Trump surrogates are now claiming that Hillary has CTE.
This is gonna get more amazing, but I'm not sure how.
Well, how long did this pivot last?
Trump surrogates are now claiming that Hillary has CTE.
This is gonna get more amazing, but I'm not sure how.
When did conspiracy theories become the norm?
For the past 26 years?
Gravis/Breitbart did a NC poll with almost no black people in it... And Hillary is still leading, lmao.
Breitbart's consistent self owning with these polls is fucking amazing.
Hey Mark! The Kirk store called, they're running out of YOU!More like Senator Jerk.
I think you're being a little harsh here.
They only undersampled African Americans by 13 points. That's an easy mistake to make! It's also 6 points more male than 2012, but we won't let a little thing like that stand in the way.
They also managed a SC poll that had Trump up only by 4.
Trump surrogates are now claiming that Hillary has CTE.
This is gonna get more amazing, but I'm not sure how.
Trump surrogates are now claiming that Hillary has CTE.
This is gonna get more amazing, but I'm not sure how.
I think you're being a little harsh here.
They only undersampled African Americans by 13 points. That's an easy mistake to make! It's also 6 points more male than 2012, but we won't let a little thing like that stand in the way.
They also managed a SC poll that had Trump up only by 4.
And Nate includes that obviously insane poll in his model and corrects it to a "tie" because of course.
Like, that poll is not based in reality whatsoever. We also know Breitbart has hired Gravis to do "correct" polls. Nate, brah, come on.
Didn't SurveyUSA pull the same thing? Twice?
It's dumb. I have a feeling some Republicans will be flabbergasted and she'll crush in NC.
Do the guys at 538 correct those polls manually or is it the model doing that? I doubt Nate looks at the polls and says "nah, this is the real number". Not excusing the ridiculousness of the poll or making it a tie, but I think it's a bit more complicated than just adjusting it willy nilly.
Unless, he too is now such a pundit that he wants the race to be closer just to get 'dem hits' on his site.
Which is the most likely reason.
Where has Hillary and Kaine campaigning the past couple of days. All I ever hear about is Trump.
The Olympics really does take the air out of Trump's "America doesn't win anymore" shtick.
Damn , Carter, shitty luck@adityasood
Olympic Medals by President:
289 Obama
282 Reagan
270 W.
220 Clinton
211 LBJ
180 HST
162 Ike
119 GHWB
104 Ford
102 Nixon
60 FDR
12 Carter
The Olympics really does take the air out of Trump's "America doesn't win anymore" shtick.
I think it's more about trump withstanding the trials of the amnesty lobby. He confronted them and dud not succumb to their crooked agenda.111th dimensional Ailes Bannon chess to show how the lyin' liberal crooked media distorts anything Trump says.
Nate Silver said:Overall, Trump has gained slightly in our forecasts: Hes up to a 15 percent chance of winning the Electoral College in our polls-only model, up from a low of 11 percent a week ago. And hes at 25 percent in polls-plus, up from a low of 21 percent. But the evidence is conflicting enough that I dont think we can rule out a larger swing toward Trump or, alternatively, that his position hasnt improved at all.
what even is the point of your model Nate
After the interviews were completed, the sample was balanced based on the 2014 Pennsylvania Census with weighting factors only for gender. This survey excluded the various counteracting variable factors to provide a more representative ground reality without complicating it with the said factors. These variable factors, inter alia consist of: In-State / Out-of-State migration, transients, people without landlines or cell phones, racial demographic representation at the polling booth. Another counter-acting set of variables is turnout: among young people, people who have never voted before, increased/decreased turnouts compared to previous elections. These factors are in a state of continual flux at this dynamic stage of the election process. It is not feasible to accurately include the impact of these factors without introducing unintended distortion in the outcome.
what even is the point of your model Nate
Damn , Carter, shitty luck
The swing is all based on shitty online polls, mainly the fact that they use that asinine USC thing repeatedly. It's so reactionary. It's stupid. Upshot and PEC have shown no change at all. Well upshot, has moved it a point or two both ways.
There's a new poll out of PA. Trump is ahead by 5.
FUCK! was a robo poll. The margin of error is 7.1%. It was done over one night. And, the best part? They refused to weight the responses based on race. The results show that Hillary gets mot of her support from white people, while Trump gets most of his support from "minorities." The only thing they did adjust for was gender...which they said was a benefit to Trump because he's winning women in the state. Oh, and no one under 30 took part in the poll. Period.
Their rationale is word salad beautiful.
How the hell can you even call that a "poll"?
what even is the point of your model Nate
Olympic Medals by President:
289 Obama
282 Reagan
270 W.
220 Clinton
211 LBJ
180 HST
162 Ike
119 GHWB
104 Ford
102 Nixon
60 FDR
12 Carter
The Olympics really does take the air out of Trump's "America doesn't win anymore" shtick.
Olympic Medals by President:
289 Obama
282 Reagan
270 W.
220 Clinton
211 LBJ
180 HST
162 Ike
119 GHWB
104 Ford
102 Nixon
60 FDR
12 Carter
The Olympics really does take the air out of Trump's "America doesn't win anymore" shtick.
Issenberg: I'll say that I think Trump has a more coherent worldview about campaigns than many politicians, and his tactics actually do a pretty good job of reflecting his strategic assumptions. He considers campaigns to be purely a candidate-driven, mass-media exercise. One could also say, perhaps less charitably, that he sees his candidacy as an extension of the mechanism of becoming a celebrity: It's about using television to get in front of as large an audience as possible to get as many people as you can to like you. Even as his campaign has grown and changed, he has been remarkably disciplined at not spending much time or money on anything that doesn't reflect that approach.
Now I think that dramatically fails to appreciate the extent to which campaigns are not just about changing people's opinions to get them to like you. Now more than ever, thanks to partisan polarization, campaigns are about modifying the behavior of people who already like you getting the unregistered to register, mobilizing infrequent voters to turn out. That is best done through targeted communications that don't involve the candidate.
We know from dozens if not hundreds of randomized field experiments that the best way to turn a non-voter into a voter is to have a well-trained volunteer from his or her neighborhood conduct a high-quality face-to-face interaction at the doorstep. The Clinton campaign is building the structure to do a lot of that, at scale, before voters they have modeled as most likely to change their behavior as a result. That doesn't fit into Trump's idea of what an election is about. To his credit, though, unlike a lot of candidates, he doesn't go through the motions of halfheartedly opening field offices or printing up yard signs to fill them with without understanding how they fit into his broader strategy.
Tankersley: That implies that Trump needs to be wildly successful in his quest to get people to like him, correct? He either needs to get them to like him so much that they will get themselves to the polls at a historically high rate (with essentially no knock-and-drag from the campaign). And/or he needs to get so many people to like him that he can afford massive leakage on Election Day from his lack of an advanced turnout operation?
Issenberg: Right.
Hopefully Silver upholds some semblance of standards and refuses to use it.
Olympic Medals by President:
289 Obama
282 Reagan
270 W.
220 Clinton
211 LBJ
180 HST
162 Ike
119 GHWB
104 Ford
102 Nixon
60 FDR
12 Carter
The Olympics really does take the air out of Trump's "America doesn't win anymore" shtick.
Okay, I have a theory on why "Hillary is a sickly old woman who will die soon!" is catching on.
Basically, uncucked Republicans were hoping that Trump supporters would kill Hillary. However, after nothing happened after the "maybe the second amendment people can do something, I don't know," these non-cucks remembered that Trump fans are total losers who can kill people in ambushes but have no chance of executing an assassination.
So they were just really hopeful that Hillary was going to be killed and now they realize that it won't happen.
So now they have to fantasize about another way Hillary will die.
Okay, I have a theory on why "Hillary is a sickly old woman who will die soon!" is catching on.
Basically, uncucked Republicans were hoping that Trump supporters would kill Hillary. However, after nothing happened after the "maybe the second amendment people can do something, I don't know," these non-cucks remembered that Trump fans are total losers who can kill people in ambushes but have no chance of executing an assassination.
So they were just really hopeful that Hillary was going to be killed and now they realize that it won't happen.
So now they have to fantasize about another way Hillary will die.
Doesn't hold up. The health rumors have been around since she was Secretary and suffered a mild concussion in like 2012 or so.
I know this is pretty meaningless, but I still wish Ray-gun and Dubya weren't so high. And holy shit @ Carter.
The only thing I can say is that I prefer my candidates for President to be a bit younger. It's a rough ass job. Early 40's is ideal.
Or a simpler explanation:
Hillary is a woman. Women are weak. Men are virile and strong. Therefore, she's weak and sick.
Never look for a complex answer where sexism will suffice.
That PA poll is from a Canadian company.
OMG it gets better and better. lol
But it hasn't a thing that the Trump campaign has pushed until after the "second amendment people" passed.
That PA poll is from a Canadian company.
OMG it gets better and better. lol
Hillary is a woman. Women are weak. Men are virile and strong. She is not a man. Therefore, she's weak and sick.