Did he get a date?
Well, unless he's going for drinks with Harambe...
Did he get a date?
He's expressing his love for Nate Silver. And Harambe.
Adam all the Gokaigers are coming back for the 2000th episode of sentai. Just 2 weeks before the presidential debates
Oh my god.
Bad news is Silver has the worse post series hair I ever seen.
I need more poll Hopium to keep me going.
I need more poll Hopium to keep me going.
+6 Ohio is pretty hype honestly.
what even is the point of your model Nate
I hope Trump says something controversial this week. It's been too long.
We got "Hillary is dying" and "the ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews" this week from the Trump campaign as a whole though.
Wait, when did this Holocaust controversy pop up? I guess I haven't been paying attention!
Which one? The thing with the Greens? Or is there another?
fwiw, the state polls are still indicating wider leads than you'd expect from the national polls
who were these "latino community leaders" anyway?Has there been a followup interview with Latino leaders who were at the Trump meeting and said that was the impression they got?
Right-wing news outlets are going after Princess Huma.
fwiw, the state polls are still indicating wider leads than you'd expect from the national polls
Right wingers have been shitting on and demonizing Huma as soon as she started her position, for years, trying to connect her with terrorist groups, etc. Predictably despicable, but nothing new or original.
Also, fuck Giuliani for jumping on the "Hillary looks like she's about to die and has mental illness" train and pushing the fuck out of that meme. Every time I think he couldn't be a more vile human being, he proves me wrong.
The "only 20% of Americans voted in the primaries!" meme is dumb. Get off your lazy ass and register as a Dem to vote for Martin O'Malley or register as an R and pick from one of 17 choices if you hate Hillary and Trump.
These people fucking love to complain about things they could have influenced but were too lazy to.
The "only 20% of Americans voted in the primaries!" meme is dumb. Get off your lazy ass and register as a Dem to vote for Martin O'Malley or register as an R and pick from one of 17 choices if you hate Hillary and Trump.
These people fucking love to complain about things they could have influenced but were too lazy to.
Not sure if this is everywhere or not, but NBC on Demand has a fuck ton of convention speeches from as far back as the 50s. I'm watching Johnson in 1964 right now.
Anyway I figured out who released that poll. It's some oil and gas firm based in Alberta Canada which is were I live.
This is one reason to why that pollster thinks trump is leading in PA now.
One of the reasons of Trumps surge is attributable to seemingly strong support from the women added Mukherjee.
Man, shouldn't have watched The Witch before going to bed.
not gay -> a little gay -> gay -> totally gay -> fabulous -> incredibly gay
not gay -> a little gay -> gay -> totally gay -> fabulous -> incredibly gay
Where do I fit along this scale?
Here's your hype train of Democratic convention speeches:
1) Bryan, 1896 (The Cross of Gold)
2) Humphrey, 1948 (Bright Sunshine of Human Rights)
3) Kennedy, 1980 (Dream Shall Never Die)
4) Cuomo, 1984 (Tale of Two Cities)
5) Obama, 2004 (Audacity of Hope)
Did the gifs not load? dratWhere do I fit along this scale?
Here's your hype train of Democratic convention speeches:
1) Bryan, 1896 (The Cross of Gold)
2) Humphrey, 1948 (Bright Sunshine of Human Rights)
3) Kennedy, 1980 (Dream Shall Never Die)
4) Cuomo, 1984 (Tale of Two Cities)
5) Obama, 2004 (Audacity of Hope)
[...] incredibly gay -> Adam
No gifs. Sad.Did the gifs not load? drat
I cannot wait for the future of politics where in another 10-20 years absolutely every candidate will have a paper trail of social media and other internet postings a lightyear long to browse. At this point, if you want to make a specific effort to have a career in politics, you'd have to be disciplined from birth to never say anything online, ever. Imagine a world where 25+ years of social media and internet archiving exists on everyone before oppo research even started, lol. SO MUCH FUN!
Anyone want to hire me to be that cute girl that swears that she totally lived next door to the candidate in college so I can get access to their private posts and videos? Yes. This will happen. There will be Carlos Danger-style catfishing against political foes as the norm.
yo don't hate on CuomoSo a bunch of losers + Obama.
Have I been missing a lot in politics in the past...week or so? Is Trump suicidal?