegal aliens. In fact, she even wrote an op-ed in the Miami Herald in 2015 going so far as to claim granting amnesty to illegal aliens would somehow benefit the U.S. economy. Aguirre-Ferre wrote in that Miami Herald piece that all the illegal aliens in America should be granted amnesty—and that if they aren’t, it would be “an affront to the rule of law.”

“Immigration laws must be amended, and the status of those who are here illegally must be addressed,”Aguirre-Ferre wrote. “Providing a mechanism that will allow eligible undocumented immigrants to get on the right side of the law will be a boon for the American economy and will help unite the country. Doing nothing keeps unenforceable policies in place, which is an affront to the rule of law.”

Aguirre-Ferre also was originally quoted in the inaccurate piece from Univision, not originally debunking the false claims about Trump and legalization.

“Trump was very categorical in saying that he’s seeking a fair immigration reform,”Aguirre-Ferre said about the meeting, as quoted by Univision. “He wants to listen to everyone and announce his conclusions in the coming days.”

Now that it’s clear all those original reports were inaccurate, Trump and his team plan to move on with efforts to heavily focus on Trump’s America First immigration plan next week.


Manafort? I thought we just had a whole shitshow campaign not-a-shakeup-but-still-a-shakeup.

Honestly I don't know what the campaign is doing anymore and I think it's psychologically dangerous to try to decipher it.

I agree it's more like an Ailes thing to do. If you frame the pivot in terms of TV ratings for Trump, I think he bites.

Also, the 'correction' to the story means that the media gets to remind us all again that Trump is a racist asshole.


True, but at that point they're just private polls not internal. The GOP can't be running polls just for him. They're probably running them for Congressional races. They're going to balance the sample accordingly. But, I bet they do have those, and they're damning fo Trump.

Even though the media is talking about the pivot, I don't think the headlines are good. It confirms that he's losing the race. It looks opportunistic, which it is. If he were winning, he wouldn't be doing this. The "pivot" was a matter of political survival.

Hillary is doing what she needs to do, really. She's owned the airwaves for the last month. he let Trump do all this stupid shit without stepping in it herself. I think she needs to do a big rally in the next few weeks that gets a lot of press attention. I'd have 3 or 4 of them over the course of two weeks. One with Warren, one with Michelle, one with Bernie and one with Biden.

I agree with this.

Hillary doesn't need to step on the bad media attention Trump is generating for himself, but I DO think her campaign needs to do a much better of defending itself and defending Hillary, because while Trump's a dumpster fire himself, a lot of the attacks he's lobbing at Hillary are resonating because they're just letting them hang (we saw that this week with the foundation). It's like months ago the campaign decided that the negative perceptions of Hillary are baked in, so not to waste time on fighting it. That's smart, to a degree. But she still needs to build and support the case that the claims against her are unfounded. Because this win in November needs to be a blowout, not just a win,

I was harassed on the subway last night on the way to hanging out with some friends. And I was talking to my friends about it, and we all agreed that there's a palpable shift in the country, even in liberal-ass Philly. I've been harassed more times for being gay in the last three months than I have been in years, and being pushed by a group of guys to the point that I had to punch a guy in the face to defend myself was something that hasn't happened to me since high school. And all of my friends agreed that there's been an uptick in emboldened ignorance.

November needs to be a repudiation of all the shit Trump has stirred up. I don't want to see Hillary just keeping her head down and sneaking into the White House because she did the quiet work. But that might just be emotions talking at the moment.
If Hillary has to leave office due to health concerns, the Dems will be stuck with... the far more popular Tim Kaine which means....?

This conspiracy wouldn't even be helpful for the Republicans if true.
I mean

Donald Trump doesn't support it today.

But maybe he supported it yesterday.

And maybe he'll support it again tomorrow.

Heck, it's still early in the day, let's check back around 3 PM.
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